The Insider System Chapter 88: Making Money Pt.2

Chapter 88: Making Money Pt.2

Lake left as he was still thinking about why he could see the levels of plants but not equipment. His best guess was it had something to do with him being an Alchemist, maybe if he became a Blacksmith he would be able to see the level of metals the same way he could with plants.

Lake remembered Lucas saying Appraiser helped with Alchemy but maybe Appraiser helped with all production jobs. Lake knew three production jobs: Alchemist, Blacksmith, and Enchanter, but he was sure there were more that he had yet to hear about.

The fact his Alchemist job was Unique made Lake think maybe it wasn’t the only production job one of the past Insiders had tampered with. He could see why someone would want to make sure they could make themselves anything they needed, or maybe they had specialized the job for making one thing really well Like how they had done to Alchemist.

Lake’s Poison Control skill made him extremely capable of mixing poisons to the point where it seemed too easy, and on top of that it doubled as a method of attack. Someone had seen a way to make the Alchemist job something useful to a thief, so maybe someone had done the same to more production jobs.

It was worth testing once he got back to the guild he would look up which jobs people knew the unlock method for. From what the guy earlier had said Blacksmith was a job a lot of people had, so there was a good chance they knew the exact method to unlock it.

Once Lake reached the house he had marked earlier he checked to see if anyone was inside with Mana Vision. Not seeing anyone he moved on. He would like to stake out the house, but with him learning how much money he would need to fix his knife or buy a new one he wanted to start work again.

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Finding another empty house not far from the one he broke into earlier, Lake snapped the door open and walked in. Once he was inside and saw how rundown it was, Lake didn’t even waste his time looking around too much and went straight to the big bedroom. Finding a small bag of gold, Lake took it and left. [Level up] [Level up] [Level up] [Level up]

Race: Human Lv.8 ( 9/10 )

Job: Burglar Lv.4 ( 53/80 )

Special: The Insider Lv.0 ( 4/5 )


Health 80

Stamina 80

Mana 200

Strength 43

Endurance 15

Agility 62

Dexterity 66

Perception 83

Intelligence 114

Charisma 23

Free stat points: 84

Lake was a little unhappy to see his Agility and Dexterity weren’t the same anymore, but he knew he could fix that by maxing them out, so he just moved on to his two new skills.

Burglar Alarm (U) Lv.1

Lets you know who owns the property you’re on and where they are.

Cat Burglar (U) Lv.1

Every part of you can be used to cling to surfaces.

Once he was back outside, and done checking his new skills, Lake counted the gold to see how much was in it. Adding the 16 new coins to his he moved on to another empty house only five down from the one he was just in. This one was nicer on the inside, but it didn’t have an upstairs like most houses on this street.

Going down the hallway that had all the doors to rooms, Lake pushed them open one by one till he saw something. It seemed to be some sort of altar. He guessed whoever lived here was devout. Lake looked at the stuff on top of the altar, but decided none of it was worth making a god mad so he moved on.

Lake pushed the last door on the halfway open, and found the bedroom. a single step inside the room and Lake saw something he wanted to steal. It was a full suit of chainmail on a stand in the closet. The only problem was he didn’t think he would be able to fit it in his satchel.

Taking the sheet off the bed, Lake put the full set on top of it and did his best to roll it up, putting it under his arm. Lake walked out and headed straight for the alley. [Level up] [Rank up] [Level up] [Level up] [Level up] [Level up] [Level Max]

Lake hadn’t needed to leave yet, the owner wasn’t anywhere near their house yet, but he doubted he could carry more without it looking weird. Pulling up his stats and new skills while he walked Lake started to read.

Race: Human Lv.9 ( 5/10 )

Job: Burglar Lv.10 ( Max )

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Special: The Insider Lv.0 ( 4/5 )


Health 90

Stamina 90

Mana 210

Strength 43

Endurance 15

Agility 74

Dexterity 84

Perception 83

Intelligence 114

Charisma 23

Free stat points: 102

Lake saw his free stat points had gone pass the limit he had set for himself and didn’t keep his promise of spending them. Then Lake looked at his next, and final two skills from Burglar.

Booster Bag (U) Lv.1

Stolen items can go into a second secret space Inside a container.

