The Great Demon System Chapter 78: Vive la Re?volution!

78 Vive la Re?volution!

On Abby’s way back to her camp, she noticed a fully armoured goblin patrolling in the forest. After killing him and taking his armour, she showed it to her team as soon as they woke up before cashing it in as a C rank beast.

She explained how she planned to raid a goblin city filled with such creatures and she requires their assistance.

All of them were very unsure of their leader’s proposal but no one dared to object and were instead super enthusiastic which really surprised and excited Abby. She felt like she was increasingly growing on them as a leader and that they were trusting her even more.

She explained her plan of attack to the group, leaving out some important details, telling them that they would be attacking in the coming days. A lot of the things she said did not make sense to her group but they dared not object or even ask any questions.

Since the swamp where Abby’s camp was situated had already been cleared, they moved to the forest near the goblin city to hunt the beasts in the area.

Abby left her group telling them to take a break while she scouted the exterior of the city.

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Of course, this was not entirely true. She was about to start the first phase of her plan.

Her plan to start a revolution.

However, before she could begin, she needed to test out the strength of her new undead summon.

Unlike all her other summons, Grunk was the first to be worth more than 1 space (5 spaces) making him stronger than his original strength when it was alive.

She wanted to ask her lord about what makes this particular summon special but chose against it because she did not want to bother her lord about such a trivial matter, waiting for their daily meeting to let him know.

She was impressed to find out that its strength was at a high C rank (around 9000) and that its old fire magic now closely resembled her fire ability although much weaker.

She now began the first phase of her plan, she equipped the full body armour of the goblin she killed earlier on Grunk to hide his unnatural white skin. Then, she sucked him into her storage ring, throwing it over the walls and into the goblin city.

Due to Abby’s connection with her undead, she was able to use their eyes as her own, putting herself into their shoes while giving them commands and orders on what to do. This included anything from simple to complex commands depending on the intelligence level of her undead summon. In the case of Grunk, this also allowed her to order him on what to say.

So, that was exactly what she ordered Grunk to do. After every kill, she ordered him to suck the dead body into the storage ring before throwing it far away while also at the same time sucking himself into the ring as it flies out of his hand far into the distance.

Doing this would ensure that Grunk could not be tracked at all allowing him to kill multiple Aagz goblins in a single day.

Then, after overhearing that there would be a meeting between the goblin slaves to discuss the city’s current state, she knew that she had to make Grunk attend.

So, Grunk was successful in entering the meeting. He is currently being escorted down a flight of stairs by 2 scrawny and lightly armoured goblins.

Now began phase 3 of Abby’s plan. Convince the goblin slaves to join her and revolt against their Aagz goblin overlords under the premise that they have the support of the human queen.

After a few seconds of walking, they finally reached a filthy but decently large room with around 50 goblins, who were mostly elderly, sitting around dirty wooden tables.

\\u003c\\u003c So! Are you sure that this Aagz of light shenanigans is real Prostoc?? \\u003e\\u003e An extremely elderly blue goblin said, standing on a wooden box in front of the room.

\\u003c\\u003c Yes elder! Trust me! I witnessed it with my own eyes! You must believe me! \\u003e\\u003e He responded.

\\u003c\\u003c Ummm… Elder, you have an uninvited visitor who has something important to say, \\u003e\\u003e One of the guards said, interrupting the conversation.

\\u003c\\u003c How dare you interrupt me for such a stupid reason!! Just kick him out!! And what are you doing here!! You should be keeping watch outside!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c B-b-but elder, it’s the Aagz of light… He has important news to deliver… \\u003e\\u003e

The entire room gasped all at once while some scoffed at such blasphemy.

\\u003c\\u003c How dare you spout such lies in my presence! If you were not the best warrior here, I would have had you killed! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c But elder! I am not lying, look! \\u003e\\u003e He muttered, revealing the fully armoured goblin behind him.

\\u003c\\u003c Greetings my fellow goblin brothers! My name is Grunk. I have come bearing great news and a chance for you to reclaim your lost freedom from the Aagz goblin tyranny! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c WHY DID YOU LET AN AAGZ GOBLIN IN HERE!! IF WE WORK TOGETHER WE CAN TAKE HIM OUT!! ATTACK!! \\u003e\\u003e The elder ordered.

