The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya Chapter 269 What Shall We Die For

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In the huge cave turned into glittering ice like crystal, the dragons had all listened to what the vampire Magnus had to say. He had taken up Freya’s words about Elysium, about the newcomers, and especially about the diplomatic ties they had come to seek. This meant a coalition and in their minds this word resonated with "war" which had the effect of making them hesitate as to what to do next.

The dragons of the three clans were not cowards, but getting rid of the normal fear of failure was not easy. For those who had always lived in hiding for so many years, coming to the surface, while a wonderful idea, was also frightening. So far the Priest had only talked about diplomatic relations and avoided the subject, but that was not what the KANs wanted to hear, and Klover made that clear.

"So you’re part of an expanding Empire, still small...but getting more and more powerful and you want to bring the races together. I understand, okay that’s clear now but tell me...what else did you really come here for ?"

Ignoring the vampire who was near Jade, the golden haired Magnificent had asked this simple question while looking at Freya. He didn’t care for Magnus’ spiel, beating around the bush wasn’t his style and he was getting impatient like the other two beside him. Squinting softly, the Empress who sat opposite said nothing for a few seconds before answering as simply as possible.

"Power, allied forces sharing the same desire as us to break out of this vicious cycle of suffering brought on by humans. We are looking for men and women willing to fight alongside us for the future of all races and clans... that’s all."

She had been very direct, there was no point in hiding any longer behind fine words what this diplomatic alliance represented. So far Freya had not said anything because she was trying to understand the three clan leaders and little by little she managed to see through them. Just after, looking as drunk as ever, Klover answered asking a completely different question that the Empress had also anticipated since the moment she entered the cave.

"Tch, easier said than done. You are certainly powerful beings and despite your victory over Zal’s army, there is no indication that you will be able to take the entire country. You seek our help, but how can you be sure that we are not all running to our doom ? How do we know that we can emerge victorious and..."

"We don’t."

Without giving the man time to answer, the she-wolf had spoken only a few words that were, however, to all heavy with meaning. She didn’t know ? Was she really ready to commit to such a thing even though as Empress the lives of all her people were in her hands ? Was she crazy ? The cave was silent, everyone was waiting for more precision, which soon came, making their whole being vibrate.

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"When you point your weapon at someone you have to be ready to die...well it’s the same when it comes to war, it’s not a game, for us it’s the fight of a lifetime. The outcome is uncertain, but we march with the greatest of determination ready to shed blood for our ideals even at the cost of our lives. In the end, one single question remains the most important...

"..." what you living and fighting for, worth dying for ?"

Freya hadn’t blinked as she spoke these words, she hadn’t wavered and stared intently into the eyes of each of them. She was as frightening as the words just spoken and yet she sent shivers through the bodies of those who remained motionless, all unable to speak. Their blood boiled, their hearts pounded, their breathing quickened, their bodies shook as they felt this flame grow in their souls.

The Empress was right, life was about choices, about experiences, and no one could really know how the future would unfold. All living beings could do was fight with all their strength to try to forge their own destiny even if everything was uncertain. It was frightening but in the end that was what life was all about, taking many paths, evolving, learning from mistakes, standing over and over again while never losing hope.

Yes, is what you living and fighting for, worth dying for ? The she-wolf didn’t even need to answer, her simple expression doing it for her. It was clear that the whole people of Elysium would not hesitate for a second, having full confidence in their Empress and Queen who were its heart. As the silence reigned, Aneyaris, until now silent, suddenly raised her voice with seriousness looking at Freya as if everyone around had disappeared.

"Then your Highness you had better not die or your entire Empire will be lost and the flame of your dream will be extinguished forever. Your death will only result in the loss of those you have sworn to protect and more..."


"At the slightest misstep, at the slightest mistake if you fail it will be all of Elysium that will see its two most powerful pillars fall at the same time. Are you ready for that ? Will you fight with such ferocity knowing the risk ? After all dear Empress, if you were to the very moment your heart stops does hers"

Turning her head slowly, the blue haired woman then stared at Queen Gaya not seeing that her words had slightly swayed Freya. She had just spoken a truth that the she-wolf hadn’t forgotten but that made her chest tighten every time she thought about it for even a second. Everyone knew what it was all about except Magnus and Jade, who would soon understand anyway thanks to Aneyaris’ new intervention.

"You made the ancient dragon pact, didn’t you ? No one does it nowadays, but I am amazed that her Majesty Gaya, Mother of the Earth Dragons, would take the risk of binding her own life. Your link is very powerful but just as dangerous..."


"Empress, if you die, when the time comes will you be able to do what no one before you has ever done ? Will you be able to break this bond or will you selfishly drag the one you live for down with you ? Will you break her heart or save it ?"

The leader of the water dragons had hit where it hurt and not only for the Imperial couple but also for its family. Both Kira and Kalaa had clenched their fists not wanting to think about it even though they knew what the sudden death of Freya and Gaya would mean. The Empress herself knew that she had no right to make a mistake, but she wasn’t going to give up, she had been ready from the beginning and that wouldn’t change.

Yet, even if she didn’t show it, the words of the water dragoness were like daggers in the heart. She was right about everything she had said and even though Freya was determined, that feeling of guilt would not go away. While she remained silent, it was Gaya who answered in a firm voice while placing her hand on her wife’s, her ring proving their union seeming to glow with every word.

"As my wife told you, we don’t know if we will win, but how can the will of a whole people be strong if the will of its leaders is not ? It is of my own free will that I have accepted all the consequences, but just like our family and Empire, I believe with all my soul in the one I married... until the very end."

