The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya Chapter 278 The Ice Flower and the Shooting Star

Chapter 278 The Ice Flower and the Shooting Star

[N/A: I advise you to reread "Shiro’s Nightmare" before (or after) if you want to get a fuller picture of what this chapter refers to. Happy reading~]


- POV General -

A day had already passed since the news of the dragon riders, the sun was already disappearing over the horizon as a large gathering took place outside the gates of the Hidden Kingdom. Vampires and dragons were there, wearing gleaming armor and weapons, putting the finishing touches to their preparations. The atmosphere was tense, heavy and the faces all tense with understandable stress and instinctive fear.

"Your Highness, everyone is ready"

"All right, thank you"

The hour of departure had struck, and Freya, who was also there, nodded her thanks to Valérie, who had just given her the news. As expected, she, her wife and her two sisters were present to leave, as were Jade and the three leaders of the dragon clans. Observing the dozen or so individuals with a very serious eye, the she-wolf then turned before crouching in front of the one who couldn’t hide her desire to cry.

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"When...when are you coming back ?"

"I don’t know yet my little moon but I don’t want you to worry, we’ll be back as always, I promise~"


Just as the little Princess wanted to retort, the Empress raised her hand before ice began to form inside. It shone brightly in the red sunlight and for a brief moment, Shiro forgot the worry that made her little heart beat. It was always mesmerizing to watch the she-wolf manipulate her element, especially when she could make absolutely almost anything with disconcerting ease.

"Here~ Like every time I leave you a little present, keep it for me, will you ?"

After a few seconds, catching her daughter’s hands, Freya came to slip into them an ice flower seemingly made of thousands of petals. It was beautiful, unique, and an innocent smile appeared on Shiro’s face, who couldn’t help but stare at it in wonder. Yet after a moment she began to shake her head sharply before looking up at her mother with an air of seriousness concealing fear.

"Not this’s up to you to bring it back to me, okay ?"

Rising to her toes, the white-haired girl slipped the ice flower into the Empress’s black hair with trembling hands. The she-wolf herself was surprised by this sudden gesture, but let her do it, putting aside the discomfort of having it in her hair. Smiling softly, she then placed her forehead against Shiro’s before hugging her tightly, murmuring more than sincere words.

"Thank you so much, I’ll bring it back to you so be good Shiro, you promise~?"

"Mmh mmh..."

Nodding her head, the Princess sniffed as if ordering her tears not to come out while Freya parted from her not without stroking her head tenderly. Departures were always difficult, but that was the way it was, and those left behind could only hope for their safe return. Rising to her feet, the Empress turned back to Valérie, who instruction that mattered.

"Look after my children"

had remained behind, before giving her the one and only instruction that mattered.

"Look after my children"

"At the risk of my life"

Satisfied with the answer, it was time. Joining Gaya, Kira and Kalaa waiting by Jade’s side, the young woman closed her eyes before beginning her transformation, which some were seeing for the first time. Growing several meters tall, her skin changed to fur, her fangs lengthened and in an instant, a giant black wolf with violet eyes stood menacingly amidst the wide-eyed vampires and dragons.

"Right, let’s go."

In a deep voice echoing through the dry mountains of Vancesia, the Empress had sounded the death knell for departure once and for all. At her words, everyone changed shape, hiding the sun and plunging the rock into darkness in a show of dancing shadows. Four dragons now stood beside the she-wolf, a three-tailed fox and Jade standing proudly on its back primed in her blood armor.

"Westward !"

In a mighty cloud of ground-shaking dust, Klover, Aneyaris and Nordin soared powerfully upwards. Their wings stretched out majestically like a cloak of scales rising into the blackness of the last after all these years. Nothing could describe the feeling the three chiefs felt, nor the emotion that ran through their people remaining in the Kingdom to guide the army to Zal.

No one spoke any more, just gazed up at the sky with shining eyes, that previously inaccessible sky where three dragons now flew proudly. It was magical, liberating and hypnotizing, so much so that not even the Empress, the Queen and the Commander of Elysium moved. Yet this was no time for spectacle, for the timer was running, they had a city to reach and despite the beauty of this scene, they had to go.

"May you...


As the demon twins June and May, who had stayed by Shiro’s side, uttered these words, it was the turn of Freya, Gaya, Kira and Jade, standing on Kira’s back, to pounce. Without even turning around, their powerful paws cracked the earth as the dragoness rocketed skywards. The echo was vibrant and it took no more than a few seconds before they disappeared over the horizon or behind the mountains...they were gone...for better or for worse.


