The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya Chapter 201 A Fox Called Kira [Hell - Part VII]

- POV Freya -

- PING -

[ Pain resistance skill (lvl 5) has been raised to level 6 ]

[ Lucifer’s Threads of Blood (lvl 2) skill is now level 3 ]

[ The skill Healing Blood (lvl 2) has been raised to level 3 ]

[ Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (level 3) has been upgraded to level 4 ]

[ Demonic Empress aura (level 6) has been raised to level 7 ]


The war was still going strong and although Jade, the most powerful of Zal’s army, was already out of action, there was still no guarantee of victory. After our little confrontation, the mysterious vampire had fainted, and I had turned her over to the medic section. They had to make sure that her most serious wounds were taken care of, as her depleted mana prevented her from fighting back or even waking up.

Even though I hadn’t killed her, some of my skills had increased and taking my demon form even if it wasn’t complete felt good. In this form I felt more powerful than ever, my attribute points did not change and yet everything was increased tenfold. My fight with Jade ended very quickly afterward but the war did not stop and every second counted.

I was not fighting anymore, at least not yet, because the goal was also to allow all my soldiers to level up and gain experience and courage. I didn’t want them to always rely on me in the most difficult moments, so after defeating Jade, I withdrew. Of course, I was still watching over everyone and standing by, but this war was not was theirs.

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My wife, along with the Lieutenants and their section, had surrounded the bulk of the human army where the King, Leto and Myles were, to prevent them from running away and fighting. The Commanders, on the other hand, were busy defeating the 10 most powerful level 35 along with Kira. This was her first real fight and although I had full confidence in her, her debut was a bit more difficult than I thought.

My little sister had not chosen a very simple opponent for her first fight, but as crazy as it sounded, I thought she could kill him. Before the war broke out, during the few days of preparations I had seen her train with a seriousness that I didn’t know she had. Kira’s skills were incredible, her movements almost always very precise for a newborn like her, and they amazed me.

She was fighting a Lightning Paladin and even though she had been confident, he had quickly managed to destabilize her and make her lose her will. To be exact, Kira herself had become demoralized as she learned for the first time what it was like to fight for her life while trying to take another. She had held on well, but after a few minutes, she had broken two fingers while punching the human before getting hit in the leg.

My little sister had suffered, cried, and the sight tore at my heart, but I didn’t move because I trusted her. Even though it hurt to see her try to get up, it was her first fight and deep down I wanted to respect it. I also knew that Kira would never forgive herself for letting me save her so even though it was hard for both of us, I didn’t budge despite her pain.

The pain, the fear, the pressure, the panic, all of this Kira had experienced in the field and had become aware of the danger she was in at every moment. She had also experienced the loss of self-confidence that every warrior experiences in their first fight. I had watched everything and stepped in to give her a little push, although I was ready to jump in at any moment to save her if necessary.

I didn’t want to come between her and her opponent, but I wanted to let her know that I was always watching out for her, even in the middle of a battlefield. With this thought in mind, Kira had regained her courage and strength to stand up despite the pain and fear. I wanted her to show that poor man how fierce, deadly and dangerous she could be even at her level 15 and she was going to do it.

In the blink of an eye, my little sister had turned into a huge three-tailed fox with shiny, silver fur. Her silver-blue lightning crackled all around her, making her hair stand on end, her single black horn was imposing and she was now snarling, showing all her sharp fangs. Kira was also beautiful in this form, both bestial but with a certain inexplicable grace due to her race.

*You can do it little sister*

I had cut the telepathic link so as not to distract her, but that didn’t stop me from cheering her on from where I was and in my thoughts. The battlefield was large enough to let her fight in her original form without restricting her movements and that was ideal. At that moment, even though I was watching the other fights, my wife not yet fighting, I only had eyes for Kira.

By concentrating for a few seconds, quickly enough, I could hear their voices even from so far away, I could see, feel everything as if I were only a few meters away and I could smell all the smells up to the very change of their emotions. It was my little sister’s time to shine and I knew for sure that her sun would shine brightly. As I took a deep breath... Kira’s fight really began.

*Kira, little sister...I trust you*


- POV Paladin -

The subrace that a few minutes ago was on the ground, unable to even get up or face me again had just transformed. Before, she was a filthy young half-human woman with a horn, but now she was just a demonic beast. Saint Leto had warned us that we would meet beings devoid of soul and connected to the Devil herself, but it was hard to bear.

For decades, the Church of Humanity had been trying to fight the anomalies of this world with courage and determination, but more and more seemed to appear. His Excellency the Supreme and the Holy Sage had been hunting for years for subraces capable of turning into beasts, but here was the horror.

The Devil herself had taken on the appearance of a woman who at first appeared to be half-wolf but turned out to be the embodiment of evil and death. Her hair was not white but black as darkness, but her eyes were as violet and terrifying as the monster that had appeared in the Age of Extinction. Deep down I was sure that this horrible woman with the broken helmet was the most dangerous being that Humanity has ever known.

That’s why as humans we had to fight to our last breath to win and ensure the survival of us all. Each one of us had to do their part in spite of this fear that never left us and my part was to slaughter the beast in front of me. It also had intense purple eyes but for some reason seemed much weaker. Still, I had to stay on guard and not let it touch me again.

