The Great Demon System Chapter 86: An Old Friend...

86 An Old Friend...

This was due to Becky and her bug ability.

Jayden simply could not find an opportunity to stay clear of her teammate’s sight. At first, she had planned to go elsewhere to evolve under the excuse that she was going to take a shit. However, it did not work as Alex always kept a closer eye on her, not allowing her to go too far. And, due to Becky’s spirit bug ability, she was able to easily spy on Jayden if she so pleased, which is something Jayden could not risk doing. This is why she also opted to not shapeshift and run away as there would be a high risk of being caught that she simply could not afford. She thought about just killing the spirit bug if she noticed that it is following her. However, she ultimately decided against it as it would seem treacherous and suspicious as hell.

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Even at night when other teams usually took turns to watch over, her team did no such thing as Becky’s spirit bug was always hovering in the air, scouting the area around them, notifying them about any incoming beast making Nightwatch redundant.

If Jayden wanted even a chance to evolve in peace, she needed some way to either kill or critically injure Becky. She would rather critically injure her than kill her as she was vital to the team’s success and Jayden still wanted a decent score on the test. She needed her gone if she wished to sneak off to meet with Moby for a chance to evolve. Sadly for Jayden, she was sure that any underhanded tactic she could pull would be immediately caught by Alex, something she did not want at all. So, all she could do was wait and be patient for the chance that Lady Luck could shine upon her before the end of the exam.

And finally, her gamble had paid off…

While walking inside a narrow path in the forest, the group randomly heard a loud scream.


The group was startled and immediately rushed over to where they heard the scream. they found a deep, narrow hole that had a large pile of leaves beside it, like a trap of some sort.

At the bottom, they saw the bloody figure of the screaming and gagging Becky being impaled by a wooden spike that had some sort of purple substance oozing from its edges.

Luckily, Becky was able to notice what she was falling into thanks to Parson’s night vision. So, she was luckily able to react in time to lessen the blow by kicking the tip of the wooden spike, breaking it off making it less sharp and lessening the amount of weird purple substance ontop of it.

"Alli! Can you save her!?" Alex asked with nervousness and clear concern, looking at the agonizing, unconscious, skinny, blood coughing, purple-veined, pale-faced blonde girl laying in front of him.

"Umm… Luckily she is still alive… I am able to completely heal her injuries but I have no idea how to heal this poison, I’ve never dealt with such a thing before… Luckily, not that much poison entered her system so I think she should be able to survive… best-case scenario is that she stays unconscious and wakes up tomorrow. As for worst-case is that she will stay unconscious until we head back to earth and get her proper treatment… I guess death is still slightly possible." Alli timidly explained while healing Becky, lessening her pain, making her tense face relax and go to sleep.

"Fuck! I can’t risk her dying!! Even if we lose out on a lot of points by doing this! It is still worth it to save her life!!!" Alex screamed, holding the emergency button in his right hand.

"Hey!! Bro! Cut that out!!! If you do that, we would definitely be docked points and would look like pussys in front of the entire school and teachers!! I can’t have that on my conscience man! I would not be surprised if there was an extra rule that they did not tell us about upon pressing the button to punish and separate pussies from true warriors!! My family would fucking kill me for being a disappointment and a disgrace if you press that shit!!! Don’t fucking do it bro!! I swear if you do I would rather fight you here and now to maintain my honour and dignity as a man!!" Marth said, tightly grabbing onto Alex’s hand.

"I don’t fucking care!! An innocent human life is more important than your stupid fucking pride and family honour!" Alex retorted in anger.

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"Umm… I am okay with going home now too… I miss school… I would rather deal with bullies than high-rank beasts lurking everywhere… Plus,?she really needs help! That’s a good enough excuse for using the button right..." Parson nervously said.

"Shut the fuck up pip squeak!! No one fucking asked for your opinion!!" Marth bellowed at Parson who was standing behind him making him shriek and shudder in fear.

"Alex, calm down and think things through, we can’t be acting so hasty. I agree with Marth, the button is probably some sort of test from the school to see who is a pussy and who will tough it out to the end like a true soldier. Please calm down and make the right decision Alex… If her condition gets critical, then press the button… Just please hold off for now... Jayden confidently said with a serious face.

"AHAHAHAHAHA! You finally show your true colours huh bitch!! I knew it!! you don’t care about your teammate’s lives at all!!" Alex screamed like a crazy person.

"Ummm… Alex… I would also have to agree with them… The chances that she will die are almost none… You should just calm down a bit and think things through…" Alli reluctantly added.

"Do none of you understand!!! Do none of you care at all about the lives of the innocent!! You are all a bunch of madmen!!" Alex screamed as he slowed delved further into insanity.

Then, suddenly, Alex felt a small tug on his legs. It was none other than Becky who was laying beneath him…

"Don’t do it… Please…" Becky barely managed to mutter before once again going unconscious.

"Huh… Why… Why is everyone like this… Caring more about some stupid points on a test than your very life..." Alex quietly said, dropping on 2 knees.

"Don’t you get it! If we do bad in school, there would be no point in living! Military school decides absolutely everything in a person’s life! That’s always how society worked since the war… You’re a good leader… Please, stop living in your own little goodie too shoes fantasy and grow up a little and face reality!" Marth said in a harsh yet caring tone.

"Hey… Alex… Don’t feel down… We all know that your heart is in the right place… But you sometimes need to stop and think of things from other people’s perspectives and not just act on pure instinct. Life has gotten a lot harder ever since the war… People’s ideals and motivations are entirely dependent on military school. Most people would rather die than to fail military school and get disowned by their families. I believe that she most likely also falls under that category of people. Sometimes saving 1 person will come at the cost of killing many... You are a very kind-hearted person! I have only ever seen you get mad when you stand up for your friends and at clear injustice! You don’t go out of your way to bully the innocent like all the other high ranking students! I have grown to admire that about you! Don’t let this incident make you lose sight of who and what you are! Use this as a learning opportunity to grow!! I believe in you!" Jayden said with a bright smile that shined brightly like the sun, squatting down to meet Alex’s eye level, reaching her hand out to him to help him get back on his feet.

"Yeah… I guess you are right…" Alex said with a small chuckle, grabbing Jayden’s hand, regaining his composure once again.

"Ok guys! We are going to find a good hiding place to safely camp out for the rest of the exam! We are far ahead of the team in 3rd place and there is no way in hell we would be able to catch up to first place so I think we should be safe just hiding for the rest of the exam or until Becky makes a full recovery!! Does anyone have any objections!!!" He picked up Becky’s unconscious body, effortlessly putting it on his shoulder and announced to the rest of the group.

They just nodded back at him with a smile and continued on the path they were on, only to find even more traps, all of which had already been activated but with no sign of blood on the spikes that were in perfect condition which was really fascinating to the group. So, they just decided to take a more obscure pathway to avoid the traps and continued to look for a suitable hiding spot to camp out for the rest of the exam.

’Fewwwww!!! That was close!! For a second there I thought that he was actually going to do it!! It would have fucked up everything If he had actually pressed that button!! Luckily! Now, I will have a greater opportunity to evolve and I think Alex hates me a little less now!! I wonder how much stronger I will get!! Natalia won’t even stand a chance!!’ Jayden thought, brimming with excitement and anticipation.

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