The Insider System Chapter 86: Mobile Home

Chapter 86: Mobile Home

Now that Lake was done, he did the best he could to make sure he cleaned his mess up, and activated the purifying crystal to make sure any small particles were cleaned from the air. Once all that was done he left the Lab to see his servants had been standing in the hall the whole time. "What are you three doing in the stairway?"

Jason, who seemed to be the leader of his servants, held up some bottles and said. " We were on standby in case you needed help." Lake guessed these were the antidotes for the ingredients he had been using, because he hadn’t told them he was immune to poison.

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It was nice they were being so thoughtful without him even needing to ask so he said. "Thanks for your hard work but I’m fine. Would you three mind putting the ingredients back where they go? Once you’re done you can have the rest of the day off because I’m leaving again."

Waving bye, Lake started downstairs to find Lucas who was back in his office. Lucas was really busy so Lake said. "I need a cart, and a guard to drive it." Lake was hoping Lucas would just ok it without any questions because it was such a simple request but he said. "We’re low on carts at the moment because a lot of them were stolen during the evacuation."

"Is that a no?" Lake really needed the cart so he could stay outside of the guild for long periods of time so if Lucas was saying no Lake was going to have some problems. "I’m just asking what you need it for." Lake was fine telling Lucas, he had just been hoping to not have to spend so much time talking to him.

"Yesterday when I was looking for a place to sleep I found every room in the city was full because of all the refugees. So last night before I fell asleep I thought a cart would be a good place to sleep until I can get a room." Lake also thought it would be useful to have a driver that could bring him places at night while he slept, but he didn’t mention that part.

"Why don’t you just come back to the guild at night like you did last night?" Lake realized Lucas didn’t really know about all the people that had their eyes on the guild at all times, and he probably didn’t care even if he did because they were outside, so it didn’t really matter to him.

"It’s kind of dangerous to just walk outside on foot. There’s a lot of people out there trying to gather information, and last night when I was coming home I was attacked." Lucas didn’t seem too surprised to hear this but Lake could tell he wasn’t happy about it.

"You can have a cart but you have to bring it back in a few days, don’t just keep it forever. One more thing before you go, I got a report of two headless bodies found one street over from the guild this morning, and I have some people out investigating it, would those happen to be the people who attacked you?"

Lake nodded and said. "Yeah, were they important, are they from the Assassins guild?" Lucas looked at him like he was a pain in the ass and said. "No, but you should try your best not to kill in the city because the king’s guard take it seriously. They try to make sure people feel safe inside the city so if you ever kill someone in the future, make sure you tell me so I can take care of it before the investigation starts."

It seemed Lucas was done talking so Lake tried to leave the room but Lucas stopped him and said. "Don’t take any of the big carts, you’re one person and we need them." After that Lake got on the elevator and rode it all the way down to the dungeon.

Lake wanted to see if Joy was back to normal, or if she was still under the effects of the loyalty curse. Without leaving the elevator, Lake yelled. "Hey Joy, how are you doing today?" When she didn’t react at all, Lake knew she was still in work overdrive mode because she would have walked over to him to say hi if she was herself.

Riding the elevator up to where the carts were, Lake found one of the small ones pretty quickly then found the closest driver he could and asked. "Would you be willing to drive me around for a few days? I have stuff I need to do outside." The guy shrugged and said. "It’s what I’m paid for." freew𝚎bn𝐨𝘃𝐞𝗹.𝗰𝚘𝗺

This was a good attitude for his driver because he wanted someone who wouldn’t ask too many questions, and Lake could tell this guy was fine with anything as long as he got paid on time. Bringing him to the cart, Lake said "This is the one right here. You know where the carts are outside the city, that’s where I’m headed."

After Lake said this he got in the cart and let the guy drive him to the edge of the city where the massive stable was. Getting out of the cart, Lake said. "You can do what you want. I’ll find you when I need you to drive me somewhere." Lake could tell the cart driver was confused when he walked back towards the city, but when he didn’t ask about it Lake knew he had picked the right guy for the job.

Once Lake was back inside the city he headed towards a residential area. Lake planned to use Mana Vision to look for empty houses he could break into then take the loot to the alley to sell. If he did this enough he should be able to not only unlock Burglar, but Max it out.

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The money he would be making was just a nice bonus because he had found he had started to really like the way gold felt in his hands, and he was hoping this could lead him to the last mission he needed to complete before the Insider became level one.

There was one other thing Lake would like to do today: Repair his knife. Its blade was deformed now because of how he had used it yesterday, and he needed to get it repaired, or maybe even get some that were designed to be thrown so he would have more than one.

Lake planned to go to the Blacksmiths guild once he had more money because if he just bought cheap stuff it would break after one use. Turning Mana Vision on Lake started to scan the buildings he was passing until he found an empty one.

Once he did Lake looked around to find any windows he might be able to get through without someone on the street noticing him. Lake wasn’t worried about them hearing him, just them seeing him while he was doing it. Under normal circumstances Lake bet no one would be able to see him do it because of how fast he was, but he was sure there were plenty of people with high Perception around.

Lake was about to move on to a house with less people around it when he thought of something. If he acted like he wasn’t suspicious, no one would notice a man walking into their own house. Figuring he should try it out, Lake walked up to the front door and grabbed the handle.

Activating Mute Lake pushed until he felt the lock snap, and the door start to open. With the door ready to open at any time Lake made sure there wasn’t any visible damage to the door or the frame then opened it and walked in.

Once he was in Lake skipped the first floor and went up stairs. Lake didn’t want someone coming in and seeing him as soon as they opened the door, and he figured most people would keep the good stuff upstairs if they were fortunate enough to have one, so he had more than one reason to go upstairs.

Once he was upstairs Lake picked one of the four rooms at random. It seemed to be a kids bedroom, so he skipped it and moved on to the next room. Lake figured the kid would be the poorest person who lived here, so it would be a waste of time.

Opening the next room, Lake found something more interesting. There was a desk and a few tables packed high with books and equipment. Lake walked over to one of the tables, and inspected one of the smaller pieces on it.

It was a metal ring but not the kind you would put on your finger; it was more like a big coin with a hole in the middle. Reading its description Lake learned it was a magic item that helped with identifying what things were made from, and you held it up to your eye while letting it take your mana in to make it work.

Lake could think of a lot of ways something like this could be useful so he put it in his bag and moved to the next item on the table. Seeing it was also a tool used for observing things, Lake just grabbed all five that were on the table. there was on point in checking them one by one.

Moving to the desk, Lake opened all the drawers until he found one was locked. He did the same to it as he did with the door and just forced it open. Lake grabbed the small box that was in the drawer and opened it to find a silver bar. It was pretty roughly forged but Lake could tell it was something special as soon as he touched it.

It gave him the same feeling enchanted items gave, so he knew it was worth taking, so he put it in his bag and moved on to the next room. He would inspect it in more detail later once he wasn’t at risk of running out of time.

Opening the door to what seemed to be the parents bedroom, Lake started to look for Jewelry because he knew they must have some, especially since it seemed whoever owned the office dealt in metals, or at least studied some metals.

Finding a box in one of the drawers on the end table Lake opened it, and when he saw jewelry he dumped it into his satchel. Lake thought this was enough, and reactivated Mana Vision to do one final sweep to see if there was anything obvious that he should take real quick before he left.

Not seeing anything he went for the front door, and was back out on the street in less than four seconds.[New job unlocked Burglar] [Level up] [Level up] [Level up] Lake knew there had been one more door upstairs, but he knew the more time you spent digging around the more likely you were to get trapped when someone came home. It was best to just take the obvious stuff and leave.

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