Detector (L) Lv.1

You can set this skill to search for certain things.

(Range scales off of Perception)

Booster Bag Seemed to be a really good skill, and its effects made him think of something Laka had said about the Insider. He had said if he ever needed it he could just pretend to pull it out of his pocket, maybe Booster Bag worked in a similar way.

Arriving at the alley, Lake knocked, and was let inside a few seconds later. "Sorry I only brought one thing this time." He said as he set the rolled up armor on the counter. Unrolling it, Lake let the guy inspect it and a few minutes Later the guy said. "Light armors are very valuable to people in our business, are you sure you want to sell it? Because with one enchantment to take care of the noise this would be much better than the stuff you are wearing."

Lake was only worried about making money right now so he said. "No, I’ll sell it." The guy seemed happy to hear this, as he said. "I’ll give you 900 gold." Lake was blown away by the price, until he realized chainmail was really hard to make, meaning it was very valuable.

Taking the deal, Lake said. "I’ll see you later." He didn’t want to take too long because he wanted to catch the guy with the weird basement while he was still there. Running towards the house, Lake stopped once the basement was in range of Mana Vision. Seeing it was empty, Lake checked the rest of the house which was also empty.

With this done Lake decided to test out his new skill in a new way. Walking up to the house, Lake opened the door and walked in. With Burglar Alarm activated Lake looked around to see if the person was close. When he saw they were nowhere near the house Lake decided he could take his time looking for the way down to the basement.

His skill also told him the identity of the person who owned it but it wasn’t helpful information right now. Activating Mute Lake pried up a floorboard and looked through the hole. Seeing dirt he knew his plan to go through the floor would be pretty difficult. Putting the floorboard back, Lake started to remove paintings, and move shelves away from the wall.

When everything on the walls were removed he moved on to rugs and furniture. Grabbing a chair that was near the wall to check under it, Lake realized it was attached to the ground. Figuring this must be the way downstairs, Lake grabbed the handle that would make it recline if it was a normal chair, and pulled it.

When it actually reclined Lake thought he had failed and was about to move on when he noticed how much space was under the leg rest. It had gone much higher than a chair should, making it an obvious entrance. Looking under the chair there was indeed a brick passageway down to the basement.

Crawling under the chair Lake into the passage, Lake stood up. With how dark it was done here Lake was happy he had night vision. After about 20 feet or so of tunnel, Lake reached a black metal door. Running his hand along it Lake found it was completely smooth with no obvious way to open it. Using inspect on it, Lake felt a stinging in his eye.

He realized this was probably the same situation he had been in with the nullifier. This door probably had some sort of password that he needed to say for it to open. Lake used his skill Critical Eye on the door in the hopes it would reveal some major flaw, but when it just told him the best place to hit it if he wanted to bust through it he moved on.

This seemed to be his opportunity to use a skill he had wanted to use for a while. Activating Decrypt Lake felt his mana start to drain. This was a weird feeling similar to whenever he put mana into his ward ring. He could feel his mana twisting through the doors internal mana pathways into a few odd shapes.

Lake guessed these were the separate effects the door had, but there was really no point in guessing now since it probably wouldn’t take too much longer. Feeling his mana stop depleting Lake looked at the results. There were now three distinct glowing shapes on the door and when he focused on them he understood how they worked like he was reading a description.

One was an anti observation formation that was keeping him from using inspect on the door. The next was an enchantment that made the door much stronger and better at resisting magic. The last was the one he needed. It was the one that listened for the password, and moved the door when it was uttered.

Lake had to say this Decrypt skill was something else; it had worked through two separate effects that should have stopped him from being able to get information on this door. He guessed that was what made it a Legendary skill.

Lake guessed that was why the skill said, can result in failure. Most items that you would use this skill on would be heavily loaded with anti magic formations. He bet there would be items that could stop this skill in the future. After thinking this, Lake went back to trying to open the door with the information he could get from it.

The password itself wasn’t in the door’s formation, but the part that matched what was said could be used to slowly figure out what he needed to say. Turning off mute Lake said. "Aaa." The door’s formation went to work analyzing the sound, and Lake realized his brilliant plan to trick the door was going to take forever.

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