The Great Demon System Chapter 97: A Lovers Quarrel 3

97 A Lovers Quarrel 3

Even with Moby’s greatly enhanced speed, he was still unable to outrun the pull of the vortex sucking him in. So, he prepared another barrage of insults to throw at Natalia to even further increase his power. Things like: ’your breath really stinks, It makes me want to throw up every time I get near you. Or ’Even that ugly goblin bitch Haley was much hotter than you!’ However, when he tried to say it. His mouth wouldn’t move at all.

’WHOOPS!! Sorry, I forgot to mention in the description of sin mode that the user is forced to say only the truth or what he believes to be the truth! So, you can’t just spout random none sense and bullshit! Sorry!’ Avilia said with a casual chuckle in Moby’s head.

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’How the fuck could you forget such an important detail!! Or was this another one of your silly pranks that you masked as tests!’ Moby inwardly cursed towards Avilia who just laughed even harder in his head, further enraging and annoying Moby making him inwardly curse once more.

Then, all of a sudden, Natalia appeared from above him as he was distracted by Avilia’s words.

"Peeka Boo!" She screamed before slashing her blade straight at Moby’s eyes which he only barely managed to dodge, making it hit his forehead instead.

Then, she appeared right under him before giving him a strong uppercut to the jaw.

Moby was able to predict exactly where Natalia would appear almost every time. However, due to the vortex behind him ensnaring his movements, he was not able to dodge properly or react in time.

Natalia just continued to whale on Moby like a madwoman, ignoring any of the insults that he was spuing at her such as "I never liked you," and "Jayden is 1 million times hotter than your crusty ass," Which did not nearly hit as hard as when she heard them the first time.

Moby released a massive amount of demon energy from his body, firing blasts everywhere in hopes of one of them hitting Natalia but, it was all for no Avail as Natalia dodged every single last one of them.

A slash to his shoulder, a cuts on his cheek, a few bruises on his side, internal organ damage, a lost left hand, and a cut off ear, 2 cut off fingers and broken teeth. Those were all the damages that he sustained, baring them with his teeth clenched and an angry scowl on his face.

Moby roared in absolute anger, hatred, and desperation, sent various shockwaves through the air, greatly startling Natalia. This allowed him to barely dodge slash, before head butting Natalia’s face, breaking her nose and sending her flying, making her cancel her final attack.

[ System Alert! ]

[ New Skill Unlocked! ]


[ Emperor’s Roar (Level 1) ]

The user lets out a mighty dragon roar that causes strong shockwaves to ring throughout the air.

Side effects may include fear and ear damage.

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Cost: 50 demon energy


The still enraged Moby ignored the sudden notification alert in front of him and focus all his attention on Natalia who was in the air right in front of him.

He grabbed his sword with his right hand, tightly grasping it with his 3 remaining fingers before demon flashing towards the heavily fatigued and startled Natalia, thrusting his sword on her chest with nearly all his remaining demon energy.

When Natalia noticed what was happening, she tried her very hardest to blink away. However, when she tried, instead of blinking she ended up breaking every last tooth in her mouth from gritting her teeth too hard trying to force herself to blink with 0 mana.

Moby’s sword stabbed, cracked, and melted right through her armour as he moved his it in the shape of a circle, creating a large gaping hole where Natalia’s belly button once was.


Natalia cursed her existence as she stared at the gaping hole in her stomach with wide open eyes, in absolute horror and defeat as she felt her self gag and quickly lose her vision. She was so damn close to winning and making her dreams come true but she ended up failing despite all the effort, sacrifices, planning and dedication that she put into what she did.

’Why did this happen… Is the world saying that we were just never meant to be…’ She thought, feeling her consciousness slip away.

The last thing she saw before going unconscious was Moby’s heavily injured yet still beautiful face before she saw his knee make contact with her face, knocking her out.

Instead of celebrating, Moby looked at Natalia who was dying and bleeding out on the ground with eyes of immense hatred and disgust, heavily panting and holding his injuries from the fight.

He wished that she could have been conscious for what he was about to do but it was the only choice that he could do in his predicament and it was the thing that he had planned for even before the fight began.

With his 3 remaining fingers, he grabbed and lifted Natalia by her barely recognizable head, infusing her body with the last of his remaining demon energy before dropping her on the ground.

He watched as her unconscious body began moving on its own, twisting and turning in obscure and disturbing ways. The large gaping hole in her stomach instantly regenerated before being burned off like the rest of her skin that was melting away before being replaced. The sound of bones cracking and organs turning filled the quiet air as black blood began to pour out of every one of her hole.

A few seconds later, a large notification screen popped up right in front of him which was exactly what he was expecting, making him let out a small chuckle as his sin mode ran out causing his horns to retract, his raging aura and shadowy runic lines fade away, making him revert back to his former state.

[ System Alert! ]

[ You Have Created a Demon Succubus! ]

[ A New Demon Has Joined Your Household (House of The Blissful Demon) ]

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