The Great Demon System Chapter 68: A Child In a Candy Shop

68 A Child In a Candy Shop

"Umm… Avilia? You there…" Moby asked with a hint of worry, as Avilia has been quiet for almost half a minute.

"Is this real? What the fuck did I just witness? First, it was that angel blessing and now I find out that you are a real sin demon and draconic demon hybrid. That has never been done before. EVER! You are actually a combination of 2 of the strongest demon types I know…"

"I myself was a demon of sin, that is what I expected you to turn into. I even gave you a few of the exclusive skills before your evolution like mind control, eyes of sin, and your devil’s hand."

"There is no such thing as a "lesser demon of sin". So, I did not think it was odd that you did not get a specific demon type or class like your teammates. The same goes for a draconic demon… There is also no such thing as a "lesser draconic demon."

"Were you even a human before your first evolution? Now I am questioning that more and more… Who are your parents? That level 100 demon skill book you have is not at all normal. The same also goes for how they had my demon necklace. And how you obtained draconic blood. All of that is not normal…"

"The only plausible theory that I could come up with is that your parents are actually draconic demons of some kind… That is still very weird… I am sure that you were definitely a human when I first saw you… This means that they either adopted you, or they found a way to suppress your demon nature."

"To my knowledge, my parents were just normal people… They died during the war a few years ago. To be honest, I don’t remember much about them. My memory is really cloudy about that part." Moby replied, making him think deeply about his past and his parents’ true identity.

"I see…" Avilia replied, still in shock.

"So… I am now a dragon demon and a sin demon at the same time."

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"That’s really interesting. Lucifer, one of the first-ever demons, who is mostly referred to as Satan, transformed into a dragon when he went against arc angel Michael in their fight for heaven. Maybe being a dragon has something to do with that," Moby said.

"There you go, mentioning names I don’t recognize once again. Where did you learn this?" Avilia asked?

"From the school library that one time we went," Moby replied.

’Draconic demons are not very common at all. During my whole life, I have only come across a few. And even then, I was not able to learn much about them. All I know is that they were extremely strong." Avilia said.

’I have never heard Avilia talk about other people with such praise… If she is talking about them like that, then they must be stronger than I can imagine.’ Moby thought.

"Yes, it does. Sin demons are very good with pure demon energy manipulation, strong mind control, and many other cool abilities. The system will help you learn the techniques that I learned in the past as I was a sin demon as well. However, it will not help you with your draconic abilities as I myself have no experience with them or know any of their techniques. You will be on your own on that," Avilia explained.

"I understand…" Moby replied, nodding his head.

"So, what sin do I represent? Wrath? Or maybe pride?" Moby asked excitedly.

"You do not represent a sin… You are sin itself. You have the power to assign your servants a sin to give them more power. However, that sin will need to make sense with their personality or past, you can’t just give anyone a sin. Back in my time as demon lord, I assigned a sin to each of my seven generals. I recommend you to do the same. I did not explain this before. But, not just any demon can start their own demon household. Demons of sin like you and I are one of the few that have that ability." Avilia explained which made Moby really excited.

"Due to Jayden’s past, I can give her the sin of lust. And, Abby has become really ruthless these days so I can assign her the sin of wrath. And! If I turn…" Moby excitedly thought before being interrupted by Avilia.

"I’m sorry to burst your bubble. But, you can only assign sins to your servants once you evolve into a greater demon, you currently don’t have enough power to do so." Avilia said.

"Well, that’s a bummer. But, now is not the time to feel sad or disappointed. Now is the time to feel happy. And if what I am seeing in front of me is an indication of what there is to come, then I will definitely not be disappointed!" Moby said, looking at his new stat sheet.

"Well, I will leave you to do your own thing and make your own judgements. I will just be watching from the back while I contemplate my life choices." Avilia said, still stunned by what she just witnessed.


Name: Moby Kane

Race: Draconic Demon Of Sin

Level: 30

XP to next level 9,000/30,000

Power Level: 11,850 (10,250 + 1,600)

Hp: 165/165

Demon Energy: 263 /263

Demon Energy regeneration: 158 Demon Energy/Hour

Strength: 336 (281 + 55)

Agility: 314 (289 + 25)

Endurance: 272 (222 + 50)

Intelligence: 263 (233 + 30)

Mind: 100 (60 + 40)

Available Points to distribute: 0


As soon as Moby saw his new stats, his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

’HOW THE FUCK AM I SO STRONG!! My power level is around the same as Abby’s!!! And I don’t even have an ability!!’ Moby thought, foaming from the mouth.

