The Growth of a Titan Chapter 12 - 12- Vicious Attack

Chapter 12: Chapter 12- Vicious Attack

"What is the meaning of this?!"

The old man asked as he pulled the two boys apart and glared at them.

The boy who did the hitting steeled his nerves and actually roared back.

"Don’t yell at me or else I’ll tell my father! Let me go! I want to leave! I said let me go!"

The boy began to thrash around mid yelling; his cries echoing loudly in the hall.

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The boy who was hit saw this, and after swearing to return the slap, he too began to follow the boy’s actions.

"That’s right you old fart, let us go! Why are you keeping us here, I want to see my parents!!"

This seemed to spark a chain reaction as even those who weren’t in the group were crying out to be released.

With the nearly one thousand kids all causing a ruckus, the overseers and even the guards at the door weren’t able to handle all of them.

As Farlon had predicted, the guards outside had to enter the temple to calm down the rioting kids.

Amon, Farlon, and Alma took this opportunity to weave their way through the chaos while avoiding the guards and reaching the edge of the crowd.

"Quick, let’s go!"

Amon yelled and the three all dashed for the double doors. However, two guards spotted them immediately.

"Where do you think you kids are going?!"

The two guards reacted quickly, and being that they were much faster than the kids they easily caught up to them. One of them grabbed Alma and pulled her back.

"Ah! Let go of me!"

Farlon seeing this saw red and was about to pounce on the man like a rabid pitbull, but he then saw the other guard moving towards Amon.

Making a smart split-second decision, Farlon threw himself between the guard and Amon.

The guard snorted and was still able to catch Farlon easily, but the slight distraction allowed Amon to reach the double doors.

However, there was a slight hesitation in his steps.

"Damn brats!"

The female guard who caught Farlon yelled as she move to grab Amon.

However, Farlon who was being held under her arm, suddenly extended his index and middle finger to stab at her eyes.

The woman was too focused on making sure Amon did get outside that Farlon’s vicious attack caught her off guard. And despite the woman being a powerful Paladin Warrior, a person’s eyes will always be a weak point without protection.

As a result, the woman could not help but released a blood-curdling scream when Farlon’s chubby fingers dug into her eye sockets.

All who saw this scene immediately paused to suck in a cold breath of air.

The attack was just too vicious.

Even Farlon who had made the vicious attack was reeling back in horror.

The female paladin dropped Farlon and clutch her face. The other male paladin that was holding Alma came out of his shock stupor and rushed to check on her condition.

On the ground, Farlon looked away from the female paladin to Amon at the double doors.

"Boss Amon, hurry and go!"

He knew Amon was hesitating because of them, but at least one of them should escape!

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Amon hearing Farlon’s yell was still hesitating, but Alma retorted her brother’s words.

After glancing at his two friends, Amon gritted his teeth and dashed through the door while yelling.

"I’ll go tell the village Chief what they’re doing, so wait for me!"

"Ha, damn brat, get back here!"

The male paladin who was checking on his companion threw Alma to the side and followed in pursuit after Amon through the double doors.

’Damn it! If he sees what’s happening outside, it might ruin our fabricated plans.’

The male paladin cursed internally, but soon a vicious light appeared in his eyes.

’Fine, then I’ll just kill you so you can’t tell the other kids. So what if the quota is down one kid?’

Murderous intent wafted from the male paladin as he slipped through the double doors while making sure they slam shut behind him.

On the outside, Amon was frantically running down the steps of the temple but accidentally slip as a result. After he rolled down the remaining stairs, he came to a stop against an object.

Amon rose with a groan and went to hold his aching head, but his hand immediately froze in front of his face. On his palm and sleeves was a red liquid.

"W-What is this?"

Amon look down to see not only his hands, but the golden robes the Church made the children of the village wear had this red gooey liquid on them.

Amon showed a disgusted expression as the strange liquid came with a weird pungent smell. He turned to see what his hands and clothes were caught in, but as he turned, Amon realize the object that had stopped him as he fell down the steps... was the mutilated corpse of a man.

The red liquid that was on his hands and clothes was from the abundance of blood pooling under the corpse.

The corpse itself had a long gash across its face, causing one of its eyes to pop out of its sockets revealing the nerves and flesh behind it.

Having come face-to-face with this impactful sight all of a sudden, the disgust on Amon’s face immediately changed to one of horror, and the little boy could not help but release a terrified scream.

Amon then hurriedly scrambled back to the steps out of fear, but the voice of the male paladin suddenly sounded behind him.

"See what happens when disobedient kids don’t listen? They see something they’re not supposed to."

As the male paladin spoke, he walked forward and drew his sword by his waist. After drawing his sword, he dashed down the steps to end Amon’s life with one swing.

Feeling the murderous intent of the man, Amon froze as the sword came at him.

However, just before the sword reached Amon, a small circular black object impacted the male paladin’s sword.

The object was small but was significantly heavy.

If the male paladin wasn’t mistaken, it was nearly 80 kg, around the weight of a normal adult man.

This was nothing to him normally, but because he wasn’t using his Holy Power to bolster his attack, the object was strong enough to deflect his sword over his head and throw him off balance.


The male paladin cried out as a well-timed fist connected against his face before he could regain his posture.

With a harsh crunch, the male paladin’s figure was seen flying through the air to slam against one of the pillars atop the steps of the temple. The force of the blow was enough to make his body damage the pillar.

The body of the male paladin then lay unmoving on the ground, his survival from such a blow unknown.

Amon who thought he was going to die, had his eyes go wide as the man was sent flying.

He then saw the person responsible for the attack and he couldn’t help but cry out in elation.

"Big brother Sol!"

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