The Insider System Chapter 422: Hidden Hostility Pt.4

Chapter 422: Hidden Hostility Pt.4

Feeling himself moving again, Donny wondered if this would be the time he’d appear somewhere and he wouldn’t be alone. He understood why the God of Metal was keeping him away from anyone else who might be around, but after the cart ride and being in the prison cell, he was starting to get extremely tired of being treated this way.

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Thankfully, he was free to feel this way now because he no longer needed to worry about how the Demon Lord might take advantage of him while he was unstable. It had been years since he was free in this aspect, and he planned to take complete advantage of it.

As soon as he stopped moving and found himself in another empty room, Donny opened his mouth and screamed as loud as he could. He knew there was a chance the God of Metal was seeing all of this, but what did it matter; they were stuck with each other, and his actions couldn’t result in being sent back to the mortal world.

After a minute, he calmed down again and started to use this time productively. He wasn’t really in the mood for training, but after all these years, two new elements had just opened up for him, meaning the amount of work he needed to do had tripled.

Having some of his Mana leave his body, Donny started training a principal he knew about but had never actually used. It was a principle that came from the Dark element. Most people called it the shade or blinding principle because those were the two main functions, but anyone who had studied magic as much as him knew, that just because you could change how a principal expressed itself in a spell didn’t make it a different principle.

A much better name for this principle was just dark or darkness as it was the principle that was directly opposite of the principle that made light magic light magic. After he had filled the room to the brim with Darkness and could no longer see, Donny absorbed the Mana before starting again.

He had done his best over the years to stay away from knowledge of both Dark Magic and Unholy Magic, but Donny was pretty sure this was a training method called flicker training that could be done with both Light and Dark magic, and the fact it was used in Light magic was the only reason he knew about it in the first place.

The goal was to fill the room you were in as fast as possible before clearing it and doing it again to create a flickering effect. It was a control-focused Training Method that helped a bit with the dark principle, but the main point was to increase the speed at which you could overwhelm anyone around you with Darkness.

It sounded more sinister than it actually was, as all magic could be used as a weapon, but when you remembered the starting speed of Dark Magic and Light Magic, this increase was a bit scary to think about. As a member of the Fighting Guild, Donny had fought against both of these elements on multiple occasions and knew firsthand what it was like when someone launched a spell that moved faster than you could directly at your head.

Hopefully, now that he was allowing himself to use dark magic, he would have a better way to defend himself the next time it happened than just hoping the shield made it in time to save his life.

Halfway to filling the room a second time, Donny felt his position shift again and hoped this would be the time that brought him in front of the God of Metal. When he arrived in a new empty room, Donny thought he would once again be alone, but not long after arriving, he heard a voice in his head. "Sorry, I have kept you waiting."

Even without a real introduction, Donny assumed the voice belonged to the God of Metal because he didn’t see a reason he would have been left to a subordinate. "I don’t like it, but I understand." He wanted to ask what was about to happen to him, but he kept his mouth shut to let the God of Metal explain in whatever order he thought best.

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"Over the last few hours, we’ve been looking into your past since I am unable to read your mind because of the deal. It took longer than expected to track down the information about you from the Holy Domain." It made sense that it would have been hard to get information on his life in the Holy Domain because the God of Metal would have been unable to speak to the Holy Goddess, and he had purposely kept a low profile to make it harder for his brother to track him down.

"If you would like, I can just tell you about what I was doing on the Holy Domain." Donny had been living a pretty simple life other than the constant harassment from the Demon Lord, so there wasn’t really that much to tell, and of course, the God of Metal should be able to tell if he was telling the truth.

"That is why I am here. Now that I have a vague description of your actions, it will make it easier for me to tell the kind of person you are without overstepping any bounds set by the deal." Getting the feeling that it was his turn to talk again, Donny slowly walked through everything that brought him to the Holy Domain in the first place before explaining why he chose to make it his home even though there were obvious problems in staying there.

"Were the cheap prices really worth staying in a place that was probably playing into the Demon Lord’s ability to speak to you?" Donnie knew it probably sounded funny to the God of Metal that cheap potions and food were one of the reasons he had stayed in the capital of the Holy Domain, but it was only a small reason; the main reason was he was afraid that if he left the Holy Domain, the Demon Lord would just send someone to kidnap him.

The Temple of Light’s presence in the capital had been heavy, making him feel physically safe even if his mind was being played with. "Inaction felt like the right move to me at the time, and I did leave the second it looked like the Demon Worshipers would be taking over the capital."

"Why did you never join the Temple of Light or at least ask to be put under their protection? If you told them the Demon Lord was interested in you, they would have kept you in one of their many sanctuaries."

"I thought about it many times, but I was always afraid that they would see fit to end my life instead of risking me ever falling into his hands." This was paranoia at play, but it was hard to deny this possibility if you do just how much the God of Light despised the Demon Lord.

"Do you regret your decisions now?" This was a hard question, and it took him many minutes to even start forming an answer. "No, I know it might sound weird, but I’m grateful because every time I thought about what might happen if the Demon Lord convinced me to join him, I never once thought it could turn out like this. You’ve been looking into my past, so you know my family is from the Metal Domain, and becoming a Demigod aligned with the Metal element has been my goal from the very beginning."

"So you’re saying everything technically has worked out for you. I guess it’s good to look at the bright side. That’s enough talking for now. I’m sending you to one of the other Demigods to be looked after. I need you to focus on your training Because we’re on a tight schedule if I want to keep my end of the deal, and you need to be at least proficient with Unholy and Dark magic before it’s time for you to become a Demigod."

Donny wasn’t sure what to say to this, but it didn’t end up mattering because before he had a chance to say anything, he’d been whisked away to another place. For the first time, the place he appeared in had another person. "Do you need anything?"

The question was polite, but how they’d said it gave away the fact he was unwanted. He’d expected to be treated like this from the beginning, so he just shook his head and said. "Just basic things like food in a place to sleep."

If the next few months or weeks of his life would be spent training, it didn’t really matter where he was, and if they all hated him, staying on his own was also the best decision he could make. "Okay, follow me. We have both of those things prepared." As the person who had been speaking to him turned, Donny couldn’t help but think that there was about a 50% chance they were the Demigod of Silver by the vibe they were giving.

If he was the God of Metal, he would have chosen the same person to watch someone who’d be using Unholy magic within my Domain. It was too bad he didn’t think they would answer him if he asked though, because he would be interested in asking for their help getting started on Unholy Magic.

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