A gigantic three-tailed fox was standing in front of me, looking angry, foul and worthy of one of the biggest mistakes this world has ever created. I couldn’t help but tremble, but I didn’t lose sight of my goal, knowing full well that the Gods were with me. I had a few broken left ribs, but I was willing to suffer the agony if it meant wiping this subrace off the face of the earth.

"H-Human ! My name is Kira, I am the Princess of the Empire that you have decided to destroy and it is as such that I will fight and kill you !"

The creature was suddenly speaking to tell me things that to me were completely devoid of any common sense. This thing a Princess ? I knew as well as many that this garbage had gathered Empire ? How much did these subraces think they were emulating humans ? The thought made me rage and tremble with anger as I answered.

"Shut up ! I don’t give a shit about your bullshit or who you are ! All I know is that you have to die for the good of Mankind and that this abominable thing that appeared earlier has to go back to where it came from...Hell !"

As I finished my sentence, the beast in front of me so far calm, began to growl louder and louder as its element around it grew denser. Without further ado, I grabbed my sword and began to incant to release my own mana. I felt weaker, my ribs hurt, but it was nothing. In the end, we would all be judged by the Gods, by the value of our suffering and our courage.

"My big sister that you so naively call an abominable thing, has much more heart than most of the humans that inhabit this earth. Tell me, how would an abomination be able to see beyond the difference and accept it when you humans are not even able to ? That is the proof of a great intelligence." 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖜𝔢𝔟𝖓𝖔𝔳𝔢𝔩.𝔠𝖔𝔪

"SHUT UP !!! We are fighting for peace and so that our children and their children don’t have to grow up in a world full of monsters like you !"

"Human you’re saying bullshit ! You are the one to broke the peace, you shed the blood, you sowed the death. Human, don’t talk to me about peace when you came to our lands to kill and imprison our people without even trying to understand why your dear Princess Alayna was here."

As the beast continued to speak, it picked up its weapon with its mouth, its teeth firmly holding the handle of its scythe. I couldn’t understand anything it was saying and its madness seemed as immeasurable as its stupidity, however, it was coming. The vixen was limping slightly and its teeth clenched every time it put her paw on the ground but it was moving forward and faster.

"You too go back where you came from !"

Releasing all my mana in its direction, it was no longer balls of lightning that I was throwing but bursts of pure mana containing a lot of power. I wanted to finish it off as quickly as possible and not give it time to recover in any way. Lightning explosions of the medium kind were happening, sometimes smaller, sometimes bigger and melting down on the creature.

"Damn but you’re going to die ??!!!"

Unfortunately, every time one of my attacks seemed to hit it, it seemed to teleport away to appear on its side, a few feet behind or in front. The lightning that surrounded the beast became denser and denser and the subrace that spoke before was now just growling like the animal it was. I could feel my mana running out but I didn’t want to stop, I had to kill it.

Yet nothing could be done, the vixen continued to move forward, keeping its gaze on me, all traces of fear gone from its violet eyes. Even though it was wounded, it kept going and yet blood was flowing from its paw. At that moment I knew that there was nothing more dangerous than an enraged beast with nothing left to lose. Concentrating all my mana once again but this time into my sword, I made it glow like never before.

By the time I finished, the beast was already there and was coming at me with the scythe that it held powerfully in its jaws to slice me. Its movements were not very fast, so I could see them all, but the strength it had seemed to have increased tenfold since earlier. Was it its beast form ? Was it the rage to survive ? I didn’t know, but its weapon was hitting mine with such force that my whole body was vibrating.

It was ferocious, lashing out with one powerful blow after another as I felt a tremendous physical and mental strain on me. How could it be so powerful ? The sound of our weapons clashing was deafening and the more the seconds passed the more I felt overwhelmed by this huge imposing creature.

"Aaaaah !"

Suddenly, an intense, unbearable pain shot through me, forcing me to look down to realize that I no longer had a right foot. Looking up dumbfounded, before me stood a naked three-tailed young woman holding a scythe in her left hand. As I fell to the ground, I immediately understood what had happened and how this subrace had managed to get me this way.

This fox named Kira, had been attacking me in her bestial form to force me to adapt to her size, strength and endurance to condition me. As a result, my body had registered certain movements but she had planned it all from the beginning. When I least expected it, she had returned to her humanoid form to create a sudden imbalance in the fight giving her the opening she needed.

"Aaaaaah !!!"

I still had mana, I could still defend myself but the pain in my foot was unbearable clouding my mind which had been put to the test so far. I could feel my warm blood flowing over me and yet I was getting colder and colder. Why had it gone so fast despite my almost certain victory ? My vision was blurring, everything was going black, I was suffering and even the sound of my own screams could not reach my ears.

"You’re lucky...I’m not my big sister so I won’t torture you. But this Hell you speak of, you’re going there so use your next life to meditate on your actions..."

The voice of the demonic creature suddenly echoed in my mind as before me appeared the same subrace. She was still naked and despite her race which was repulsive...her face wasn’t so bad. So the last thing I saw was a pair of violet eyes, silver hair and a tired smile as the very scythe of death fell on my neck causing me to gasp for my last breath.



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

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Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 20%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the uniques Sins Demons (to unlock it, please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 50 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 600

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (son & daughter) : Tyle & Alta?s Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 2239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):

Attacks :

- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 7)

Défense :

- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 6)

Attack/Defense :

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 4)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 5)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 2)

- Lucifer’s Threads of Blood (lvl 3)

- Healing Blood (lvl 3)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

Passives :

- Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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