The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya Chapter 244 Waiting For The Night [The Village Mystery - Part II]

- POV Freya -

Sitting under the only tree near the road leading to the village, the few villagers and our fake group of adventurers were conversing. Or rather, the mayor of this small, remote community was talking about what had been going on for a while. After our pact, I was determined to help these seemingly desperate humans in exchange for some information that might later prove useful.

"On full moon nights like the one tonight, at least one woman is abducted and is unable to be found no matter how hard we look. At daybreak, there are no traces of blood, no traces of forced entry and only traces of huge, unidentifiable paws leave the kidnapping site in the center of the village before disappearing."

At Fred’s words, as I listened with a blank stare, I felt a new glint in my eyes and in my mind. The promise of a much more interesting mystery had begun to appear in my mind after what he had said. Straightening up, just like Kira and Kalaa, I remained silent, taking care to listen to everything this time with the utmost attention.

"We can investigate the next day, barricade our houses on the nights of the full moon, post guards here and there, but nothing helps. It is as if a shadow or rather a ghost hovers over our village rendering us powerless. We don’t know if our wives, daughters and mothers are still alive but if this continues, they will all disappear..."

I felt the white-haired Mayor was done as he gritted his teeth as hard as he clenched his jaw in frustration, sadness and anger. Behind him, the humans who had stayed with him were doing the same, all eyes glued to the ground with guilt and fear. He seemed to have said everything about those particular nights but it wasn’t enough so breaking the silence, it was my turn to raise my voice.

"Was there a special event just before the first disappearances and the ransacking of your fields by chance ?"

"It started a few weeks ago right after the Day Of Delivery and the little village party that always follows as a tradition here."

At his answer, seeing that my sisters and I didn’t know what he was talking about, Fred portrayed his hand under his chin while thinking. He had to figure out what he could and could not tell us, still wary despite the help we were going to give and the pact we had made. After a few seconds, the old man finally decided to answer after a sigh, having understood that it was useless to hide information.

"The taxes we pay to the Lord of these lands, Sir Clayton, are made up solely of food grown in these great fields that are our pride. In return, once every three months, he sends us a crate filled with things we can’t find or make here that we need."

"Which is ?"

"Well, you seem to be new to this country, but the Vancesia Empire is known throughout the world for its technomagical advances. This village is a long way from the Capital which is to the south so the Count supplies us in exchange for our...loyalty ?"

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Sketching a slight smile at the Mayor who had purposely remained very vague in his explanations, we had already obtained some information. In addition to the mystery, learning that this country was more advanced in technology had piqued my attention even more. With Yuric, the dwarf leader of the blacksmiths, we had and were developing unique objects with my modern knowledge, which intrigued me even more.

*Combining my modern knowledge from my former life, magic and perhaps even the work of the Vancesia Empire, could guarantee a considerable advantage to Elysium*

This new perspective was more than interesting because if I could access certain objects or even manufacturing documents, the Empire could very quickly modernize. It was an ambitious project, but not impossible, and I intended to get as close to it as possible. While I was lost in my thoughts, suddenly one of the hitherto silent women could not suppress her fear, followed by some others.

"I’m sure it’s a trick of one of those human beasts who decided to harm us for some reason !"

"T-Though they are rather rare around here...why are there so many of them lately ?"

"I don’t know, but they are ruining our lives ! I thought that the Order of the Light had regulated their presence in our country to make them more useful and yet ! They are swarming like an epidemic and are mating as fast as animals"

"Well...technically they are."

As usual, the same hatred and disgust of different races was clearly felt in the speech of these humans. It was the same hostile intent born of prejudice that was driving more and more families into our Empire today. Kalaa and I were used to this, but I couldn’t say the same about Kira, who shook her head, speaking without thinking just before I stopped her.

"You guys are just a bunch of..."

By the time she had stood up abruptly, with one look I had been able to stop her before she said anything she shouldn’t. Of course, I understood the anger my little sister was feeling, but I also knew that she still lacked control. The goal was not to antagonize the humans but rather the opposite. The silence had returned and so it was with confidence that I turned to the three well-hated villagers.

"We don’t know yet if they are half-humans. Maybe if you were a little more open-minded and left your prejudices aside, the women of this village would still be among you. But hey, we’re not here to talk about our personal opinions but to talk about hard facts."

At my words, Kira sat down again content with my words as the villagers in front of me looked at me strangely. All except for a young man sitting at the back who seemed not to react like the others but no matter, the conversation was almost over. In this silence one could feel a certain tension under the tree after this little awkward moment, which I hastened to break, not wanting to linger any longer.

"Well. I think we’ve figured out what was going on so we’ll retire for the rest of the afternoon. Needless to say, you have to let me and my companions here enter your village before nightfall, right ?"

"W-Well obviously yes."

"Then fine. On that note..."

There was no point in us staying any longer, I knew the main thing now, the rest would only be done directly on the spot. Besides, the full moon was tonight so since we had agreed on the terms of the pact, I preferred to withdraw. Getting up, I turned to leave without a goodbye followed by my sisters when the old man spoke one last time making me frown immediately.

"Do you think you can help us, Lady Freya ? seem to be more than I right ?"

"A word of advice...don’t look for more information than you can handle, old man. As for our pact, don’t worry I only have one word so try to keep yours fufu~"


I didn’t know why he had asked me that question and what had alerted him but from his reaction he didn’t know our real races. Kalaa had dyed her hair black because of the too unique white that my little Shiro also had and Kira and I had no horns. Leaving the meeting place with a quick step, I decided to forget about it as we made our way to the ice space I had created earlier.


