The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya Chapter 281 Unexpected face-to-face [Sacrifices - Part I]

Chapter 281 Unexpected face-to-face [Sacrifices - Part I]

-- POV Freya --

< At the same time, south-east of Zal >

We’d been running non-stop for days now, heading straight for the Capital of Zal from sunrise to sunset. Just as I’d imagined, all those following me were able to keep up the frenetic pace I needed to develop my plan. Neither the KANs, nor Gaya, nor Kira or Jade on her back had slowed their speed, and despite the accumulating fatigue, no one complained or wanted to stop for a break.

Three hours’ sleep was the maximum we allowed ourselves, including meals. At least for now...should we add another hour for the last day ? However, even just a short hour was crucial, but exhausting ourselves to death was also out of the question. While I was lost in thought, a voice I knew well suddenly echoed in my head.

"Do you think it’s going well for our army ? We won’t be there for the start of the battle...the girls will have to fend for themselves..."

My wife hovered above me, zigzagging between the huge trees of the forest we were passing through, and like often we talked to each other to cope with the boredom. At that moment she had mentioned those who were in charge of everything in our absence, but above all her worry. Smiling discreetly, I answered as sincerely as I could, sharing my vision of things and what I particularly expected from all of them.

*I’m not all-powerful, although the Commanders seem to see me as such, I still have so much to accomplish, but I need more strength. The last thing I want is for them to rely on me or us for everything...*

"You trust them blindly, don’t you ?"

*Yes, I’d even trust them with my own life, which is why they have to trust each other and above all realize how independent and powerful they are now. And since none of them have contacted me yet, I assume that’s already the case~*

Having strength was a good thing, but what was the point if fear chained us and prevented us from making the right decisions ? I had no doubt that the ten young women I’d appointed as Commanders could run things until we returned, but that wasn’t what worried me most. Klover the golden-scaled dragon didn’t even give me time to think further, asking a question that reminded me of a child.

"Oi, Your Highness, how much longer before we arrive ?"

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"About two days, if we keep going like this we’ll arrive just after the forces from Vancesia are on the scene"

"Good hehehe~"

Sighing in spite of myself, I couldn’t help thinking of our daughter, who’d probably asked that question dozens of times by now. We were running straight towards the one who was after her, the one who had tortured Angel for ten years before cruelly sending him after Shiro. Who were them really ? What was their real purpose ? Would they be there when I arrived ? I couldn’t help but have a bad feeling growing and growing, but I also had no clue why, I just couldn’t help it.

[ - STATUS -

Level: 47/70

Exp needed for next level: 7 000 / 48 000 ]

Opening my status, I stared at the numbers in front of me, it wasn’t enough, it was taking forever, it was too slow. I may have broken away from the Titania system and apparently changed my evolutionary path, but if I didn’t reach level 70, it was pointless. An Imperial Demon in the form of a wolf of Ice and Chaos, that’s what I was for the moment. But could I be something different ?

Who was I really ? Lucifer ? Freya ? Both ? A Demon ? A Goddess ? Or the result of Titania’s manipulations ? These questions often swirled around in my mind, and the more I thought about them, the more the answers seemed to blur. Was it because of this that I sometimes felt like I wasn’t alone inside myself ? Or was it the fact that I no longer shared my soul with Kira that gave me this strange sensation ?

The horizon had disappeared because of the speed, I was only steering by smell so I felt myself accelerating, faster and faster, further and further away. There was no point in thinking about it, the identity crisis could wait and so could this bad feeling, for this was only the beginning. In a few hours, Elysium’s warriors would launch the assault and even if we had a plan somehow I knew it probably wouldn’t enough.

*Hold on a little bit longer, warriors...*


- POV General -

< 10 Hours later >

As the sun began to set, the atmosphere had changed in both the human and Elysium camps. In fact, there weren’t many people in or around the tents, as the two armies were now facing each other in complete silence. On the Empire side, the Commanders were on the front line, and on the Zal side, as expected, the trembling slaves were there too.