"We all believe in her."

"As she believes in us."

The Queen had not been the only one to speak since right after she had been followed by Kira and Kalaa who could not help but react. Yes, it was a bit of a defensive reaction but the love and trust transmitted was no less real, on the contrary, it burned intensely. Faced with this aplomb, Aneyaris was speechless totally fascinated before regaining her senses and bursting into laughter relaxing the atmosphere that had become heavy.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ Good good, I see that your determination is unwavering and I must admit that nowadays it is also quite rare~ However, I am quite curious about something, your Highness...what is your true power ? What is your true form ? Who are you really ? This question is also valid for those who are standing behind you in silence since the beginning. You talk to us about going to invade Zal but how can we trust you when I feel you are not telling us everything ?"


"You our clan such an important conversation is always done when both parties have taken their original form, no matter the race. It’s like exposing your heart, revealing your deepest self, baring your soul for all to see to prove that every word spoken is an absolute truth..."

The muscular woman with blue hair was a bit like a snake, she seemed to play a lot but finally all her words were perfectly calculated. She seemed to have a very good instinct and above all to be very intelligent behind her airs of player and that, Freya liked it. She did not answer however leaving her the time to finish knowing once again very well what was going to follow ready anyway to do what was necessary.

"I find it already crazy and very suspicious that this grumpy Magnus is pleading on your behalf so who are you and what did you do to gain his trust ? What do you have to offer the Vampires and Dragons other than the fragile promise of a free future where we can finally spread our wings proudly in the sky ? Explain it all to us, but for us who you are and who we will trust with our lives."

As Aneyaris finished her sentence, suddenly the three clan leaders known as the KANs stood up at the same time as one. Their bodies began to change and in an instant three dragons appeared before the group, tall, proud and beautiful. One had shimmering golden scales, two slightly wavy horns and a crest from the forehead to the tip of the tail, he was Klover the Magnificent.

The second one was a dragoness with blue scales, different because her wings seemed to be also fins allowing her to move in the sky as in the water. She was thinner, her body was longer but her four legs and her fangs were just as powerful as those of Klover. It was of course Aneyaris the Fierce who was standing next to the last one who also had a different appearance and unique to his race.

Nordin the Insatiable with silver and shiny scales, he was a little smaller but just as dangerous because his back was dotted with spikes just like the tip of his tail. He could stand on his two back legs unlike the other two because his wings were thinner and smaller. Thus, for the first time, those who came from Elysium discovered the original form of the three dragons, which in this way finally showed their respect.

Silence reigned but without being impressed, it was Freya’s turn and the ones standing next to her, to do the same. Kira was the first to change, taking on the form of a three-tailed silver fox demon, lightning crackling in her silky fur. Her single horn on the forehead growing larger as her fangs, under the shocked look of Magnus the Greedy Fox had appeared as beautiful as she was scary.

It was then the turn of the twins, who, successively took their original form much more used to do it than at the beginning. Thus, June took the form of a giant green snake, the Envious Snake, while May took the form of a black griffin, the Prideful Griffin, both having the same unique horn on the forehead. Nobody dared to speak anymore, the spectacle was anything but harmless, it was unique and more than anything, it was fascinating and magnificent.

It was Gaya’s turn and in no time she took on the form of a dragon with beautiful crimson wings and scales that everyone knew. In fact, the three dragon clan leaders were only waiting to see what the Empress would change into, even though her ears said it all. While absolutely all the dragons as well as Jade and Magnus were standing still with anticipation, Freya decided to take her bestial form as well.

In front of everyone’s eyes in a few moments stood a gigantic wolf with fur as black as night although it had a white and red hairline. Her two black horns on the forehead were engraved with demonic symbols and the passive power that emanated from her was incredible. No one had ever seen such a beast and all together it would be a lie to say that they did not paralyze those who stood before them.

After many long minutes of silence, Aneyaris bowed forward, which was not a trivial act for a dragon, especially one so proud. She bowed her head in the name of her entire clan, saying words that were heavy with meaning, convinced by what her instincts had been screaming at her all along. She wasn’t the only one, however, for to Magnus’ surprise, Nordin and even Klover were making the curtsy of the dragons following her words more seriously than ever.

"I think we still have a lot to talk about but...I, Aneyaris the Fierce of the water dragon clan, declare that I accept the proposal of Her Highness the Empress and Her Majesty the Queen. From this moment on, I swear on my honor and pride that we will follow Elysium and fight on their side !"

"I also accept. I, Nordin the Insatiable, leader of the clan of the lightning dragons, swear here on my honor and pride that your Empire will be able to count on us as well."

"I, Klover the Magnificent, great and only leader of the mighty fire dragons, hereby declare that from now on we will roar proudly at your side. I swear on my honor, my pride, and everything I own that we will invade the sky and spread our wings to turn it into gold. Let us take back from these humans what they have stolen from us and turn this shame into glory."



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

Age : 0 year old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 30%.

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- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the uniques Sins Demons (to unlock it, please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 45/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 46 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 85 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 660

Defense : 660

Agility : 666

Endurance: 663

Speed : 662

Intelligence: 660

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (son & daughter) : Tyle & Alta?s Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 10 801(keep growing)

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 0/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):

Attacks :

- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 7)

Défense :

- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 6)

Attack/Defense :

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 4)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 3)

- Lucifer’s Threads of Blood (lvl 3)

- Healing Blood (lvl 3)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

Passives :

- Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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