The Insider System Chapter 371: The Deal Pt.7

Chapter 371: The Deal Pt.7

Almost out of panic that he wouldn’t be able to convince her to buy his goods from him, Lake started a negotiation right away. "What could I do to convince you I won’t rip you off?" Lake would be lying if he said he had never thought about selling the same thing multiple times but he had no intentions of doing it this time.

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He really just wanted the money so he could get this over with and head back to the Holy Domain. "Would you be willing to let us have a look at your skills? We have someone capable of reading skills that we can call here."

Even with how much Lake wanted the gold he didn’t even consider this as an option for even a second. It would be a lot easier for him if he just took the gold from them by force but instead of doing that he could just tell them this. "No, If I really wanted to steal from you it would be a lot easier if I just took the gold that you have stashed away here."

Someone like him who could pretty much take anything he wanted would never take things inside and pretend to want to sell them. They would have just snuck in and got into wherever they kept the gold. "Are you really that confident in your abilities?"

Lake could tell by the smug way this question was asked that he had been played into giving away more information on his level of ability. "Alright I’m done playing. Just tell me if you’re willing to buy my stuff or not." If the answer was no he needed to get moving to the next place that had enough gold to pay him.

"Sure, just know if you try to screw us on this we’ll have to retaliate by getting in touch with the Assassins guild." Lake was fine with that because he had already decided to just happily take the money and use it to complete his mission before he left. "That’s fair. There’s still some time before the barriers fall so would you mind it if we started paying me now?"


"I’ll see you guys in a little while. I’m going to look for the people from the fortress." They had been given work to do as soon as they arrived but Donny wanted to go find someone who had been at the fortress during the time that the God of Metal had partially descended to see if they knew what had happened or why it had happened at all.

Once he had an answer he would go back and help the people who were shaping metal until he could find an hour or so to head home to see what was going on there. If he did this right no one would even notice he was gone in all the chaos that was this buildsight.

After about a minute he spotted someone whose face he recognized and stopped them. "Hey, do you remember me from the fortress?" The man only took a second before he nodded and said. "Of course, your vice captain Donny right?" Donny nodded even though the rank he had in the fortress probably didn’t matter any more.

"That’s right. I wasn’t here during the God of Metals descent, could you explain it to me in detail?" Donny knew the man was probably busy but he wanted to know everything as soon as possible. "Not right now I’m working. There’s people at the Temple who would do a better job anyway."

Donny wasn’t surprised he hadn’t gotten the man to stop long enough to explain the situation but he found it a bit interesting the man wasn’t willing to just say a few words. He had no plans to give up after one failure so he went to the next person he saw that looked familiar and asked them the same thing he had the last time.

Once they reached the part of the conversation where he asked for them to explain what had happened he once again got a reply that said he should look for answers at the Temple. Having received the same reply from two people Donny couldn’t help but think the people around him either didn’t want to talk about what happened or had been told to not talk about it because it was still an active situation.

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The second thing was only possible in his opinion because the response had been so rehearsed but that still wasn’t enough evidence that there was some reason everyone was supposed to get their information from the Temple. He did decide he should just give up on finding answers for now though since there was a lot of work that needed to be done before the Fighters Guild would be back in working order.


"Just put the money in that room please." It had been about ten minutes since he had been told he could start being paid before the items he was selling were accessible and the first bags of money had just shown up. "Alright, we’ll be bringing bags of twenty thousand at a time."

Lake just nodded to the clerk’s words and let them keep going in and out of the room with the bags. With each one having twenty thousand gold he would only need fifty of them to reach his goal of one million and complete his mission. As he watched he quickly reached forty bags but that was when it slowed down and finally stopped at forty nine.

Instead of his last bag he needed to get to fifty the woman who was in charge of this guild office came into the room and asked. "How are you going to get all of this out of here?" Lake had learned his lesson about talking to this woman earlier so he didn’t say anything about what she had just asked him and asked. "So is this what the value is expected to be? I thought it would be around one million as well."

He had to say this because he knew she was using the fact he had asked for them to bring him one million in advance to get him to snap at the fact they were one bag away. Now him saying he had just guessed the amount would make her much less sure. "It’s hard to say. We won’t be giving you the price on the tags of the items but you should receive more than one million once we confirm everything is real. This is around half of what we expect to pay you at that time."

It seemed she was planning to act like she hadn’t brought him an amount just short of what he had asked for as a coincidence and he was fine with letting it stay this way even though she was waiting his time to keep her from getting any more information on him. Even if everything she got from his actions was speculation it was still more than he wanted them to have.

As the minutes passed in silence the woman eventually left, leaving him alone with the gold they had brought him and using this opportunity he took the bag he had just been given by Hampton a few hours ago and threw it on top. [Mission complete] Up until this point he was sure the reward for the mission had always come up right after the mission complete in the pop up but he guessed that wasn’t the case this time.

He was confused by this while trying to think back to how it had been in the past whenever he unlocked a new skill from completing a mission but only until he noticed that the gold in front of him was moving. He didn’t like there was something he wasn’t controlling happening here because he didn’t feel like this was a safe location for it but he didn’t dare to try and stop it and just kept his eye on the door.

After about a full minute all the gold was out of its bags and was swirling in a giant vortex. Before too long he could see a small hole form in the center and the gold all started to fall in one at a time. Even though there were a million gold coins it didn’t take long for this process to end because it picked up speed as it went. [Reward: Inner Vault]

Lake would have loved to look at what this skill did for him right as he received it but he wanted to leave first because he was done with what he had come here for. Getting to know his newest skill was a great way he could pass the time it would take for him to get back to the Holy Domain.

Opening the door and walking out into the hallway, Lake didn’t stop to talk to the clerk who tried to get in his way and just said. "I’ll only be selling two of the chunks today and will be taking one with me." There was still the core that granted the skill that made you immune to fire in one so he was going to take it with him since he hadn’t been paid enough for all three.

"Where are you running off to?" Lake didn’t even have to turn around to know the woman that ran this guild had appeared behind him for some reason but like the clerk he didn’t slow down and made his way out the front door into the town. The woman didn’t follow him out so he was able to start his journey back home peacefully though he did wonder if that was going to be the last time he heard from her.

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