The Growth of a Titan Chapter 42- The Prestige Of The Martial Alliance Academy

42 Chapter 42- The Prestige Of The Martial Alliance Academy

Just like the Church, they were people who had come to rob them of everything they had. How could Sol not feel at least a small bit of hatred towards them?

At least the adults he met before were decent people who only looking for herbs and such to make a decent living. They really weren’t much different from the people in his village.

But these three youths?

The first thing they did when they entered was to hunt Ibbian Beasts without any regard for what they were getting into.

They were greedy, but not only that they were reckless as well. And to Sol, that was a terrifying combination.

People like that would do any and everything to get what they want. Even if it meant killing innocent people.

If Sol wasn’t the person he was, he would have been tempted to allow Little Nheer’s mother to kill them.

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But his father once said that anger is often blind, so one must have self-restraint.

If Sol allowed his anger for his father’s death and his village’s destruction to consume him, his desire for revenge would spiral out of control. People who had no relation to the Church might even be hurt by him.

He would take revenge on the Church, and the Church alone. However, he would be as passive-aggressive as he could toward these Outsiders because they weren’t much better than the Church.

Sol then ignored the three youths and began squeezing the remaining water from his hair. As he was doing this, the girl suddenly got up and said.

"I can help you shorten it if you’d like?"

Sol was about to reject her proposal, but he suddenly saw the girl bow at a ninety-degree angle before saying.

"I’m sorry for harming your friend, we all are. Would you please allow me to show my sincerity by helping you?"

The girl wore an extremely apologetic expression as she said that.

This scene immediately made Sol recall how he had acted when he first met his Master, and how he had apologized right after.

Sol really wanted to hate these people, but it was starting to get difficult since they seem genuinely apologetic.

If he continued his behavior it would just make him seem horrible.

’Little Nheer has recovered, and I’ve already beaten them a few times. Even Little Nheer seem to be ignoring them.’

Little Nheer had gotten out of the water and was off to the side with Little Zeel.


Sol said after a while as he plopped down onto the ground.

The girl hearing this had her expression bright up before she hurriedly went behind Sol. It seemed like her request wasn’t just to apologize to Sol.

Sol then ignored the girl running her hand through his hair excitedly, he turned to the two youths and said.

"From now on your Boy One, Boy Two, and Girl."

"Brat, we have nam-"

Song-Oh… ah, wait… Boy Two, tried to say but was cut off by Sol.

"So, Boy One, can you explain why it’s so difficult to cultivate both the Barbarian and Arkadians method?"

"Haha, we haven’t been called Arkadians in a long while now. But to answer your question is simple. It’s difficult, extremely difficult."

"Yeah, senior brother is right. The only people who try to cultivate both at once are truly heavenly geniuses!"

Boy Two then looked at Sol and shook his head slightly, as if to say Sol was lacking in that department.

Sol snorted and said while folding his hands.

"What’s so difficult about it? I’m doing it and it doesn’t seem so hard."

"Ha! Are you trying to boast, little brat? Alright, then how many acupoints have you opened? From your physical strength, you seem way ahead in your Fleshly Body cultivation, but I bet you’re behind on Aether Cultivation! Have you even opened your twelve main medians yet?"

Boy Two then began snickering in amusement.

Sol as if to clap back said.

"Of course I already opened my twelve main meridians!"

In the beginning stages of Aether Cultivation, one must open their twelve main meridians first. Only after this can they slowly circulate their Aether through the smaller meridian channels towards the various acupoints inside their bodies to open them.

"Alright, then how many acupoints have you opened?"

Before Sol could answer, Boy One elbowed Boy Two before turning to Sol and apologizing.

"Sorry for my Junior brother’s words. You don’t have to tell us your cultivation."

In the cultivation world, it was well known one should not reveal their cultivation carelessly.

However, Sol saw this as an opportunity to gauge his progress with kids his age. Every time he asked his Master, he would only be cursed at that he was still weaker than those in the Martial Alliance Academy.

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"I don’t mind telling you! I’ve already opened most of my meridians in my right leg. I should open all of them in the next few months."

After, Sol wanted to ask how many acupoints they opened, but he paused when he saw the shocked look on Boy One and Boy Two’s faces.

’Are they shocked because I opened so little? Ah, maybe Master was right.’

This was the thought that appeared in Sol’s mind, but Boy Two suddenly blurted out.

"No way, that’s impossible! You’re absolutely lying!"

Sol blinked upon hearing that.

"Brother… uhm…"

"My name is Sol."


"Ah, brother Sol, is it true that already open most of the acupoints in the leg?"

"Senior brother, why bother asking this lying brat? It’s obvious he’s making things up!"

"Why would make such a thing up? Do you want to check for yourself?"

Sol said stretching out his right leg.

He didn’t like getting accused of being a lair. His Father once said that lying was akin to killing one’s own family. Only when it was to protect them then was it okay to tell a white lie.

Sol was adamant to stick to his father’s words.

Seeing Sol’s expression, Boy One waved his hands and said.

"There’s no need to go that far brother Sol, it seems you really are telling the truth."

"Bah! Then let me check!"


Before Boy Two could grab Sol’s foot, Boy One elbowed him, this time a little harder.

Boy One then sighed and said.

"Brother Sol, it seems like you are one of those rare geniuses. If you continue like this you might become a great powerhouse in your Barbarian Tribe."

Sol tilted his head at this and then asked.

"Is opening this many acupoints amazing?"

Sol read that most opened all their acupoints in the legs, arms, and torso. Which limb one starts off with is usually determined by one’s fighting style and Martial Arts.

If one starts with their legs, more often than not they are focused on speed. If someone started on their arms then their Martial Arts focus on power.

Sol read that Arkadians always started off with opening the acupoints in their legs, as they would rather focus on complimenting their Sword or Saber Martial Arts, to either retreat or advance during a fight.

The Sakrians are the same, only the Barbarians chose to start with the arms as they always focus on power.

After some thought, Sol chose his legs.

He was already quite strong so he thought speed was what he was lacking, and his Master agreed.

As for his question, Sol just lacked a basic understanding of cultivation. It was something even his Master couldn’t teach him, he had to know for himself after he fought with another cultivator. Something he hasn’t done excluded the small clash with Boy One.

But he couldn’t help but ask.

Boy One and Boy Two glanced at each other before Boy One said with a forced smile.

"Brother Sol, I’ve already completely opened all the acupoints in my left leg and I’ve started on my right arm recently. Even though I have opened slightly more than you, brother Sol doesn’t look more than thirteen years old while I am already eighteen this year."

"Yeah, and you should know senior brother is someone that has beaten a disciple from the Martial Alliance Academy! It’s amazing that Brother Sol has such a fast cultivation speed even while cultivating your Fleshly Body. Maybe Brother Sol could become a disciple of the Martial Alliance Academy!"

The girl behind Sol was the one who said this excitedly.

"So, you aren’t disciples of the Martial Alliance Academy?"

"Haha, how could we be disciples of the Martial Alliance Academy? People like us are not qualified."

Boy One said this with a self-deprecating smile.

Sol was deeply moved when he heard him.

’But their teamwork was so good, and their battle prowess isn’t lacking either. Especially this fellow, his one attack could have taken off my arm if I wasn’t careful. And yet he and the others are not qualified to become disciples of the Martial Alliance Academy? Maybe Master was right, geniuses were abundant in Martial Alliance Academy.’

Upon reaching here in his thoughts, Sol couldn’t help but feel an intense desire to go to the Martial Alliance Academy at this moment.

He wanted to compete with these Monster-level geniuses to see how he fared. Because the only way to truly get stronger... was through battle!

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