The King Of Passive Skills Chapter 407


407 Chapter 407 blown up

Under Feng Yun realm’s arrangement, there were another 20000 to 30000 guild members.

It was not suitable for him to continue staying in the Gerri wilderness, so he left the map first and waited for Zhang Shan and the rest to kill Magnus before coming back in to farm monsters.

The remaining guild members were less than 50000.

Other than the 10000 people who had followed Zhang Shan to attack Magnus, there was still a reserve force of about 40000.

As long as they fought smoothly, with their 40 to 50 thousand people, it would not be too much of a problem to blow up Magnus.

Under the continuous attacks of close to 10000 people, Magnus “HP was dropping rapidly.

80%, 70%, 60%.

After fighting for less than five minutes, they were about to take half of Magnus “health.

The more people there were, the more power they had.

Moreover, he was more than 20 levels higher than everyone else, so he had a very strong level suppression on them.

As a result, many people could only deal one or two hundred damage.

Even so, under the attacks of nearly 10000 people, Magnus “HP was still rapidly decreasing.

Many ants could kill an elephant. This was the logic.

Even though Magnus was very fierce and had a lot of HP, he was still very strong.

However, due to its huge size, it could allow nearly 10000 people to attack the BOSS together.

In the past, when they fought bosses, no matter how many people they had prepared in advance, they would still be able to defeat bosses.

However, there were only a few hundred players who could actually attack the BOSS at the same time. At most, there were only one or two thousand players.

After all, the area around the BOSS was only so big. It was impossible for one to stand on top of one’s teammates and attack the BOSS.

And Magnus “body was huge, like a mountain.

Nearly 10,000 people surrounded and attacked Magnus, as if they were surrounding a large mountain and chopping down trees.

The entire area of attack was very wide.

There were too many people attacking the boss if he didn’t adjust his view.

Zhang Shan could only see his teammates around him. He could not see his teammates who were attacking Magnus from afar.

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It was rare to see so many people attacking the boss together.

Under the continuous attacks of nearly 10000 people, Magnus “HP was quickly approaching half.

At this moment, Feng Yun realm commanded in the Guild channel.

everyone, except for six-barreled and team one, retreat first.

Feng Yun realm called out and followed the strategy that they had agreed on before the battle.

Everyone retreated first, and waited for Zhang Shan to force out Magnus “ultimate move.

Everyone returned and dealt a wave of rapid damage together.

as for the group of support that feng yun realm mentioned ...

They had to stay behind to accompany Zhang Shan.

If there was no support to heal him, he wouldn’t be able to stand for two seconds before he fell to the ground.

As a level 60 true name BOSS, Magnus was powerful in all aspects.

High damage, high HP, and overpowered skills.

it could almost be said to be an invincible BOSS.

If there was no Zhang Shan, this kind of abnormal player, existing, it would be impossible to be killed at this stage.

Other than Zhang Shan, at this stage, there were almost no players who could take on Magnus ‘normal damage.

It had to be known that Magnus “chain kick could deal 180000 damage.

Other than Zhang Shan, who else would have such a high HP?

other than a few lucky guardian class players, after equipping the level 35 purple cape, they would be able to obtain a level 30 purple cape.

The amount of HP he had could barely reach this level, but there were definitely not many people like that. There were probably only a few of them in the entire game.

“Moreover, just being able to take one normal attack from Magnus isn’t much use.

Magnus “perverseness lay in that ultimate move.

Polar reversal had a huge damage and control range.

It could probably stomp a few thousand people to death.

In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, they had to follow the strategy they had previously agreed on.

Feng Yun realm led his men and left, leaving only Zhang Shan and his team of support to continue attacking Magnus.

After forcing out Magnus “ultimate skill, he would arrange for others to go up and stop him.

Under Feng Yun realm’s command, everyone stopped attacking and quickly retreated to the distance on their mounts.

If you were to ask why you were riding a horse, couldn’t you just run away?