The few Alb goblins in the room fired their elemental magic at Grunk all at once only for it to be blocked by a wall of scarlet flames that he erected, shocking all the goblins in the room including the elder.

\\u003c\\u003c My goblin brothers! Calm down! I have come in peace! I mean you no harm! If I wanted you dead, I would have killed you long ago! Or, I would have run and reported you to the other guards! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c As proof of my words, I have taken the time to kill a few disgusting Aagz goblins. I hope you now understand I am on your side, \\u003e\\u003e Grunk said, releasing the 10 Aagz goblins he had killed from his storage ring and onto the ground.

\\u003c\\u003c What kind of magic is this!! In all my years of living, I have never seen such a thing!! Also, you are the one who has been killing Aagz goblins!! They accused us and even killed a few of us for what you did!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c Sacrifices must be made in order to obtain true freedom, at least you now know that I am 100% on your side. And, how is that different from what happens to you every day? How long will you stand for this!!\\u003e\\u003e Grunks voice rang throughout the room, causing everyone to stare at the ground in silence.

\\u003c\\u003c Elder, will you allow me to take the stage? \\u003e\\u003e Grunk asked, immediately yet hesitantly receiving a nod back as the elder hopped off the small wooden box.

\\u003c\\u003c I will introduce myself once more! But this time, properly. \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c I am Grunk! And I am a general in the army of the human queen! Abby Reid. \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c The human queen!! Are you talking about the same humans who attacked us 10 years ago!! I lost my son in that battle!! How dare you associate yourself with such barbarians!! \\u003e\\u003e An elderly woman exclaimed.

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\\u003c\\u003c A lot has happened in the past 10 years. She is not what you think. She is a very kind and caring leader that fights against injustice! The old corrupt human leader was killed under a revolution leading to the rise of the new queen we have today!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c I was an Aagz goblin who was taken away from their Alb and Pizz parents at birth just like everyone else!! But unlike the others who forgot their roots, I did not! That is why I respect you people! Without you, I would not be here!! I had planned to free you for a very long time!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c?A few days ago on a patrol mission, I was severely injured by a beast and was bleeding out. There, I saw her, the human queen along with her elite unit. They saved my life, and in return, I pledged my allegiance. \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c She gave me very substantial items, skills and power for my loyalty. That is why I was able to easily block your attacks, I am now much stronger than most Aagz goblins all due to my queen’s blessing!! I begged her to help me in my mission to free the Alb and Pizz goblins from their Aagz overlords and she graciously accepted like the peace-loving, juste leader she is! \\u003e\\u003e

At that moment, Grunk lifted his helmet for a second, revealing his scarred face and pale skin.

\\u003c\\u003c This is from the injuries I sustained from the attack when the queen saved my life! This is why my speech is awkward! My white skin is the blessing I received from her!! This magical ring is a very powerful gift from my queen allowing me to magically store anything I want!! The queen is very powerful!! Even more powerful than the goblin king himself!! With her help, you can take back your freedom!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c Ensure a better tomorrow for your future generations!! The queen will gladly welcome you into her country as equals to everyone else! No discrimination at all!! We will start a revolution!!! Who is with me!!! \\u003e\\u003e Grunk screamed, putting his hands in the air with clear passion.

A group of goblins stood up, pumping their fists in the air vigorously.

\\u003c\\u003c REVOLUTION!! REVOLUTION!! REVOLUTION!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c I agree that what you say is indeed very good news, however, I still do not trust you, \\u003e\\u003e The elder said, interrupting all the cheering.

\\u003c\\u003c I believe your story that the queen is very powerful and that you want to set us free, but, how is this even possible? Will her army be good enough to stand against the 250 Aagz soldiers? We only have around 2000 warriors able to fight and we know we don’t even stand a chance. And even if we actually beat them, how will we know that we will truly be treated justly under the goblin queen? \\u003e\\u003e The elder said, making everyone that was mindlessly screaming stop and think.

