The Insider System Chapter 361: Stashed Away Pt.2

Chapter 361: Stashed Away Pt.2

As they were moving through the lab Lake went ahead and started marking things so he would be able to find them later if he was unable to touch anything before he had to run. This would be a good replacement for the money he was going to make from the things he had stashed in the woods if by the time he got around to getting them they had been found and taken back.

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He had never touched the items inside the parts of the building he had stolen so if they had been emptied out there would be nothing he could do about it. "Alright everyone stop. I need to make sure there aren’t any traps set by the Demigod to protect themselves before we move to the next part of the room." Lake understood why Hampton would think moving into the next part of the room could be dangerous since there was an obvious style change to the floors and walls but he had already set Detector to look for traps so he knew they were alright.

He just let Hampton do this while he looked around and marked everything that was around them. "Ok, we’re alright to keep moving." Moving into the new part of this base, Lake had to assume it was more residential because there was an increase of things like furniture and one of the far corners looked like it was set up as a kitchen.

There was also a decrease in interesting items that belonged in a lab so it was obvious this place was set up to be a home as well as where the Demigod did their work. "The room that the purple light is coming from is most likely going to be a bedroom." He thought there was a good chance it meant the Demigod had been attacked while they were sleeping but this didn’t seem to interest them because no one said anything and just continued to walk forward silently.

Once they made it to the doorway that the light was coming from All of them came to a stop and started looking at one another. Lake didn’t understand why they stopped so he just asked them. "Why are we stopping?"

"We’re deciding if we’re all actually going to go in. There’s a good chance we’re going to find something that should be kept secret but will also need more than one of us to handle." Hamptons words kind of confirmed they all had known what they were going to find inside this entire time.

"So it’s a real dilemma." Lake had faith he would be going in because there was no way Hampton would leave him out here where he could go and take something while he wasn’t being watched but he could see one or two of the people here being left out here while they went in.

If anyone was going to be left behind it would probably be the adventurer and it seemed the man knew this because he was the first to try and make a case for why he should get to go which to Lake made him look too eager. "I’ll behave. I know you’re all thinking you can’t trust adventures around treasure but I know I can’t win this one with all of you here."

It seemed someone else thought this made no sense because why would he want to go in if he wasn’t going to gain anything from risking his life. "Why do you want to go?" The adventure didn’t seem to have an answer for this question though and just went silent. "All of us will go but if any of you try anything I’ll kill you without a single thought."

Hamptons words settled it but Lake could tell there were two people who were mad at the threat. None of them said anything about it though Lake did see everyone start to share looks behind Hamptons back. This was treacherous behavior and Lake was sure they were all thinking that they would kill Hampton if there was something they wanted enough.


Donny didn’t like the look he had just gotten from the guard but he understood the thinking behind it. With a point of divinity they could make a deal that would have a god help them and the people of the Metal Domain but that would only happen if they were actually able to beat Hampton and his fiend that was right behind them.

The younger mage was most likely not as strong as Hampton but two of them evened out the playing field since neither group could really trust the adventurer who would most likely be the first to die if a fight broke out. Not being able to help himself Donny looked over his shoulder to see the mage standing behind him already looking right at his face.


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Getting a look from Donny, Lake couldn’t help but be surprised. So far no one else had looked at him and he had taken this to mean they thought they couldn’t trust him and Lake had realized it was because of the robe he was wearing. It made him look like Hampton who had on multiple occasions called him a friend.

None of them knew this was sarcastic so they all probably thought he would help Hampton in a fight if one broke out but now that one of them was looking at him Lake tried to use his eyes to make it clear he wouldn’t get in their way if they had to kill the old man. He actually wanted this to happen since the old guy was the only one who knew anything about his real identity.


The deep glare from the man behind them made it clear he was already on to them and if they really did try anything that Hampton didn’t like they would only have a few seconds before they had to defend themselves. This made their victory even less likely so Donny wanted to alert the guard.

Getting the man’s attention he motioned behind them with his eyes so the guard would be aware of the threat from behind. The message was received loud and clear and the guard made it seem he would be responsible for Hampton while he would be fighting the man behind them.

Donny was fine with this because he actually looked up to Hampton too much to be able to kill him in a fight. He would probably try to just keep him busy just long enough for them to grab the core and run. They had everything they needed to make a get away with the guard’s Earth magic so there wouldn’t be much they had to worry about if they ignored the phantoms that would go out of control in their wake while they ran.

"Well that’s going to be a problem." Looking away from the guard and forward Donny saw they had made it into another room and like the man behind them had said earlier it was a bedroom but not a normal one because everything was about ten times the size that it would be in a normal place.

None of them had expected this since the rest of the building up to this point had been normal but everyone knew Demigods were able to take the size of a divinity if they chose to. It was odd for one to choose to sleep like that though since he had always heard they only did it during combat but whatever.


Seeing the giant bed Lake couldn’t help but want to fly up to see if someone was on it. The light was coming from there so he felt there was a good chance there would be a body. There was also a good chance it was going to be the body of a Demigod so Lake was interested to see what it would look like.

Up to this point he had seen two others and they had both been big which would explain the size of the bed. "Alright everyone gather up. I’m going to go up to get a look and I want you all to keep an eye on one another while I’m gone."


As they all gathered up like Hampton had said for them to, it was pretty clear who was the odd one out with them all staring down the younger mage. This didn’t seem to bother the younger man though who just continued to give them all a small smile. Donny wasn’t sure what could make the young man so confident but he would be lying if he said it didn’t get to him.

Donny still didn’t really want a fight to happen so he hoped the smile on the face of the young mage would dissuade the guard from starting anything. "What do you guys think is up there?" Donny hadn’t expected this question from the young man but he was sure there was some kind of trick so he stayed silent.

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