- POV Shiro -

It was now 4 days since everyone had left for Zal for the big, super-important battle that was about to begin there. I’d been left alone with Titi, Ati and Angel because we were too young and it was really dangerous, so Miss Lia and Miss Valérie were looking after us. Already 4 days and yet this horrible feeling in my tummy hadn’t gone away, what was it ? Why did I feel like this ?

"I feel like I’m forgetting something important..."

Maybe I was tired, maybe I was too worried and needed more time, but something wasn’t right. In the big kitchen in the quarters where we lived, breakfast was being prepared but I wasn’t hungry, even when I watched Angel drink his glass of milk, I didn’t want any. Auntie Kira used to say "when appetite goes, everything goes", so did that mean I wasn’t well ? Was I ill ?

"You’d better eat something or you’ll...OOOPS !"

As Miss Lia snapped me out of my thoughts, a huge noise sounded in the room, making me jump with surprise. As she had approached, she had dropped a jar of jam on the floor, the red, frothy liquid now spreading across the stone tiles. It looked like...blood...a lot of blood I thought as my vision blurred, my body began to shake, my breathing coming faster and faster.

"Arg !"

Suddenly my head seemed to explode as images I’d forgotten flashed past without stopping, knocking me off my chair. There was a completely red moon, a dark blood-colored sky, deafening screams and bodies...everywhere. The next image was even more terrifying, a disgusting creature in the shape of a ball of human flesh with thousands of eyes, a huge mouth and hundreds of arms wriggling like worms.


I remembered now, the more it passed the more I knew what was happening and what I’d wanted to forget nightmare. The next thing I knew, Mommy was lying in a big pool of blood with Mom Gaya, Auntie Kira and Kalaa all wounded and crying, unable to wake her up. But what made my beating heart stop this time was what was in Mommy’s black ice flower.

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That night I hadn’t really paid much attention to it because I’d never seen it before, but that wasn’t the case now. I knew where it came from and why it was wasn’t a dream, it wasn’t a nightmare so what was it ? The future ? No, it couldn’t be ! Had I condemned my family by returning Mommy’s gift for her to keep ? I didn’t know but everything hurt very very much.

" no no !!!"

"Princess !?!?"

Without thinking I ran out of the kitchen leaving my family confused and without even turning around when Miss Lia called out to me. I wasn’t running very fast, but I kept going without stopping until I reached the room I’d been lent for the duration of our trip. Opening the door, I didn’t even think about closing it as I rushed to the bed in the middle of the room, threw myself on it and started crying my eyes out.

"C-Can’t’m just crazy...this can’t be no !!!"

Everything hurt so much, my mind, my body, my heart, I couldn’t breathe, even thinking seemed totally impossible. Were they going to die ? What was I supposed to do ? It was like being trapped in a small, cold room with no light; I knew the feeling all too well. What was the answer ? I didn’t know, but I was very cold, I was shivering and the more I thought about it, the more I felt like I was suffocating, without knowing why.


I couldn’t think anymore, I wanted it all to stop, I wanted this war to never happen, I wanted them with me. I could feel my mana stirring again, but I was too tired to do anything, it was too hard. I was so stupid, why hadn’t I said anything ? Why had I wanted to forget ? The truth was, I’d condemned my family, my moms’ new allies and the was all my fault.

[I can help you if you want] f𝚛𝗲𝐞𝐰e𝗯n𝗼v𝗲𝚕.𝚌o𝐦

"Huh ?"

Suddenly, a voice echoing in my mind snapped me out of any trance without me even understanding why. Rising from the bed as quickly as I could, as I turned my head in all directions, I wiped away my tears that were preventing me from seeing clearly. After a few seconds, I discovered a small dragon in the doorway, the one I’d seen sleeping several times, trotting in my direction. I was lost.

[I don’t remember who I am, what I’m doing in this world, I don’t remember anything, but for some reason my mana resonates with yours. You’re my only lead so if by helping you I can discover my purpose then so be it. I can help you]


[Name me. Give me a name and let’s make the pact that will bind us, I’ll be your guardian and even if I know nothing about myself or you, I’ll follow you wherever you go, Princess Shiro]

Everything was happening so fast. Help me ? How could he help me ? Maybe he was the miracle I needed, but it was hard to know, was it a trap ? I didn’t know, I wanted to make up for my mistake but there was no time, I had to help my family and everyone else. But when ? How could I do it ? Should I accept ? Before I could even think of anything else, a name came out of my mouth alone without me being able to control anything, as if it wasn’t me.

