The Insider System Chapter 331: Jillings

Chapter 331: Jillings

There were multiple reasons he had decided to go into the keep instead of a shop. The main one being the Insider seemed to like the idea the moment he had thought about it and it made him think about the amount of money there would probably be in a place like this.

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Even if he wasn’t able to find a ward ring or whatever his real goal should be gold because it was the only thing keeping him from finally leveling up the Insider to the first level. This was also a great chance for him to get more experience far away from where he actually lived.

It wasn’t everyday he got to leave the area around Holy Domain so if he returned without trying his luck once it would be a real waste. He was also sure he would find something better than some dumb ring in a giant castle like this and to keep it a surprise he planned to not look using any of his skills.

He knew this was stupid but he could take all the surprise out of this if he used Detector and some of his other criminal skills. He could always decide to do it later on as well if he changed his mind so for now he wanted to make this more of like the experience someone without a bunch of crazy skills would have while breaking into a castle.

He could already picture how much his heart would race every time he found something worth taking or almost got caught by guards. Sadly he did think he was going to have to use one of his stronger skills Impersonate to become one of the guards to get inside so that was a bit of a copout but there was still a chance he could get caught if he was acting weird so not all the risk would be gone.

Now he just needed to find a way to get one of the guards out here and get a hold of their core so he could take their place. The most obvious way would be to cause some type of commotion in the city that would draw them out to deal with it. He thought a botched robbery where he ran away after getting called out for trying to steal would probably do.

This kind of played into the reason why he was here anyway but the thought of pretending to rob a store to draw the guards out was ridiculous but if he touched some good items he could call them to him later so it wouldn’t be a real failure even if he didn’t carry anything out of the shop with him.

He would need to get a hold of some new clothes before he did any of this though so that was his first goal. Hopping down from where he had been watching the guards walk around along the top of the walls he started to look for a house he could get something to wear. It didn’t take long to find a house he couldn’t hear anything from and using Mana Vision he confirmed it was empty.

This didn’t mean he could go inside without any problems since there were alarms that seemed to alert nearby people without making noise. He wasn’t sure how these worked but he didn’t want people to come running without him knowing as soon as he touched the door.

He had a skill that showed him the owner of a building when he was trespassing so he might see them start to run towards him but the owner wasn’t always going to be the one living here or be the one who was alerted if the alarm went off. He would be fast but it would take him a few seconds to find clothes he could wear especially if dwarves lived here.

He was pretty sure by the size of the door that this was the home of a normal sized human but he guessed anyone could prefer a large front door on their house. As he was about to walk in Lake realized there was a much better way for him to get new clothes in his size.

All he needed to do was look around at the people around him before making contact with some clothes he wanted. Then he could call the clothes to him a few minutes later when he wasn’t anywhere near them. He knew disappearing clothes would draw a lot of attention but it wasn’t much more than robbing a house.

It would probably come off more as a prank than a robbery as well since peoples shirts and pants would be disappearing. If something like that happened to him he would think some passing mage thought it was funny to make people’s clothes disappear because why would someone who could do something like that need your clothes to wear.

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Any mage that could take the shirt off of your back without you noticing would be wealthy no matter how you looked at it. Going back out to where the streets were packed so he could run into people without it being weird he started to look for clothes that could fit him.

He didn’t really need armor or anything, just something that didn’t look like the clothes he was wearing now that he could wear into a store that wasn’t his. Clothes were usually remembered better than someone’s face when it came to describing suspects to the police or in this case the guards.

This meant with someone else’s face and clothes there was no way anyone would see him and think they had the right guy once he changed again. He was also hoping to turn into a guard soon after the attempted robbery so there wasn’t going to be much time where he could be spotted to begin with.

After he had a shirt and a pair of pants he could call to him. Later Lake looked down and wondered how he should get a chance to touch someone’s shoes. The road was crowded so laying down would probably make people think he had passed out and that could give him a chance to touch shoes when people crowded him or accidentally stepped on him but there was no way to know if they would be the right size.

He also needed to know what it was that he was trying to call to him for it to work so not knowing what the shoes looked like since the only contact he had with them was when they stepped on him would be a problem as well since there was a good chance he wouldn’t see them as it happened.

Deciding this was something he would have more luck in in a less crowded place he walked until he found a street with less people and started to look for shoes he thought would fit him. Eventually he found a dwarf with the same size feet as him and moving as fast as he could he bent down and tapped the shoes.

With all that he had a functioning set of clothes so he went and found a place that he could change in peace. He would have loved to see how people reacted when their clothes disappeared all of a sudden but standing that close might let them spot him as the person who had done it.

Once he was alone he called both shoes first to make sure they were his size because if they weren’t he would have to go and get another pair. Once they were on his feet he took a few steps and decided they would work even if they were kind of loose around the ankles and changed his shirt and pants next.

With that he gathered up all of his stuff and brought it to a place where no one would ever see it. Truly he really wasn’t too worried about people stealing his stuff even if they did notice it because as long as it wasn’t destroyed he could just call it back to him at any time in the future.

With all of this done the next thing he needed to do was find a store close to the castle that he could cause a problem in so they would have no choice but to call the guards. For this he decided the best way to find a place like this would be to ask someone to see if they knew any nice places to buy jewelry.

Stopping the first rich looking person who he passed, Lake asked. "Do you know where the nicest jewelry shop in town is?" It only took the person a few seconds of thinking before they answered him. "That would probably be Jillings. It’s pretty far from here though so you’ll need to ask someone else once you get to the upper part of the city."

"Alright, thank you." He quickly walked away and got closer to the caster before he asked another person. "Do you know where Jillings is?"

"Keep going that way and eventually you’ll see the sign." Lake didn’t thank this person because they had started to walk away before he got the chance but their directions worked and he saw the sign that read Jillings after walking for a while longer. He didn’t waste any time and started to walk towards the door.

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