Then you have to know how big Magnus is.


if he wanted to run out of magnus “range on foot, he would have to run for a while.

At this moment, Magnus only had 51% of his health left.

now, zhang shan had to deal 1% of its hp alone before he could stall for time until magnus used his ultimate skill.

However, even if he was the only one dealing damage, it didn’t matter.

Zhang Shan was alone, but he was not slow.

1% of Magnus “HP was only 10 million HP, if Zhang Shan could use the effect of the Holy Strike.

Two shots would be enough to take down this amount of blood.

Of course, the Holy Strike was not something that he could trigger whenever he wanted to.

Just when you needed to activate the Holy Strike, it would not activate.

Just like now, Zhang Shan had two divine weapons, and there was a 1% chance of triggering the effect of the Holy attack.

however, he continued to attack magnus for more than a minute, but he still couldn’t activate a single divine strike.


He relied on his normal damage and the occasional critical effect.

Zhang Shan alone slowly brought Magnus “health down to 50%.

When his HP dropped to half, Magnus waved his two front legs randomly without any warning.

It froze the surrounding void.

Zhang Shan and the team’s support who were healing him instantly stood still. They were inexplicably fixed in place.

After about two to three seconds, Magnus “two enormous front legs stepped down on them.

The team’s support who had been healing Zhang Shan had, without a doubt, fallen to the ground in an instant.

Zhang Shan had not fallen to the ground yet. Magnus “polar reversal was a big move that dealt five times the damage.

The total theoretical damage was about 450000.

Before Magnus used his ultimate, the support kept healing him.

His health was basically at full health.

Magnus “ultimate skill had taken out about 400000 of Zhang Shan’s HP.

Although he had been beaten to an empty state, he was still alive.

Zhang Shan continued to aim at Magnus and fired two shots.

Following that, Magnus used his chain kick skill and directly sent Zhang Shan flying.

at that moment, there was no support to heal him. otherwise, zhang shan would not have died.

Unfortunately, the support team that had followed him had already been wiped out by Magnus “big move.

The people who had retreated earlier could not rush over in time to heal him.

after zhang shan fell to the ground, the rest of the people quickly rushed over.

feng yun realm arranged for people to hold magnus back and wait for zhang shan to revive.

Zhang Shan had not fallen to the ground for a long time.

His rebirth passive skill had always been in a trigger state.

Now that he had been defeated by Magnus, he could only wait for 10 seconds before he revived.

Although he had fallen to the ground, he wasn’t dead, so the support couldn’t pull him up.

He could only wait for ten seconds before he resurrected himself. It would be useless even if the others were anxious.

While waiting for Zhang Shan to resurrect, Feng Yun realm arranged for people to rush forward and hold back Magnus.

Many of them could not even reach Magnus before falling to the ground and leaving.

The strength of a real name boss was all-round.

Not only did it deal high damage, but it also had high HP and movement speed.

Just like Magnus, with such a huge body, it shouldn’t have been able to move that fast.

However, everyone realized that no matter which direction they approached Magnus from, they would be unable to escape.

It took a step forward and arrived in front of the cannon fodder Feng Yun realm had arranged.

Magnus casually stomped down with his huge hooves, and the cannon fodder of the Guild fell one by one.

A large number of cannon fodder charged towards Magnus.

As for the other members of the Guild, they could only watch from afar, before Zhang Shan could pull the boss steadily.

They didn’t dare to step forward. Otherwise, they wouldn’t even know how they died.

At this moment, Magnus “massive body was like a mountain, but he could move quickly.

They chased after the Guild cannon fodder that entered their aggro range and took them down one by one.

Fortunately, Magnus only had single-target attacks.

In fact, other than the polar reversal skill, Magnus only had one chain kick skill that he could use.

No matter how fast Magnus attacked, he could only take down one cannon fodder.

There were 40000 to 50000 players from the wind and cloud Guild present.