The scene was surreal for those who had come from the Dark Forest, so much so that one look at the front of the human army and they could believe they were the bad guys out to hurt the innocent. It was unbearable, a vision that was unjust yet real and calculated. The warriors were all aware of the plan to be followed, but they also bore the burden of guilt in the event of failure : their blood would be on their hands.

"Is everything ready ? Everyone knows their role for the next 30 minutes ?"


"Then it’s time to free the slaves and show those humans who we are"

Nixia confirmed one last time with her friends whether everything had been set up as planned before taking a step forward. Alayna’s plan was known to all and had been the only one selected. There was no plan B, this was the first part. Drawing out her spears, the lamia raised her arms to the sky, feeling her pulse quicken and her breathing become slower as she took a deep breath before uttering just one word.


The next moment, every section of the Imperial army was moving as one, driven by the same passion and resolution. Thousands of man-beast, half-human warriors rushed towards the other army, which had not moved, staring defiantly at the scene. From behind, wyverns, half-dragons, griffins, harpies and other flying beings had taken to the skies like giant a shadow hovering over the battlefield.

The clock was ticking, feet pounded the ground with a heavy, drumming sound, armor clattered and cries rang out. The front-line Commanders led their platoons straight at the terrified slaves, gritting their teeth until they exploded. The Paladins and Knights behind instinctively thought of retreating or acting to defend their lives, but the Princes were there to dissuade them from doing the same.

"Your Highness they...they’re coming."

"Stay. Still. Don’t. Move. A. Foot. GET OUT THE SHIELDS !"

Erzian’s narcissism and ego knew no bounds, even at a blatant disadvantage he stood there motionless, curious to see what would happen next. Was he foolish or confident that his army would never be attacked head-on ? Faced with the Elysium air squad, he ordered the shields position for the soldiers to protect themselves, but it was still out of the question to take the slightest step forward, yet the Empire warriors were approaching.

200 meters to go, 170, 140, 120, the collision seemed inevitable, and just as the Prince was beginning to lose hope, things changed. With a shrill whistle from the right, the fighters about to crush the slaves suddenly changed direction. Like a wave of living beings, the current followed the one that had turned into a snake, gliding gracefully over the ground around the human army.

"M-My Prince ! What should we do ?"

"They didn’t attack the front and go around to attack us on the left flank and breach, that was to be expected. TELL THE PALADINS TO ATTACK FROM A DISTANCE ! They won’t get through so easily~"

"T-They don’t seem to be attacking though, Your Highness..."

"Huh ?"

Raising his eyes to the side of the army, he could see the Church Mages preparing to receive them, problem: they were all staying well away. What did this mean ? Erzian had foreseen this scenario, that’s what he would have done, but then why keep moving, tiring themselve sout, for nothing. The army’s movement was like an unpredictable whirlpool of water, capable of striking with force and yet it was only going around.

"They can’t surround us with the wall and watchtower on our right flank, it would be like condemning themselves, so why ? DAMNIT ! Think, Erzian ! Unless..."

Centaurs, Kobolds, Elves, half tigers, wolves, all ran without stopping forcing all humans to turn their heads towards them instinctively. The Prince was staring at them too, yes, all attention was on them, but the heart of the Elysium army still hadn’t attacked. After a few minutes of racking his brains, Erzian suddenly had an epiphany - this had all been planned from the start, there was no need to get caught up in the spectacle.

"They’re stalling !"

"Wha- ?"


Without further ado, Erzian jumped onto his horse’s back and kicked it with his heel, setting off at a run. Where was he headed ? Completely opposite to where the main event of these first few minutes was taking place. He had given orders to the Captain to spread out as quickly as possible as he rushed through the Knights, who only had a few seconds to avoid the furious horse speeding past.