"Freya...I’m sorry. Because of me everything was almost ruined, I-I shouldn’t have lost my temper like that..."

As we approached the ice cube in the middle of the grass formed by me for our privacy, Kira in front of me had stopped. She didn’t have her three tails and ears but at her words, I could imagine them lowered shamefully at every word. My little sister felt really guilty for being on the verge of insulting them and knew very well that if I hadn’t stopped her, the outcome would have been far less peaceful.

"Indeed. Sometimes it is necessary to hide your feelings no matter how unbearable they may be and it seems that you still need to keep your emotions in check."

"I’m sorry if I disappointed you or if..."

"That said..."

Kira hadn’t had a body for very long and still had to deal with as many emotions as possible that always made her so alive no matter what the situation. Unlike her, these feelings I had only discovered a long time later but that wasn’t the most important thing. Approaching my little sister, I put a hand on her head and caressing her silver hair tenderly, I continued, taking this time a softer voice.

"...that said I understand you and I felt the same way you did."


"Being true to yourself and your values is just as important and your reaction is proof that you have a big heart, you can be proud. Never forget who you are and what you stand for, little sister. Promise me that and you can be sure that whatever you do, I will never be disappointed in you. You have a lot to learn and that’s okay, so it’s all good~"

I obviously meant everything I said and I couldn’t bring myself to be angry let alone disappointed when it came to her. She was first, only little sister and the one who had been by my side since the beginning in this world, long before even my wife and children. Her too I was going to make her happy and prevent any dark clouds from stopping this new life she had in front of her and that was to be as joyful as possible.

"Thank you~"

The next moment, a radiant smile returned to her face making her dimples appear while I saw the disappointment fly away from her rather innocent look reminding me of my little moon. Even though she was mature, Kira sometimes had this childish side that often appeared when she was sorry. Taking back her teasing side, however, she straightened up again before coming closer to my ear and whispering some nonsense.

"Are you sure you’ll be focused enough to solve this mystery, Onee-san ? Pfff~"

"What do you mean by that ?"

"Well you know...full’re a wolf and what’s more very bestial...if you know what I mean hehehe~ Gaya is...OUCH !"

That vicious fox couldn’t finish her sentence though, as my fingers had already flicked her well in the middle of the forehead. She couldn’t help but hide behind jokes whenever she felt vulnerable and always ended up talking nonsense. As Kira massaged her forehead while pouting, I took the opportunity to do what she hated and put my arm around her neck before continuing to tease her.

"You can talk little sister. Aren’t you the one dying to express the feelings burning deep in your heart to the young Lia ?"

"I-I don’t know what you’re talking about..."

"Oh come on, you’re eating her up with your eyes. The poor little bunny flashed in the eyes of the vicious fox~ I’m sure she’s just waiting for that, so it’s more up to you to be careful on this full moon night. The wolf may be asleep but what about the fox and the rabbit ? fufu~"

Instantly after, her freckled cheeks began to blush furiously betraying her innermost thoughts. She might be an adult, but there were many things she didn’t know, like love or attraction, which made her feel awkward. However, my little sister couldn’t hide anything from me and as she hid her face in her hands, Kalaa raised her voice for the first time finishing her off.

"It’s true that Miss Lia and Kira look good together when I think about it haha~"

"W-W-What ?"

"You guys are adorable~"

"Ah no, not you too Kalaa ! One big sister teasing me all the time and smashing my forehead is enough but two ??! Have mercy damn it !"

The beautiful silver-haired young woman standing in front of me may have said that, but she couldn’t hide the small, sincere smile on the corner of her lips. Seeing her joking and laughing with Kalaa warmed my heart and as I broke through the ice wall, the sunlight bathed their happy faces. On the other side, the rest of our family and companions were waiting for us and that feeling was irreplaceable.

We who had created the Empire, this place that we all cherished deeply no matter what our past was and what we were fighting for. Elysium was the perfect world for all of us, the land of martyrs, but in the end, it was where my family was waiting for me that I felt at home. No matter where in this universe or was with those I loved that my heart belonged and would always belong.

Leaving the Order of Light stuff for another time, I was content to enjoy and appreciate the moment before night fell. Lia was preparing a little snack for everyone, helped by June, May and Jade who didn’t even seem to be a prisoner anymore. They were all there, in the grass the twins crawling and laughing, Shiro and Angel were encouraging them and Gaya was watching them tenderly.

Under the bright sun and the big blue sky, as Kira joined them with a smile followed by Kalaa who was going to sit next to my wife, I stopped. I stopped almost instinctively, feeling once again that unique and irreplaceable warmth flowing through my previously cold heart. I stopped to look and anchor this precious sight in my memory as a single phrase came to mind.

*Umu...this is my home*


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Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 year old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 30%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the uniques Sins Demons (to unlock it, please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 85 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 660

Defense : 660

Agility : 666

Endurance: 663

Speed : 662

Intelligence: 660

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (son & daughter) : Tyle & Alta?ˉs Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 5865 (keep growing)

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 0/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):

Attacks :

- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 7)

D??fense :

- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 6)

Attack/Defense :

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 4)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 3) 𝗳r𝐞ew𝚎bn𝚘ve𝚕.c𝗼𝗺

- Lucifer’s Threads of Blood (lvl 3)

- Healing Blood (lvl 3)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

Passives :

- Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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