The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya Chapter 265 Two Nations, One Fate

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< In Elysium >

While the Imperial family was slowly coming to terms with where they were, things were also slowly starting to move in the Empire. It had only been a week since Freya and the others had left, but those who watched over Elysium had no time to fool around. The remaining section Chiefs and Commanders had a very simple mission: to prepare for the invasion of the human capital of Zal in exactly 24 days.

In the meeting room of the mansion, for the first time a meeting was held without the Empress and the Queen, only the Leaders and Commanders who had stayed behind. To chair the meeting, the great friend of Lia who was absent, the catgirl butler in charge of the manor, Triss. The regrouping had already begun for a few hours but was still not finished because the preparations for war took a lot of time.

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"Our army has more than 1000 soldiers per section for the moment, without counting the new people who have been arriving for a few weeks. Our ranks are growing, whether it is military, agricultural, artisanal and so on, in a week, the numbers will have already changed"

"On our side we continue to train the old and new soldiers of the Empire and although our training is very hard, they are all motivated. As Nixia said, it is difficult to evaluate our soldiers right now, but we are preparing seriously with the help of everyone"

Nixia, the beautiful lamia with black scales since the beginning, was very insistent that every given data was provisional considering the situation. She had been followed by Commander Ralph, who took care to remind them of their progress and how much of a difference the joint effort made. Everything was linked, the development of one section depended on the others and it was therefore together that they would push the Empire to its full potential.

Every day, new weapons were supplied by the blacksmith section, which was busy developing new and more revolutionary things. Thanks to the farmers, builders and manufacturers section, Elysium’s needs were always met despite its rapid expansion. Everyone was working hard, combining day-to-day work, war efforts, and training for newcomers.

"Elysium is growing at an insane rate, but we have to be careful that it doesn’t backfire on us later. For now we are managing to keep up but as Her Highness Freya always says ’it only takes one thing to bring it all down’, one simple mistake and we could end up with problems piling up."

"I second that statement. At the moment we are almost moving forward in a blur and although we have a clear advantage over the human city, we need much more"

"Isn’t that why the Empress sent Luna to gather information ? It’s been a week already, she should have arrived and as we are all gathered here I doubt she has forgotten our first meeting that is supposed to begin now with the help of...this object"

Trioa the halfwyvern Commander in charge of the armed section operating in the air had taken on a serious air that she didn’t usually have. Followed immediately by Caipy from the medical armed section and the driad Persea, they all agreed, they were missing some information. But now that what was on the table had just been mentioned, Yuric the dwarf leader of the blacksmiths was not waiting for more to explain to them with great passion.

"This is what is called a transducer Commander Persea, developed thanks to the great and wonderful knowledge of her Highness and mine. You see this stone ? It has been soaked with Commander Luna’s mana and thanks to its twin, which is with her, a possible back and forth is created. The mana is transformed into a voice wave that allows communication thanks to the skill "telepathy" acquired at level 15"

The bearded dwarf’s eyes glowed as he presented the object that looked like a simple ball with a moonstone embedded in the middle of it. Its exact replica was with Luna, no need to be close to communicate, Freya was now no longer the only one who could do so. As the man finished explaining, as if to corroborate his explanation, suddenly a female voice came out of the object

"This is Commander Luna for the Empire HQ. After the discovery of the King’s head, the Capital has been in turmoil for many hours but a big meeting is about to begin. The fate of the Kingdom and its organization is at stake tonight at this very moment, I am about to infiltrate with my Lieutenant into the secret room, I will communicate the details to you. Over."

The idea was that only the Commander would use the transducer for one-way communication so that she would not be detected in the middle of the mission. Everyone around the big table had heard her words and felt their hearts clench...this was real. Luna was giving information on the spot to the enemy and the others in Elysium were adapting according to what they were learning to make sure they were always one step ahead.

The Empress’ plan was not without danger, but it was a risk worth taking, given the many things they could control in the shadows. Still busy with this quest for the Queens, the dragons and the vampires, Freya had trusted those who had followed her from the beginning. As all the Section Leaders and Commanders stared at the ball, unmoving, Ralph spoke the words everyone was thinking.

"It has finally begun...Luna, may you come back to us safe and sound"


< In Zalhythe, Capital of Zal >

While in the Elysium Empire the preparations were still going on, the most important meeting was taking place in Zal. After the discovery of the King’s death and the total annihilation of the Knights and Paladins, one thing was certain, this was a crisis without precedent. Never before had those humans faced a threat so great and yet so unknown that so many questions fueled fear and uncertainty.

Who ? How ? When ? How much ? Although they hid it from the population, the highest leaders of the Kingdom had all heard the same threat. That cold voice that had risen from that little box around the neck of poor Captain Myles who had died in excruciating pain before their eyes. An unprecedented crisis was taking place, but the humans did not know that two people were watching them from the shadows.

Luna, the Commander of the intelligence section, had just transmitted a message to the Empire’s headquarters from the very place where the Kingdom meeting was being held. It was a rather normal room, rather large but ordinary in appearance, even quite comfortable without much security. However, it was not to be trusted, for it was not located in one of the castle’s towers, but underground, right between the throne room and the city’s main Church.

Accessible only by following long underground galleries serving both as a labyrinth to lose potential pursuers and as paths leading directly outside the city. Practical and ingenious, but not enough for the young half-panther woman and her Lieutenant who in no time had found the way. As fast and stealthy as shadows, using their element, instinct and sense of smell, it was easy to find a group of noble humans.

