The Great Demon System Chapter 93: Overwhelmed

93 Overwhelmed

"What the fuck did you do with Moby you fucking bitch! And what do you mean by "Future Wife"! He doesn’t even like your ass at all! Don’t tell me that you notice that?" Jayden screamed, trying to buy more time to try and contact Moby once more.

"Ho ho ho! Au contraire! He just confessed his love to me today! And he even gave me the green light to slice you up into a million pieces!!" Natalia shrieked with a devilish laugh.

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Even though she knew that what Moby did was all part of their plan to lure her out and make her feel happy before turning on her and snuffing that happiness away, it still made her a little sad to hear those words come out of Natalia’s mouth.

"Now… Enough Chit chat! It’s time for you to die!" Natalia said with a cheerful clap, blinking towards Jayden who was still in her fighting stance, daggers in hand.

Although Jayden felt like all her senses were extremely improved, especially after her evolution, she still found it extremely hard to track Natalia’s movements. She knew that she cannot attack her mid-blink and only when she reappears. So, she transformed herself into her shadow figure and drifted away in order to come up with a better plan of attack.

However, her shadow figure was not completely immune to all attacks like one would believe at first hand. All it did was turn her into a shadowy figure of herself that was extremely hard to spot, with a small, barely visible core in the middle of it that represented her life essence. Attacking the core would be the same thing as attacking her directly.

Jayden doubted that Natalia would have enough vision and skill to accurately attack her extremely small, flexible core but, she was sadly mistaken.

"WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE RUNNING OFF TOO!!!"?Natalia screamed as she effortlessly slashed down at it with nearly perfect accuracy, making Jayden go back into her normal form with a huge slash mark on her back, tumbling and falling before rolling over to hide behind a tree.

’Shit! What kind of insane buffs does that armour give!’ Jayden inwardly cursed.

"Ha ha ha ha! There is no hiding from me!" Natalia screamed, dashing towards the tree at her top speed. Then, as she got near it, an extremely fast shadowy electric dagger zoomed right past her face as she managed to barely dodge it, creating a large scar on her left cheek.

"Ahhh!! My beautiful face! How dare you do that! Moby might now hate me all because of you!!" She bellowed, blinking around the extremely fast, speeding daggers coming her way.

"I got you now!! She screamed, slashing the tree Jayden was hiding behind in half, only to find out that there was nobody there, making Natalia extremely confused.

"Where the fuck did you go! Show yourself!!" She roared at the top of her voice.

Jayden had transformed herself into a little rodent before sneaking up to Natalia from behind for a sneak attack. However, she only barely managed to miss Natalia’s vitals due to her inexperience in a fight to the death, she still required a lot more training from Moby to be able to perfectly attack a person’s vitals whenever she wanted.

Jayden’s Doppelganger Abilities were strong but had many major drawbacks. The first was that Jayden was limited to switching between only 5 transformations, and those transformations must have been people or beasts that she had seen within the last 24 hours, copying their abilities and powers at 70% of their original strength from the last time that she saw them. This meant that Jayden was limited to only her teammates and a few beasts that she had no idea how to properly move with due to them all have 4 legs. However, she did find it a bit easier than usual to run when she transformed into that little rodent that she used for the sneak attack.

The second major downside was that it required a second or so to switch between transformations, however, she felt like that time had been exponentially cut down due to her evolution.

Jayden thought about running away from the fight to stall for Moby’s return however, she knew that Natalia would then go berserk killing everything in the area until she was finally caught as well.

"WHAT THE FUCK!! ALEX HART!!! Where did you come from?? What are you fucking doing here! Don’t tell me you are siding with that whore! I thought you were better than this!!" She bellowed in anger, kicking him away straight in the stomach, forcing him to clench it in pain.

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"Where the hell is Jayden Griffith! Answer me now! And where did you come from I didn’t hear jack shit!!" She yelled at Alex who was standing in front of her.

"I have no idea what you are talking about… I was always here…" Jayden replied, trying to buy some time.

"I am not that stupid you know! You were never always here! The point still stands, you tried to kill me and you don’t want to tell me where she went. So, you have no use for me! So die!!" She yelled, blinking towards Jayden who already cloaked herself in lightning.

Jayden created a shadow cage around Natalia in order to ensnare her movements which really surprised her as she did not see it coming as Jayden was nowhere to be found.

Then, Jayden threw one of her daggers straight at the ensnared Natalia while she rushed in for a direct hit up close. However, what she did not expect was to see Natalia blinking out of the shadow cage like it was not even there, startling Jayden, slashing straight at her chest before kicking her to the ground, causing a small crater and loud cracks. Then she blinked back down to the ground towards her in one swift motion with no hesitation at all, only to find herself clashing blades with herself, launching her other self back to the ground due to her immensely stronger power, causing her other self to spit out a mouthful of blood before it changed forms once more to Jayden Griffith’s.

"What the fuck is going on! What the hell are you! Are you even Jayden Griffith or some sort of demon monster!!" Natalia screamed, rushing towards Jayden who was standing below her, who was heavily panting and in pain.

"Huh...huh… I am… Both!" She managed to mutter before transforming back into Alex who was at this point her strongest transformation, cloaking herself in lightning before rushing towards Natalia, daggers in hand.

She threw both her daggers at Natalia who just blinked away before bringing them back into her hand, slashing at Natalia in front of her forcing her to blink once more before predicting by complete luck that she would blink behind her, which she did.

"Ha ha ha! You used up all your 3 blinks! Now die!!" Jayden screamed in victory, slashing toward’s Natalia’s face that smirked only an instant later.

She blinked once more to behind the slashing Jayden before stabbing her straight through the stomach forcing her to vomit a large chunk of blood and all the food that was in her system.

"What the fuck… I thought you were only limited to 3 blinks at a time… *Gag*" Jayden barely managed to mutter.

"Ha ha ha!! I knew that you and Moby had some sort of way to communicate with each other! I know you forced him to tell you all the intel he knew about me!!?so I decided to hide my true power on purpose just for a moment such as this!! To see the stupid look on your face as you think you won and outsmarted me but ending up failing miserably instead... "

"Don’t worry! I won’t kill you just yet! I am going to have fun making you suffer you fucking demon whore!" She said in a disturbingly ominous voice, taking her blade out of the still vomiting Jayden before kneeing her in the face at full force, breaking her nose and sending her flying before blinking right behind her, clasping her hand together and smashing her flying body to the ground like she was playing ping pong, breaking her back.

Then, She blinked back down towards her, with a smile on her face, looking at Jayden’s half-dead eyes before slashing her right boob and arm off in one clean swipe before kicking her in the stomach, sending her flying and crashing towards a large tree in the distance.

"This is only the beginning! I would sure wish I were dead if I were you! But don’t even try to kill yourself or I will make the pain 20 times more unpleasant!" Natalia laughed like a lunatic, slowly walking towards the heavily panting and injured Jayden who was holding her lost right arm and boob in pain.

Then, suddenly, Out of the forest, the sound of lightning striking was heard before the sound of various bird beasts flying away in the sky was seen.

Not even a second later, a tall, handsome purple-haired man cloaked in a heavy coat of lightning emerged out of the forest and into the clearing where Natalia and Jayden were.

"What the fuck is going on here!!" Alex screamed as he saw the figure of an unknown armoured girl walking towards a person who had lost an arm that looked exactly like him.

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