"D-Draggy ?"

[I-...don’t you have something know what, whatever, it doesn’t matter. Repeat after saying: "I’m naming you from now on"]

Had I really said those words ? He was talking so fast but he was so cute. No no I had to concentrate and...but his little white eyes are really very adorable. The truth was that I wanted to trust this little creature who had come to help me, I wanted to change things. Shaking my head once and for all, I gazed into the dragon’s eyes before uttering the words that would change my destiny.

"I’m naming you from now on...Draggy"


*What happened ?*

Slowly regaining consciousness, I tried to remember what had happened before I fell asleep. My throat hurt and I could feel my cheeks sticking from the tears I’d cried. I remembered. Rushing to my feet, I came face to face with the dragon who had come to my room earlier. Was I bound to him now ? If so, why had I fainted so quickly ?

"W-Why I-..."

[I’ll explain later ! Concentrate and tell me why are you so eager to join your family if there’s someone coming to help them ?]

"B-Because I don’t want everyone to die.’s not too late, is it ? I-...everyone’s fighting to protect the Empire, how could I stand by and do nothing ? I should have said something, it’s my fault so I have to make amends and be b-brave."

Had he seen my nightmare too ? How ? I was confused, but now that strange woman came back to mind. The one whose magic had made the black dome that enclosed everyone disappear, she was going to help them and at that thought I couldn’t hold back a tear. Yet I didn’t want the situation to come to this, there was only a day or two left before the war and I absolutely had to find a solution by then.

[Very well, as promised, I’ll help you, the pact has worked and we’re now linked. However, before I can do anything, I need a significant amount of your mana or something that...]

"Is that enough ?"

Without thinking, I handed Draggy the moonstone I’d found in my pocket a few days earlier. Imbued with my mana, it should do the trick, and this was confirmed when I saw him gobble up the stone in my hand without letting me react. Immediately afterwards, a tattoo with a bizarre symbol appeared on his torso, while my chest shone at the same time, tingling as if something were forming.

But that wasn’t all, Draggy was getting bigger and bigger before reaching a height of around two meters. He was much smaller than Mom Gaya, but now he was overtaking me. What was going on ? He was very beautiful, his shiny scales were almost white-blue, his horn had turned golden and so had his eyes. Was he like me ? Before I even had time to ask a question, his paw was lifting me to place me on his strangely comfortable back.

"Huuuh ????"

[Hang in there, Princess]

"WHAT ???"

I had no further explanation when already he was flying through the door into the huge cellar of the enormous underground city. Luckily, our quarters were open to the huge ceiling and not to the depths of the earth, but had he lost his mind ? At incredible speed, he flew unnoticed over the houses and tall buildings, heading straight for the big doors where a rune was drawn as a teleporter to the outside.

" this what you meant by helping me ???? Don’t tell me you want to get there in less than two days ?!!!!"

I held on as best I could, it wasn’t so hard but it was so frightening even if very exciting, yet I didn’t understand. I thought maybe he could communicate with my mother or something, but I didn’t expect him to take me on his back, I felt like I was doing something really bad and stupid. Going faster and faster, the only thing I could hear before I passed through the gate under the shocked gaze of the vampires was his voice.

[Trust me, I may not know who I am yet, but I know who you are. There’s still a lot you don’t know, Princess, but as your mirror dragon...I get it. It’s time to be brave, we’ll make it together !]

Together. This word was so reassuring that it calmed me instantly. I could feel the wind outside tickling my face as we flew through the sky. Maybe I was making a mistake, but my heart cried out to go on at all costs and fight for those I loved, even if I had to leave Angel, Tyle and Altaïs behind. I understood my mother a little more now, I could feel what she was feeling in those moments and it reinforced my choice even more.

"Sorry Miss Lia, sorry Miss Valerie. Titi, Ati, Angel...I’m sorry too, I promise to come back but I have to go and help our family who have always fought to protect us."


- POV General -

Just like that, a little Princess riding a dragon with glacier-colored wings soared like a shooting star bearing hope. Under the moon’s rays, her hair sparkled like the pearls of glistening water rolling gently down her cheeks. How were they going to get there in time ? It was a mystery, but one thing was certain: the mute little girl found in the alley that day...had changed.

[N/A: I’m so proud of her....T_T]

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