The Growth of a Titan Chapter 7 - 7- Betrayal

Chapter 7: Chapter 7- Betrayal

Inside the large hall, the village Chief and Bishop Adalhard were a few feet next to each other while looking out a window.

"Bishop Adalhard, despite my request to end our two-year relationship, I hope we never forget what we’ve done for each other and leave on amicable terms."

The village Chief turned to Adalhard as he said that.

Adalhard remain eerily quiet for a while before saying with a cheerful smile everyone in the village knew him for.

"Of course village Chief, I understand why you would want to end our relationship now. I just recently heard about the news of the destroyed caravan with the village kids. Some of my subordinates were worried and thought it was best to keep silent, but I admonish them and they’ve been punished appropriately."

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The tight grip the village Chief had on his cane loosened a bit before he said with a smile as well.

"Oh, so that was the case. Even though there are people like Bishop Adalhard in the Church, they are also some with ill intentions."


"Unfortunately, this can not be avoided. To serve the Lord is easy, but to maintain it and not stray from the path of advocating for peace and inclusion of everyone is where some struggle."

Village Chief nodded.

"However… village Chief should know we only advocate for peace and inclusion for those who accept our Lord and our Church’s teachings."


A gloomy atmosphere was suddenly created due to Adalhard’s words.

"Bishop Adalhard, what is the meaning of your words?"

The village Chief’s grip tightened around his cane.

Outside the window, the laughter of children could be heard while the adults of the village continue their work on the sunny midday. But inside this hall was a completely contrasting atmosphere.

It was tense and suffocating, it lack all the warmth seen outside.

Adalhard suddenly lifted his hand and waved back to several children that were waving at him with smiles. It was soon to be midday prayer so all the village children between the ages of six to twelve were heading for the temple.

"Village Chief, I believe my words are clear."

Adalhard turned to the village Chief, and the warm smile he displayed to the children fell. What replaced it was a look of complete detachment.

Then with a tone that didn’t have an ounce of emotion, Adalhard said once again.

"Anyone who isn’t a part of our Church does not deserve our kindness. They should be punished for abandoning the Lord, and that punishment is rightfully… death!"

The word death echoed in the empty hall for a brief moment as the village Chief and Adalhard stared at each other in silence. One held a solemn expression while the other an indifferent one.

As this stand-off persisted the tension in the hall become palpable. At the peak of this suffocating tension, the village Chief suddenly raised his cane and slammed it onto the ground.

His Will was released and the void began to tremble in reflection of his anger.

"Do you believe I would allow you to harm my village?"

The village Chief’s terrifying power wrapped around Adalhard’s body and it seemed the village Chief could kill him with a mere thought. However, despite being in this situation, the indifferent expression hadn’t left Adalhard’s face.

"I must admit, you unsophisticated vermins possess powers that could become troublesome if you all combined your strength. But this individual level of power is nothing when compared to our Church. You don’t even have a clue how weak you are, this might as well be you throwing an egg at a boulder."

As Adalhard spoke, a golden aura began to emanate from his body to effortlessly push back against the village Chief’s Will.

This was Holy Energy, a terrifying amount of Holy Energy.

"You-How is this possible?!"

The village Chief took several steps back in shock.

Adalhard being able to resist his Will while being in the village was something he had not expected. The whole reason why the village Chief had even said yes to them entering their village was because he was confident if their intentions turn malicious he could fight them off.

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But even as the power of the entire village gathered in this trembling hall, Adalhard resisted it with ease.

Adalhard chuckled.

"You do not understand that our powers aren’t much different. They follow the rule of collectivism, the larger our influence the greater our power. Just like how your power would increase if you were to expand your village by taking over another tribe, our power also increases with the more people who joined our Church. Building temples and Churches, teaching the children here about our Ga-On Church, I have already built up enough Holy Power here to overpower your Will in the village."

The village Chief’s heart was in turmoil upon hearing this, he now realized his decision might have doomed his village.

But after gripping his cane tighter, the village Chief firmly said.

"I won’t allow you to do as you please, at the very least I will take you along with me to the afterlife!"


The village Chief retreated swiftly before he began spreading his Will to every corner of the hall. Then like a hammer, it slammed into Adalhard’s Holy Power.

Adalhard, however, raised his hand and easily resisted the attack. This situation truly looked like an egg being thrown against a rock.

After this attack, the village Chief’s Will slowly began seeping out of the hall.

Adalhard eyes narrowed at this.

"Trying to call for help?"

His figure then slid across the distance between him and the village Chief before he dug his hand into the village Chief’s chest.

The village Chief could not resist. He coughed out a mouth full of blood and hang limply over Adalhard’s hand.

As the light faded away from his eyes, the village Chief thought back to when the Church first came. If only he had listened to Guardian Han. But he could only feel immense regret for his naivety now as death slowly began to engulf him.

But Adalhard didn’t even wait for him to have a peaceful death, instead his hand glowed with blinding Holy Energy. Immediately after, the village Chief’s body burst into a gory mess of blood and internal organs that cover the chairs and table in the hall.

Adalhard kept the blood from splashing onto him using his Holy Power, but his hand and a portion of his sleeve were dyed red with blood.


The door to the hall burst open and in came running Vice Chief Fogon and Ro-Dune, as well as everyone who was in the meeting earlier.

"Village Chief!"

Fogon yelled as he came running in, but the sight he was greeted with caused him and the others to freeze.

However, anger quickly took over and Fogon roared out enrage.


Fogon’s green tattoos on his chest began to turn red and an intense bloodlust erupted from his burly body. The Spirit Essence Energy in the hall instantly became chaotic.

In the village, Fogon was second in power only to the village Chief, even Adalhard would have to take him somewhat seriously in a fight. But Adalhard barely glanced at him.

Fogon and the others went to charge towards him, but Fogon’s body suddenly jerk to a stop.

Slowly looking down, Fogon saw a hand that penetrated his chest from his back. He wasn’t even able to turn to see who it was as his body went limp and exhaled its last breath.

"Vice-Vice Chief Fogon!!"

The tribesmen who were a part of Fogon’s group were all stunned but they soon turned to glare at Ro-Dune.

"Ro-Dune! What is the meaning of this?! Did you really betray our village?! The village Chief trusted you!!"

Ro-Dune with his hands dripping with blood said to his group.

"Kill them."

Immediately screams of pain as well as anger echoed out in the hall. None of which reached the outside world thanks to Adalhard’s strong Holy Power enveloping the building.

In the midst of this bloodbath, Adalhard came up to the window to watch the peaceful scenery outside with hands behind his back. The warm amicable smile had returned to his face some time ago.

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