It could kill as it pleased. Even if it was given half an hour, it might not be able to kill all of them.

Ten seconds passed, and Zhang Shan was revived with full health.

However, he didn’t rashly go forward to pull the BOSS. He had to wait for the second team’s support.

If he went up alone, he would not end up any better than the cannon fodder Feng Yun realm had arranged.

He was only able to take two more hits from Magnus than those cannon fodders.

Seeing that Zhang Shan had stood up again, Feng Yun realm immediately ordered.

second support, quickly step forward.

After the support was in position, Zhang Shan quickly approached Magnus.

And when Magnus saw Zhang Shan, he gave up on chasing after the other cannon fodder.

It took a step forward and arrived in front of Zhang Shan. Its huge hooves were swinging towards Zhang Shan.

Zhang Shan did not hesitate. He raised his hand cannon and immediately fired, the bullets sweeping towards Magnus.

The support that followed behind him quickly helped Zhang Shan add blood.

a moment later, the situation became the same as when the battle had just started.

Zhang Shan held Magnus steady while Feng Yun realm led the rest to attack.

The ten thousand strong super-large party directed their intense firepower towards Magnus.

Feng Yun Qing Qing and another witch doctor from the Guild took turns to cast curse skills.

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Curse was a top-grade support skill that increased the damage by 100% for five seconds.

Zhang Shan activated his berserk and fanatic skills. At the same time, he activated his shadow clone and fighting spirit.

the three zhang shans lined up in a row, and violent damage was continuously dealt to magnus.

Everyone dealt a wave of rapid damage together, and after more than a minute, Magnus “HP had dropped to 40%.

To be on the safe side, Feng Yun realm ordered the rest to retreat, leaving only Zhang Shan with a team of support to continue attacking Magnus.

“Boss, we don’t have to retreat so quickly, right? it’s only been a minute, and the interval between Magnus” big moves shouldn’t be that short, right?”

“That’s right, if we fight a little longer, we can directly send Magnus into a berserk state.”

“You’re right, if we fight fast enough, perhaps Magnus won’t even have the chance to use his second ultimate.”

Seeing that many people still had the mentality of getting lucky, Feng Yun realm shouted.

“No matter how long the interval between Magnus” ulti is, let’s retreat first and fight again after seeing clearly. Let’s stabilize this wave.”

Feng Yun realm’s meaning was very clear, just focus on killing Magnus and don’t be reckless.

Who knew how long the interval between Magnus “ultimate skills was?

If there were only two or three minutes left, then they would have to continue fighting. Wouldn’t it be easy to get wiped out?

it was better to take a step back and observe first to see how long it would take for magnus to cast his second ultimate.

When the others had retreated, Zhang Shan was the only one left at the scene, attacking Magnus.

Not long after, Magnus “two front legs started to move randomly again.

In an instant, Zhang Shan and the support behind him were fixed in place. Immediately after, two huge hooves stomped down.

Zhang Shan and the support behind him were all stomped to the ground.

This time, Zhang Shan did not survive the damage from Magnus “ultimate, because before Magnus activated his ultimate.

His HP wasn’t full, and after taking a series of kicks, Magnus “big move came.

The support didn’t have the time to fill up his health.

After seeing Magnus use his ultimate skill once more, Feng Yun realm immediately arranged for the cannon fodder to go forward.

at the same time, he had the third group of assistants follow them and prepare to revive zhang shan.

This was the second time Zhang Shan had fallen to the ground. His passive rebirth had just been triggered.

It could only be triggered again after 24 hours. Now, he could only lie on the ground and wait for the support to come and resurrect him.

After the group of cannon fodders attracted Magnus “hatred.

The third group of support quickly ran up. One of the support used a resurrection skill and revived Zhang Shan.

After he stood up again, Zhang Shan quickly rushed towards Magnus and pulled the boss’s aggro back.

after seeing magnus “two big moves, zhang shan realized that they had to increase their speed.