\\u003c\\u003c The Queen’s Army only consists of 30 elite warriors, each is either on par or far stronger than an Aagz goblin. With them and the power of the queen, we should be able to win!! She only has so little because she is currently on an expedition away from the human kingdom which is on another planet. And to prove that she will treat you correctly, she gave me a few very expensive human treasures to share with you. Each is worth at least a few thousand gold coins. \\u003e\\u003e Grunk said, pulling out several hot pizza boxes from his storage ring.

\\u003c\\u003c This is a human delicacy called "Pizza". It is so good that humans would die to even have a chance of tasting it, \\u003e\\u003e Grunk explained, opening one of the boxes releasing the pizza’s delicious smell throughout the entire room, making several goblins drool on the ground like babies.

\\u003c\\u003c Well, I guess it beats eating most of the disgusting slob we eat every day. We just had our first serving of meat in years! It was a delicious meat soup! I doubt it’s as good as you claim, the soup we had was probably better! Actually, I bet that your food is probably poisoned! Any of you foolish goblins want to try it and be my taste tester? \\u003e\\u003e The elder scoffed with a small chuckle, making the room go quiet once again.

\\u003c\\u003c I will do it! \\u003e\\u003e A young Alb goblin bravely volunteered.

\\u003c\\u003c good luck dying!! \\u003e\\u003e The goblin elder said with an amused look.

The goblin took a deep gulp of saliva before picking up a piece and taking a bite.

\\u003c\\u003c So? How is it? Is it poisoned? \\u003e\\u003e A member of the audience nervously asked.

\\u003c\\u003c Yes… yes, it is poisoned… \\u003e\\u003e He quietly responded in a monotone voice.

\\u003c\\u003c HA! See!! I told all you fools! \\u003e\\u003e The elder laughed.

\\u003c\\u003c It’s poisoned… WITH DELICIOUSNESS!! IT TASTES LIKE HEAVEN IN MY MOUTH!!! \\u003e\\u003e He said, gobbling down half of the box like a mad man.

This made all the goblins in the room go crazy, trying their best to fight for the remaining pizza slices.

\\u003c\\u003c Let me try!! Get out of my way!!! You can’t eat all of it!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c Just let me have a small nibble!! That’s all I want!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c Is it really as good as you say?? I have been eating dirt and bugs for the past few months!! \\u003e\\u003e

In only a few seconds, all the pizza was eaten, leaving many goblins hungry and disappointed.

\\u003c\\u003c There is more where that came from! Everyone enjoy!! \\u003e\\u003e Grunk said, pulling out dozens of pizza boxes making everyone cheer in glee and go wild like beasts and barbarians, pushing, shoving, and fighting everyone in their way just for a chance at another bite.

\\u003c\\u003c Here you go, elder! Try a slice! \\u003e\\u003e Grunk said to the elder, who was the only goblin not fighting over the pizza.

\\u003c\\u003c Fine! If I really must!! \\u003e\\u003e The elder aggressively grabbed it out of Grunk’s hand and quickly took a bite.

\\u003c\\u003c Hmmm…?? DELICIOUS!! What is this stretchy yellow thing? It feels so good just melting in my mouth!! And this soft meat and bread is something I’ve never imagined could be possible!! Can I have more!!\\u003e\\u003e The elder said like a little boy, quickly eating the slice.

\\u003c\\u003c Sorry, but it looks like we are all out of pizza… But! The human queen promises you free pizza for the rest of your lifetimes as long as you agree to join her glorious kingdom!! She is a fair leader who only wants Justice!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c Do you want your freedom from the terrible oppression you suffer from every day!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c YESS!! \\u003e\\u003e Everyone screamed in unison, this time including the elder.

\\u003c\\u003c Do you want a better a better tomorrow for you and your future generations!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c YESS!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c Are you willing to fight alongside the human queen for freedom and a much better life!! \\u003e\\u003e

\\u003c\\u003c YESSSSS!!! \\u003e\\u003e


’Hahahahha!! Such simple-minded mongrels! All that I needed to do to win them over was some cheap pizza!! My lord will be so proud of me!’ Abby thought, unable to control her excitement and laughter.

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