The Insider System Chapter 378: The Deal Pt.14

Chapter 378: The Deal Pt.14

As Lake climbed out of the cart Tiff saw him fly away and couldn’t help but think his departure had been weird. Most people wouldn’t have been able to turn down meeting a god who planned to reward them but she guessed they really didn’t know enough about Lake to know why he had said no.

If she had to guess it would be some combination of him having promised Lucas to come back and being nervous to meet a god for the first time. There was always a chance there was a more sinister reason Lake was trying to distance himself from them but she didn’t think that was the case because he had said that if they called him he would come to help.

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There was no reason for them to think he was trying to abandon them until he failed to show himself after they called for him. "Will it be useful for us to have someone inside the Alchemist Guild? I mean now that we’re leaving the Holy Domain we’ll need a source of information."

Dawn’s question was actually pretty important so Tiff stopped thinking about Lake’s weird behavior and listened up to hear what the Temple Head had to say about using him as a source of information. "I don’t think it would be a good idea to try and turn him into a spy. Lucas wouldn’t tolerate such a thing for very long but he’ll be free to tell us anything that has nothing to do with the Alchemist Guild. That doesn’t cross any lines or rules."


As he was flying higher into the sky, Lake was trying to think of what he should do. With there being a weird stalemate currently he felt now would be a good time for him to do a few things for Lucas like he said he was about to but he also felt like he should make filling Inner Vault his top priority.

He still hadn’t received his next mission from the Insider and in the past using the newest skill had helped this problem on a few occasions so he planned to try filling it with strong items to see if that would make the Insider give him his next task.

He could steal while on tasks from his various guilds, so heading back to the guild for now to make a plan made sense to him. After he had started to fly back to the city, Lake couldn’t help but think about how the meeting with the God of Light would have gone if he hadn’t said no.

It wasn’t like the Insider had made it obvious to him that it was a bad idea to go so maybe it would have been fine and he had turned down a reward for no reason. He would feel really stupid later if he ended up meeting a god that had known Laka and they couldn’t tell that he was the same thing just in a new body.

Thinking this Lake couldn’t help but wonder about something weird he had never noticed before. Why had Laka been able to give him a new body and put him here in this world but hadn’t been able to do the same for himself. He was sure there was an obvious reason like it had something to do with the wound he was dying from but if you had the ability to make someone a new body surely the wound on the old body that was killing you wouldn’t matter.

After a few more minutes of thinking about this, Lake accepted there was no way for him to find the answer to this question unless the Insider decided to tell him and went back to thinking about what was currently happening. He only had so much time before he made it back and he wanted to have his mind at least partially settled before he spoke to Lucas.


After they finished discussing Lake and how useful he would actually be when he wasn’t with them Tiff had gone back to thinking about what she wanted to discuss with the God of Light after it having been so long since they had spoken. She felt like this was actually going to be the first time she was going to get to talk to him for a long period of time so this was kind of important.

Sadly she was drawing a bit of a blank because she knew she was going to get the first level of her Legendary job and she couldn’t help but keep getting distracted by wondering what she was going to get. Legendary jobs didn’t give you skills or stats like normal jobs did because they didn’t have to follow any rules that had been set by the gods to balance their jobs with one another so it really could be anything.

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This meant if she was lucky she could be receiving a huge boost to her strength after a single level up and after a long struggle to unlock more jobs to level up this was a big change for her. If it wasn’t for the fact she had just gotten something from unsealing the dagger she didn’t think she would be able to stay so calm while on the way to see the God of Light.

She really wasn’t the type to talk someone’s ear off but no matter what your normal behavior was you could act completely differently depending on the situation you were in. For example Dawn was the exact opposite and usually talked a lot but for whatever reason she had only said a few small things in the last hour.


Because of how high he was traveling in the air, Lake was able to see the city way before he was anywhere close to arriving and while he was still planning to go to the guild he had to slow down because of the fact there was a clay colored cloud in the sky with him.

He hadn’t seen this coming when he had flown up into the sky but now that it was happening he thought maybe from now on he should stay away from the sky even if it made traveling less boring since he could see miles in every direction.

Starting to lower himself to the ground, Lake tried to guess what could be happening in the city for the Demon Lord to make an appearance in person. There was one obvious thing he could think of almost right away, which was the Demon Worshipers were getting ready to go after the people from the Temple of Light that had just run away.

He was pretty sure there was a good chance the Demon Lord would show himself for a chance at killing the Temple Head and all the Holy Mages that were the most exposed they had ever been. After a few seconds passed and the Insider hadn’t told him to go help the people from the Temple he started to walk towards the city hoping whatever was going on would be over by the time he got there.


Feeling himself wake up Donny didn’t waste even a moment trying to remember exactly what had happened because he knew the fact his head hurt and he was groggy meant he had been knocked out after his brother trapped him inside the safe room.

Feeling the urgency of having been kidnapped Donny tried to stand and run but found his hands and feet had been shackled. "You might as well just stay still. We knew you weren’t going to stay asleep the whole way from just a bump on the head and were prepared for you to wake up."

Wherever he was at the moment was much too dark for him to see who had just spoken to him but he felt the voice was familiar even if he didn’t remember exactly what had happened before he had lost consciousness. This probably meant whoever the voice belonged to had spoken quite a bit before he was knocked out and that could mean they were in charge of the group holding him.

"I don’t remember what happened, could you catch me up?" Donny knew this was an odd request but trying to guess would take much longer and it was clear this guy planned to speak with him or he would have already been put back to sleep.

"You’re being brought to the Dark Domain to see the Demon Lord, or you’ll be speaking with him there. You probably wont be seeing him." Donny would have been more surprised if this was his first dealings with the Demon Lord or any of his followers but he had always expected to be kidnapped by them eventually if he wasn’t careful.

Honestly he never thought his brother would be working with them because in his mind it was too low for even him. "How long is it going to take to get there?"

Donny felt he should try to get some information now before the man started saying things but it seemed even asking this right away was too slow because all he got was a question from the man that had nothing to do with what he had just asked. "So I heard you turned down hundreds of offers from the Demon Lord, is that actually true or is it just an exaggeration?"

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