The interval between Magnus “big moves was much shorter than everyone had expected.

Zhang Shan had not carefully calculated the time. He estimated that there were only slightly more than two minutes left.

If they didn’t hurry up, they would still be in trouble. If they could only take out 10% of Magnus “HP each time ...

Zhang Shan would have to fall to the ground three or four more times before he could kill Magnus.

It had been a long time since he had fallen to the ground, and this time, in order to blow up Magnus, he had to continuously fall. This was simply intolerable.

However, what could they do? it was already good enough that they could kill the boss.

At least for now, it seemed like they could destroy Magnus.

After Zhang Shan had pulled Magnus to a stable position, the others quickly rushed forward on their horses.

All sorts of damage skills were thrown at Magnus.

“F * ck, is Magnus” ultimate skill really that short of a cooldown? I think it’s only 150 seconds.”

” yeah, it was so close just now. if we had dawdled a little longer, we might have been wiped out. ”

“Don’t worry, two and a half minutes isn’t a short time. As long as we fight fast, we can take out about 20% of Magnus” health.”

“Not bad, keep fighting, try to fight one more wave and destroy Magnus.”

Due to their previous experience, everyone was calculating the time it took for Magnus to cast his big move.

While dealing violent damage.

Slowly, Magnus “HP dropped.

Just as Magnus was about to go berserk, Feng Yun realm waved his hand and said.

“Same old rules, we’ll retreat first.”

In this wave, they had pretty much taken out Magnus “20% HP.

Magnus only had 22% of his health left, and he was about to enter berserk.

Not long after everyone had retreated, Magnus used his third ultimate.

Unsurprisingly, Zhang Shan and the support behind him fell to the ground almost at the same time.

After the first two rounds of skills, everyone was already familiar with the way, and the cannon fodder went up to pull Magnus back.

The support went forward to revive Zhang Shan.

After that, it was the resurrected Zhang Shan who once again took over the boss’s aggro.

everyone went up together and dealt rapid damage towards magnus.

“Come on, let’s try to destroy Magnus in one wave.”

“it’s a little difficult. we only took out magnus last round with 18% of his health left, which means he still has 22% of his health left.”

“I think so. Magnus is about to enter berserk, and after that, we can fight even faster.”

“Do you want to play steadily for a while and then just play one more round?”

we’ll see. Just pay attention to the time. The interval between Magnus ‘big moves should be fixed.

“Yes, it’s easy to deal with it if there’s a pattern,”

if the boss’s ultimate moves are sometimes fast and sometimes slow, that would be a real headache.

“I hope Magnus doesn’t play with us. If he randomly uses his ultimate skill, then we’ll be screwed.”

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Don’t worry, that definitely won’t happen. Magnus has already used his big move three times, and the interval between each time is the same. The rest will definitely be the same.”

under everyone’s continuous attacks, magnus quickly entered berserk.

after going berserk, magnus became even more ferocious. the damage he dealt to zhang shan became even higher, and his attack speed also became faster.

however, these changes did not affect the overall situation. zhang shan had a large group of support behind him, healing him.

No matter how fierce Magnus was, he wouldn’t be able to instantly kill him.

the support standing behind him could completely heal him.

After going berserk, Magnus had become much more fragile, and the damage that everyone dealt was much higher than before.

haha, this is great! He dealt 500 damage with one slash.

“Look at you, you’re already over level 30 and you only dealt 500 damage. Is that something to be happy about?”

” f * ck, why can’t i be happy? just now, i could only deal around 300 damage. now, i can deal around 500 damage. isn’t this something to be happy about? ”

“Weak chicken.”

who the f * ck are you calling weak? Speaking of which, the damage I dealt is at least in the top 100 in the Guild.

