The Insider System Chapter 290: Medical Leave

Chapter 290: Medical Leave

Stepping into the infirmary Tiff saw the number of doctors that were working around Dawn had dropped down to three and she was able to get her first real look at her. She looked just fine like how she had earlier so Tiff wasn’t sure if anything had been done to her yet. "Have they given her an antidote yet?"

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The Temple Head gave her a small nod before saying. "About a minute before you walked in. They said the poison they used on her wasn’t as strong as the one you suffered so she could be up soon." Tiff hoped the t was true, while she didn’t want to have to rush out of the room right after Dawn got up she did have something she needed to do for the God of Light.

"Her eyes seem to be moving. This is a good sign that she will wake up soon. You all can come closer to the bed now if you want." After the doctor said this he and the other two backed off to let whoever wanted to be there next to Dawn when she opened her eyes get close. Tiff didn’t even look at the other members of the 23 that had been silently waiting in all the empty parts of the room and took the spot that was the closest to Dawn’s face.

She had been trying to stay away from the others to give them time to get over what had happened but right now she didn’t really care if they didn’t want to be around her. The rest of the bed quickly got surrounded by the members of the 23 that were more worried about Dawn than the grudge they had against her and all of them waited for Dawn to finally open her eyes.

As she was waiting Tiff tried to think what she should say to make Dawn realize she hadn’t been taken to some jail somewhere she would never be found. Sadly as Dawn’s eyes started to open she still hadn’t prepared anything so she just quickly asked. "Dawn, can you hear me?"

"Tiff? Is that you?" Tiff was happy that her hasty words had made Dawn realize what was happening. As a gifted member of the 23 Dawn was much stronger than her currently so if she went on the attack right away in the hopes of surprising her captors it would have been bad for her and the others that were next to the bed.

"Yeah, you’re in the infirmary. Do you remember what happened?" It had only taken about a second to pass out from the poison powder that had hit her in the face so if Dawn hadn’t seen the poison coming it was possible she didn’t even remember it happening. "Someone was chasing me when I tried to return to the Temple for the Light Domain. I’m guessing it got me and you guys saved me."

That was close enough to the truth for Tiff so she didn’t try to explain what exactly happened because they weren’t sure quite yet. "How do you feel?" Other people could tell Dawn about the situation later so Tiff just wanted to see how she was doing before she left. "I’m alright. I feel a little groggy but I think that’s normal."

It seemed Dawn was in better condition than she was when she had been healed from the sleep poison. This made her feel a little better about having to leave now. Giving the other members of the 23 a small look before she bent down and gave Dawn a hug Tiff whispered. "Someone who can help me find the dagger is here so I have to go. Sorry."

Tif could tell Dawn was a little sad that she was leaving already but soon her face went back to normal and she whispered back. "I’ll see you when you get back. There will probably be a special ceremony for you once you get the dagger back so I look forward to it." Tiff could tell Dawn was saying this instead of getting mad at her for leaving so she made a distressed face so Dawn could tell her joke had made her think about the whole temple gathering to watch her activate the Divine Weapon for the first time.

As she walked away Tiff heard the other members start to talk to Dawn as soon as she was out of the room and was happy the others would keep her company. "Are you about to leave?" Hearing Gregs voice Tiff turned around and saw he was standing next to the infirmary door. "Yes."

Tiff had noticed Greg hadn’t been in the infirmary but she had figured it was because he was training like he always was. Seeing him silently wait out here made her wonder if he was up to something. "Are you leaving with that guy in the reading room?" Even if she found Greg strange sometimes Tiff trusted him enough to tell him what she was doing so she nodded.

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"Well if you find the person who took the dagger and they don’t attack, you should tell them to come to the Temple. They’ll be very helpful for the later parts of the war." Hearing all Greg wanted was for her to try and recruit Jon if she found him she nodded and said. "Alright, I think that’s a good idea."

As she was walking away Tiff could tell she was unconsciously starting to be nicer to Greg because he was the only member of the 23 other than Dawn still talking to her. She felt this might be a good thing that would finally allow her to get over the grudge she had over how much better he had been treated as they were being trained.

Being treated how she was by the others she knew it was time to get over it and start being friendly to Greg. There was the problem that she didn’t really want to hate him and she was just unable to get past it but she felt if she tried harder she would be able to finally get over it. f𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝐛n𝐨v𝚎𝗹.com


Opening the book after finishing the rest of the sleep he needed to get back to top condition, Lake was about to start reading the first section of the book when he saw Tiff walk in again. He could tell by how her face looked and the bag she had that they were probably about to leave so he put the book back and stood up.

"Are we leaving?" It was the easiest way to start the conversation so Laske just asked anyway even though he already knew. "Yeah, do you have anything you need to do in the city before you leave?" Lake briefly thought about heading to the Alchemist guild after Tiff asked this but he had just been there and hadn’t needed to use any of the supplies he had yet so he said. "No, I’m ready."

Like always Lake could tell the energy between them was somewhat awkward so he pretended he didn’t notice and pulled out an arrow. Spinning it he didn’t actually use Detector but he did pretend he had picked up the dagger. "Alright let’s get outside so I know where we’re going."

As they were walking Lake didn’t want her to ask where it was saying they should go because she might know in which direction the Metal Domain was even while inside the Temple so he asked. "Are we not bringing anyone else?" He understood the benefits of traveling as a small group but he was pretty sure Tiff was important to the Temple by the way the Temple Head was acting while they went after her so he felt it was weird if it was only them going.

"No just us but if we end up having to go too far I might stop at a temple to request help." Hearing her plan, Lake knew this would most likely not happen. He had run to the Metal domain and back a few times now and knew there weren’t any big towns or anything that were still standing that they could find help in.

Stepping outside Lake pointed and said. "We’re heading that direction. What are the odds it’s just down the street, how would you feel about that?"


Tiff heard Lake’s question but she was more focused on what he said before he asked it. The direction he had just pointed was the same exact direction the tracker the thieves had given them had pointed. "Alright let’s get going." It wasn’t until they ran out of city that she realized she hadn’t actually ever answered Lake’s question.

"It looks like it isn’t in the city. I guess I would have preferred it to be if I’m being honest." It would have been a lot safer for her if it had been right down the street from the Temple. She would have been mad at Jon for not keeping his word though if he was living so close.

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