The Prince raced towards the watchtower on the right of the army because he sensed that all this was just a diversion, and he wasn’t wrong. After a few minutes, the tower was in sight, and it came as no surprise when he discovered a hooded figure weaving in and out of the fainting soldiers. Without stopping, Erzian shot an arrow right between this mysterious person and the chain linking the slaves, hanging on the wall of the tower. f𝗿𝐞ewebno𝚟𝚎𝗹.𝗰𝐨m

The Knights who were supposed to be guarding the area seemed to have been hit by needles coated with a powerful poison. They had all collapsed on the earthen floor before they had time to figure out what had hit them - ingenious and unobtrusive. But Erzian couldn’t care less about such tricks, irritated by the blatant incompetence of these soldiers but delighted to be able to take care of this problem personally.

"I knew it. I knew one of you would try to undo this chain, but you’re incapable of it and this mistake will cost you your life !"

With a perfectly controlled leap, unsheathing his sword, the young man pointed the blade at the hidden face before winding his wrist. He had every confidence in his abilities and attacked with the intention of killing, but this was without taking into account his opponent’s rather agile movements. Always keeping a safe distance and avoiding every blow, the mysterious person didn’t seem to want to fight head-on.

"Do you want to run away ? Are you incapable of fighting ? HAHAHA pathetic but fine, then to make up for this cruel inconvenience I’ll take another life until you deign to face me !"

With a broad, cruel smile, the Prince dashed towards the first slave to enter his field of vision, an old man. Like all the others, he trembled, unsure of what to do, disoriented by the sounds of hooves, footsteps and armor coming from everywhere and nowhere at once. Chained and ordered to the front line, he didn’t know what to do with his ridiculous rusty dagger, unable to flee let alone fight.

He was the perfect target for the man who had clearly understood the enemy’s inability to take the lives of living bait. Coming up behind the old man, unaware of the grim fate awaiting him, Erzian raised his sword once more to slice. However, instead of meeting the unfortunate man’s flesh, it was suddenly repelled by another sword, brandished by the one who a minute earlier had been doing their utmost to avoid confrontation.

"ARG !!!"

It was a close call, but unfortunately, by deflecting the blow, a few centimeters of the royal blade had sunk into the intruder’s right flank, causing them to utter a surprisingly high-pitched scream. It was a woman, a woman who had just saved a life at the cost of a near-fatal wound. She had barricaded her body, and as she dropped to one knee, the hood that hid her face fell back, revealing her appearance.

"Huh ?! Wha..."

Long blonde locks were revealed in the light of the surrounding torches, long golden hair as well as sky-blue eyes. This innocent face, these freckles, this smile, Erzian knew them well and could never have imagined seeing them here again. As he stood there, paralyzed by confusion, the few words the young woman uttered in a pained voice confirmed that this was no dream.

"L-Long time no see huh, b-big brother"



Names : Freya / Lucifer Nightshade

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Age : 0 year old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Titles :

- Demon Goddess of Primordial Blood and Death (former - until all powers are recovered) - 35%.

- Wrathful Lucifer (7th Sin) - Master of the uniques Sins Demons (to unlock it, please gather the other 6 - 3/6 - (locked)

- Dragon tamer

- Ruthless slayer

Level : 47/70

Exp needed for next level: 7 000 / 48 000

HP : 170 000 / 170 000 MP : 85 000 / 85 000. BLOOD : 100 / 100

Strength: 660

Defense : 660

Agility : 666

Endurance: 663

Speed : 662

Intelligence: 660

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 1 600

Married to : Gaya Nightshade

Daughter : Shiro Nightshade

Twins (son & daughter) : Tyle & Alta?s Nightshade

Little sister : Kira Nightshade (Greedy Fox)

Big sister : Kalaa Nightshade

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 15 491(keep growing)

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 0/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos (Freya) - Blood / Death (Lucifer)

Skills (all):

Attacks :

Défense :

- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 7)

Défense :

- Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

- Pain Resistance (lvl 6)

Attack/Defense :

- Domain of the Ice Empress "Frozen Wrath" (lvl 4)

- Death Gaze (lvl 1)

Others :

- Humanoid form

- Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 20%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Detection and control of mana (lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- Master of Souls (lvl 3)

- Lucifer’s Threads of Blood (lvl 3)

- Healing Blood (lvl 3)

- Reminiscence (lvl 2)

- Analysis

- Telepathy

Passives :

- Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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