“AI, you’re really useless. Do you think it’s worth it to be in the top 100 damage output? those who don’t know better would think that you’re ranked first in terms of damage.”

with the six-barreled boss around, who would dare to fight for first place in damage? ”

isn’t it asking for trouble to compete with the six-barreled boss in terms of damage output? he’s alone, but the damage he can deal is more than the two or three hundred of us.

that’s for sure. When we first started, we could only deal 200 to 300 damage, but the six-barreled Big Boss could deal 30000 damage. The difference is a hundred times, it’s hopeless.

the point is, the six-barreled boss ‘attack speed is much faster than ours.

don’t compare yourself to that inhuman six-man, we’re normal players, he’s a cheater.

“not to the extent of cheating. i guess he’s playing on a private server, hehe.”

Everyone was blowing water while happily attacking Magnus.

After Magnus went berserk, they fought faster than expected.

The main reason was that there were too many people who had participated in the attack on Magnus.

After the boss went berserk, the players who could only deal 200 to 300 damage could now deal 400 to 500 damage.

The damage effect was almost doubled.

In the past, when they fought bosses, the effect wasn’t as obvious after the boss went berserk.

it was probably because after magnus entered berserk, the level suppression effect had weakened.

The reason why the other guilds dealt so little damage was not because their attack power was not high enough.

In fact, there were quite a few big shots in the wind and cloud Guild, and their equipment was not bad.

Their attack power was generally above 4000.

the main reason why they had dealt so little damage before was because of magnus ‘level suppression.

now that the boss had entered berserk mode, the level suppression effect should have loosened up a little.

As a result, the damage they dealt was almost doubled.

In fact, Zhang Shan was about the same. The damage he dealt now was much higher than when he first started.

Although it didn’t double, it still increased by four to five thousand.

Now, one shot from him could take out about 35000 HP from Magnus.

In less than half a minute after Magnus entered berserk mode, they had already lost 10% of his health.

“haha, magnus only has 10% of his health left. we don’t have to run anymore, let’s destroy him in one round.”

“It hasn’t even been a minute since Magnus used his ultimate skill. With the remaining time, I’ll definitely be able to destroy it.”

“All the best, hurry up and beat up Magnus, I want a God equipment.”

“In your dreams. Even if a divine weapon appears, it’s none of your business.”

same old rules. Equipment will be distributed according to damage.

who the f * ck can beat the six-barreled boss? ”

“If you can be the tank and also the number one damage dealer, I can let you choose first.”

“Don’t take it to heart, I was just casually saying. Don’t think so highly of me, with this small body of mine, even if Magnus stomps me to death, I’ll still have some left.”

He looked at Magnus “HP, which was rapidly decreasing.

As Zhang Shan attacked, he summoned the Panda ball.

However, he was surrounded by his teammates. The newly recruited Panda dumpling was actually dozens of yards away.

Zhang Shan was a little speechless. He had originally wanted to let the Panda bear dumpling take the last hit.

There was no chance of that happening. There was no place for the Panda gang to stand around Magnus.

forget it, i’ll leave it to fate.

After all, there were close to 10000 people attacking Magnus at the same time. Even if he controlled the Pandaren, he might not be able to get the final kill.

The more people there were, the more chaotic the damage would be, and there was no way to calculate the damage.

Under everyone’s continuous attacks, Magnus “HP quickly decreased.

10%, 5% ... Very quickly, he was left with no more health.

“Haha, watch how I’ll deal a critical strike and blow up Magnus.”

“in your dreams! even if it’s a critical hit, you’ll only be able to deal less than 1000 damage. you’re only worthy of magnus” tickling.”

“It’s none of your business. Can’t I think about it?”

“I’m doing this for your own good. Fantasizing is bad for your body, hehe.”

After his health bar was empty, Magnus did not last for long. With Zhang Shan’s passive [heavy strike] activated, five times the damage, Magnus was immediately destroyed.

≪ system announcement: congratulations to Feng Yun realm, six-pipe Bodhisattva, and Feng Yun one blade for successfully killing the demonized beast God’s Son Magnus. ≫

Skill point +1, medal +100.

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