Moby then scrolled down to check out any new skills. He ignored all the old skills that didn’t level up and focused on the new ones.


Sense [Level 3] (Passive)

Greatly Enhances a users 5 senses


Inspect [Level 3]

Allows the user to inspect any person or object and general information will be available.


Draconic Blood [ Level 1] (Passive)

The Host’s power is strengthened due to his draconic blood.

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All stats except for mind +80


Draconic Scales [ Level 1] (Passive)

The host’s skin is hardened due to his new draconic skin.

Endurance +50


Drain [Level 1]

This skill drains any creature’s (except for plants) health and energy and transfers them to the user. The stronger and healthier the enemy the better. The target must be alive for this skill to work.


Air Steps [Level 1]

This skill allows the user to use a triple jump mid-air by letting out a pulse of demon energy from their feet or air around them.

Cost: 5 demon energy/jump


Pure Demon Energy Manipulation [Level 1] (passive)

The user can control the pure essence of demon energy itself to perform strong attacks and defences.

Cost: It Depends...

Strength +50


Sin Mode [Level 1]

A mode exclusive to the sin demon. This mode allows the user to gain energy from their enemy’s emotions, turning them into power for as long as the transformation is active. This skill can only target one enemy at a time. While this mode is active, the user can also read the emotions of the target of the skill. The power boost depends on what emotion the target/enemy is feeling and is different depending on the emotion. Multiple effects are possible if the target is feeling multiple of the emotions that are listed. The emotions felt must be a direct result of the user’s actions or else the skill would have no effect. The power boosts go as follows.

Anger = Strength

Annoyance = Agility

Fear = Endurance

Shame/Embarrassment = Health Regeneration + Energy Regeneration

Cost: Nothing

Activation: 1 time / 24 hours

Duration: 5 minutes


After carefully reading through all the new skills, Moby couldn’t help but start laughing like a lunatic who had a little too much cocaine.


"These new skills are amazing!! How does this pure demon energy manipulation work!" Moby said, bringing his hand out.

Suddenly, a small dark purple ball of energy emerged from his right hand. The ball floated a few inches away from his hand. It gave out a subtle glow and was slightly pulsating. It was exactly how Moby imagined pure energy would look like.

Moby condensed the ball of energy into one finger and shot it straight at the wall of the cave, making a small finger-sized hole.

’Hah! This is great! I will need to experiment with this power more! I know I can do a lot more damage than that if I put more energy into the attack,’ Moby thought.

’Next, air steps!’ Moby thought, running out of the cave, jumping a few meters into the air. Then, he focused his demon energy into the area around his feet, boosting him up even higher. After that, he did a flip, putting his feet straight above him, his head facing towards the ground. Next, he performed his final jump, bolting towards the ground at immense speed, kicking at the ground, causing a small crater.

’Woww!! I feel like a kid who just got new toys for Christmas! These skills are so useful! Plus, I feel so much stronger and faster than before! I feel reborn!!’ Moby thought in excitement, like a hyperactive child on a massive sugar rush.

’The last thing I need to test out now is drain!’ Moby thought, jumping towards the swamp to find a weak magical beast to test it on.

When he arrived there, he made a cut on his skin, making himself lose 20 HP.

Moby’s demon energy was already 21 away from max which was good enough for him to test out the skill.

He then grabbed one of the giant F rank frogs and immediately used his "Drain" skill.

Before the frog even had the chance to retaliate, It suddenly lost its ability to move. Then, After a few seconds, the frog turned into a shrivelled corpse.

’Only 10 demon energy and 5 hp restored? Plus, it took a few seconds for it to completely drain them. I assume this is because the target is only an F rank. However, even if it wasn’t, I can’t see this becoming useful in a 1 vs 1 fight. But! In a group fight, this can be very useful. Draining one of the enemies as a power and health source before moving on to the next one! As long as there are enemies, I would always have power!’ Moby thought with a smile.

’The last new skill I gained was "Sin Mode" which sounds really strong just from reading the description.’

’I can literally gain power by fucking with people and their emotions!’

’But, I do not want to test it out now as it has a 24-hour cooldown. It would be too careless to just waste it like that. There might be a possibility that I will need to use it in the very near future. I would hate to have it on cooldown if such a thing happens.’

’Well, It’s only 3 am right now and I don’t feel tired at all! I still have the rest of the night to experiment with these new powers!’ Moby thought with a devilish, child-like smile.



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