They and the guards were too panicked by the events to see two forms pass through the doors before taking refuge on the ceiling beams. Soon the room was filled with members of the nobility and the church before the two highest ranking men in the city finally arrived. In a stunned silence, the first Prince Erzian appeared, followed by his brother Iolas, both pretenders to the throne since the death of their father.

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At that moment, Luna felt her heart clench, her whole body tremble as rage and sadness began to slowly invade her. In front of her was the older brother of her beloved Alayna, but also the direct murderer of her parents years ago. For the first time the young woman could put a face on her anger, her resentment and the one who had taken her family away from her simply because of their special eyes.

Despite everything she kept her cool, burying everything inside her as deeply as she could even though it all seemed to want to come out like an unstoppable flood. In this room were probably the most powerful people in the Kingdom and to be detected would be dramatic. Not only for the two soldiers but also for Elysium and the Empress’ plan, so they had to remain discreet at all costs, even if it meant stopping breathing.

Despite the mistake she had almost made, Luna and Ash had not been detected, thanks again to the urgent situation that made the humans lower their guard. So, very quickly everyone took their seats, waiting only for the last two people who, as usual, were late. The Commandant as well as the Lieutenant were staring at the door with intensity, what could this famous Supreme who was after Princess Shiro look like ? Who were them ?

They soon found out because after a few minutes the Supreme passed through the doors accompanied as always by Sage the Holy Scholar. Both dressed in black robes, far from the usual white of the Church, they walked towards the table without even a hello or a look, walking with a decided step. At that very moment, Luna and Ash were paralyzed, they who had different senses from those present in the room, they had felt it very well.

"T-This person..."

Trying to speak, the Commander stammered caught up in chills and an instinctive fear that almost felt like a lightning heart attack. All her senses were screaming at her to run far away from the one whose face was as always hidden behind a dark and impenetrable veil. Finally she could "see" who was the enemy of the Empress and a very bad feeling had invaded her in addition to the signals that her trembling body sent her.

"T-This person is not human..."

Luna was adamant, no matter who was under that toga, they could fool these humans but not Ash and certainly not herself. They were hiding their power so it wasn’t a fear related to their strength but rather something deeper as if it was their entire being. Yet, once again they had to put all these feelings aside and focus on the meeting that was just beginning in a straightforward way.

As Sage and the Supreme sat down on the side of the Protectors and Paladins, Erzian the knightly-looking Prince immediately stood up. His brother, who looked like a scholar with his glasses, sat there with his eyes closed and his arms crossed, already knowing what was going to be said. The next second, the young man was speaking without having to make the Assembly ground because a complete silence had already settled since their entrance.

"Very well, I’m not going to beat about the bush because time is short, the last time we were all together, yesterday, was to learn the unfortunate news about our father. We also announced my brother and I had a plan to deal with this threat from nowhere but oh so dangerous..."

Pausing for a moment, his cold blue eyes began to scan the entire room without showing any sign of sadness or regret. The young Prince knew that what he was going to say next would undoubtedly divide opinions so he thought about how best to do it. After a few seconds, he decided to be direct without going through detours which soon caused a new hubbub and protests.

"As you know, we consider the attack, if there is one, about a month from our current date, time is running out more than ever. After the news, we then without delay dispatched a messenger who is heading to the Vancesia Empire at this very moment help promptly"

"W-WHAT ??"

"Y-Your Royal Highness it’s..."

"With all due respect, do you doubt your own strength that much ? Our own strength ? The one your father built with glory ?? I-It’s inconceivable, who are we going to pass for now ?"

The words that Prince Erzian had spoken were for many an aberration and something they would never have thought possible. To ask for help from another country before the attack had even begun ? That was impossible, what a shame. Yet this was what he had announced and keeping his head high, without letting himself be affected by the critics, the young man spoke again to calm them all down, preceded then by his brother Iolas.

"I see that our idea does not please, but tell me dear gentlemen. Would you rather perish and lose everything you have because of your misplaced pride or be smart enough to face the crisis and survive even if it means with help ?"

"This is not a sign of weakness, it takes a lot of strength to overcome alone, but it takes even more strength to be able to put your pride aside for the sake of what you hold dear. Protecting the Kingdom, the Capital, its people...protecting humanity should be priceless gentlemen, so stop being selfish for a moment, will you ?"

At this moment silence had instantly returned to the underground room, the words of the two Princes shocking the Assembly with their truthfulness. In their eyes everyone could see that they didn’t like it either, but that the luxury of choice was not at all within their reach. Realizing that the Princes were only acting for the good of the Kingdom, the men and women in the room could not find anything to complain about, assailed by a form of shame.

The King was no more, but he had left behind two promising heirs, and even the Paladins could not deny it. The Supreme had still said nothing, watching and listening attentively, taking note of everything that was said to the surprise of their followers. Then suddenly, a nobleman who sensed that the conversation was going to turn to the Vancesia Empire and strategy, ventured to ask about the one who was still missing.

"M-My Prince, what...what are we doing for her Highness the Princess ?"

"Alayna ? Tch, forget about her for now, she is who knows where and may already be dead as we speak, let’s worry about the present and the future instead. We’ll have plenty of time to look for her if our plan succeeds, and after all it’s all her fault that we’re here, so for now I couldn’t care less."

At that very moment, the Commander’s fists still perched high on the ceiling clenched with the same rage that had been running through her from the beginning. While she swore to herself that she would kill Erzian with her own hands, once again she buried any feelings that were unnecessary for the mission. So Luna could keep a cool head to listen and memorize everything that would be said as the Prince was about to reveal his plan without knowing that a young woman, a ghost from his past, would precipitate his downfall.

"Anyway, let’s get back to the facts, shall we ? Listen now, the plan is very simple hehehe~..."

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