The Insider System Chapter 311: Get Ready

Chapter 311: Get Ready

It wasn’t long before Lake realized if he was to fight either of the people in the ring normally he would win. All of their moves were too slow to ever get anywhere near him and this was good for him in a lot of ways. People would be much more interested in fighting him in magic duels once they saw how fast he was able to beat them normally.

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This was for a few reason like them wanting to beat someone they normally wouldn’t be able to and not wanting to fight someone they couldn’t even see moving but he didn’t care about their reasons and just wanted to spend as much time dueling people as he could so he could start getting used to fighting using magic.

At the moment the only time it made sense for him to use magic instead of just killing someone with a normal attack was when he was using his bow and Imbuing Fire so whatever he hit burst into flames. "Head to the auditorium, the Temple Head just called a meeting for everyone going. No one else is allowed to come."

Lake turned his head to see a person near the door to the training room and guessed they were the one who had yelled out this message. He didn’t get up and head for the door right away though and instead went towards the two people getting down from the ring. "Are you both going?"

They were both nice so if they were he was just going to introduce himself to both of them. Seeing them both start to nod, he said. "I’m Lake." After he said this he waited for the other two to introduce themselves but eventually he realized they weren’t going to. "You don’t have to tell me your real names if you don’t want to."

After he said this, Lake made a note that he could at any time look at their names if he wanted to by using inspect on them. He didn’t plan to do this though because people could tell when you looked at their information. "Sorry about that, we’re both restricted in sharing our identities because of our jobs in the temple."

Lake wanted to know more but he just decided to ask someone like the Temple Head more about why he was allowed to know the names of people like Tiff and Dawn but not two seemingly random members of the Temple since he was sure neither of them would tell him if they couldn’t even say their names.

"That’s alright. I just wanted to introduce myself so I could find you two later. I know we’ll be going out on the mission soon but afterwards I wanted to train some more."

"Well we know your name and you shouldn’t have any problems finding us. The Temple is big but most of the time we’re in here training when we have time for something like a duel so just come and line up if you see us." Lake nodded and waved for them to walk with him out of the room.

"So we’ve never seen you until a few days ago. Are you new to the Temple?" Lake started to nod before explaining. "Yeah I actually just joined a few hours ago. I’ve had plans to join for a while but I was in the Alchemist guild up until now working on alchemy and it got in the way."

"Did the war make you think it was time to come and help?" Lake started to nod even though it wasn’t exactly right. It was close enough and he didn’t think telling them the truth. The main two reasons he had joined were he had heard the Demon Lords voice and it had scared him and the Insider wanted him to join the Temple and neither of them were good things to tell people.

"You being an Alchemist makes your ability to learn spells make more sense. I was wondering how a beginner in magic could have such high Intelligence. It’s the most important stat in the Alchemist guild right?" Lake wasn’t sure but he nodded anyway because that sounded right to him.

"Yeah just a few days in the guild and my Intelligence maxed out." Lake didn’t get into the Elixir because he wasn’t sure if it was something he should talk about but he didn’t have any problems saying his Intelligence was at least at 100 because they could tell after seeing him fight with magic.

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Your Intelligence affected how fast you could gather mana just like your affinity did so it was very obvious to people who knew how magic worked that he was at least maxed out. "Where are you two going to sit?" They had just walked in and Lake wanted to know since he didn’t see anyone else he knew in the room yet.

"Over there. Feel free to come and sit with us." Lake took the invitation and sat at the end of the row next to the guy he had dueled while in the training room. Instead of asking where the Temple Head was like he normally would, Lake just used his own eyes and looked around to see if she was near the auditorium yet.


"So you’re saying the barrier isn’t down yet?" Tiff could tell she hadn’t gotten it quite right and the Temple Head quickly corrected her. "No, I’m saying it might be down. Our scouts haven come back yet but we’re going to go now anyway." Tiff wanted to ask why but she knew that was what the meeting they were about to have was going to discuss so she didn’t ask and instead just walked into the auditorium and sat down in the front.

As the Temple Head was walking onto the stage Tiff took a second to make sure Lake was in the room on the off chance no one had remembered to tell him about the meeting. He was still new so if he had been in his room she was really the only person who could have told him.

Seeing him sitting on the other side of the room she stopped thinking about anything and listened to the Temple Head. "The original group we sent to the Metal Domain should have arrived there today. We’ll be heading out in two hours to follow them." Tiff wasn’t surprised the Temple Head didn’t go into too many details as she explained what they would be doing since this was more like she was giving orders.

If she had been asking for volunteers or they needed to make the plans still the tone of what the Temple Head was saying and the amount of details would be a lot higher. "Everyone get anything you plan on carrying on your person ready and be in the bay by then." Seeing the Temple Head start to get off the stage after saying two short sentences Tiff assumed the Temple Head planned to go get ready and quickly went for her room.


Seeing the Temple Head start to walk away, Lake turned to the person next to him and asked. "Do you know where I can get a new pair of boots?" That was really all he needed before he would be ready since he always carried everything on him at all times. "Go out and find a guard then ask for the equipment room. I’ll see you in two hours when we’re setting out."

Lake guessed they all needed to go get ready so he did what he had been told and found a guard who took him to get new boots. It didn’t take him long to find a pair that fit and even though they were white he liked them and quickly took a second pair on the off chance he wore through these ones as fast as he had the last ones.

If this counted as stealing he would have actually taken more but sadly when he tried to put these boots into the extra space Booster Bag made it didn’t work so he only took one to avoid filling his entire bag with shoes. With that he was done and ready to go so he headed back towards the training room to waste the rest of his time on speed training.

They had a way for him to tell what time it was in the training room so he wasn’t afraid of missing the deadline. He also felt the Temple Head would send people to find him even if he was late so it didn’t really matter at all where he went or if he knew what time it was.

Opening the door, Lake didn’t go into a private room and just sat on the first bench in the room. This place was completely empty at the moment so the whole thing was private. Getting the small vortex spinning on his hand, Lake closed his eyes so he could focus on the mana better and started to pass the time until they left.

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