The Marquis’ Eldest Son’s Lascivious Story Chapter 211: Vol. 2

Vol. 2 Chapter 211


Translated by Raizu

Surprisingly, the opening ceremony accompanied by big news ended without a hitch.

There was so little confusion that I wondered if they had been notified in advance. However, it seems that it was rather due to the lack of knowledge.

For the Royal Nobles, the power of priests is already a thing of the past. As expected, I don’t think there were any Nobles whose current and next generation asked, “What is a Holy Maiden?”

In any case, almost no one seemed to have an accurate grasp of the current situation in the Holy City and the movements of the priesthood. They didn’t have enough materials to make a judgment on how to perceive the sudden appearance of the Holy Maiden.

Perhaps because of that, after the ceremony ended and we left the round table, they were more confused. Everyone was desperate for information.

In this way, the luncheon party began.

[Oh, look. There’s the raw fish that Wil likes]

Plume, who was holding my arm, pointed to the carpaccio-style sashimi dish on the table.

[Would you like some? Because I want to eat as much as I can while I’m in the capital.]

When I said so, the Quordenze civil officer, who was standing diagonally behind me, received a plate from the Levios servant sitting at the table.

The Sylopea civil officer didn’t move. Perhaps Plume doesn’t like it.

The luncheon was a buffet party that made extensive use of the Royal Palace and the garden. The weather was fine today, so Plume and I were enjoying our meal in the garden.

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Meals were served in the garden in the form of a buffet, which has existed as a formal form of feast since the days of priests.

It’s a little troublesome since the menu can be limited, but it’s much appreciated because table manners are much less required here than when I have to sit down to eat.

When Levios’ servant looked at me, he said in a familiar tone like a template.

[If you like it, please come to the capital at a different time next time. You can enjoy different fish dishes depending on the season.]

[Oh, what kind of things are there?]

A male Noble approached me while I was listening to the servant lightly.

Since the Nobles should be prioritized, I cut off the conversation with the servant.

[Well well, if it isn’t Wilk-dono of the Marquis Quordenze family and Plume-dono of the Earl of Sylopea family?]

…..not a single name came to mind. In other words, it should be a weak Noble family other than the Quordenze faction. I put a lot of effort into memorizing people’s names, especially if they are a Noble of our own faction.

If he’s suddenly calling out to me, he should have already greeted me once. Is he the type of Noble who wanders around factions here and there? His appearance is that of a slender middle-aged man, this corresponds to…

I desperately squeezed my brain while making a smile. Yes, I should have met him during my stay in Callahanasso.

[Yes, my father is eating in the castle. I see that Baron Ileisa is also not with your son.]

Weak and small Nobles who do not have Princesses, other than my own faction, have an extremely low priority to learn about in my mind. I want to praise myself for being able to even remember his name.

As I watched Plume continue to respond, I applauded in my mind.

At this luncheon, there are quite a few cases where the current generation and the next generation behave differently. If you cling too much to your parents, it will leave a bad impression on other families. Making everyone think that you are an unreliable guy.

This time, Plume and I were acting separately from our guardians due to such circumstances. Well, the real reason is something else.

It seems that the Baron approached us for the carpaccio-style sashimi. A civil officer-like person was receiving the plate.

[Levios’ fish is very palatable. It’s one of the pleasures of staying in the Royal Capital. Especially in winter, the fatty fish that line the table…]

Apparently, fish that look like earth’s yellowtail can be caught in Levios territory.

I wonder if this person came to talk about fish. The Baron spoke so happily that I thought so, but the topic gradually moved in the direction of the opening ceremony.

[My my, it was a surprising turn of event earlier. I would never have thought she would…]

I see, I understand his purpose.

[Hmm, which ‘she’? There were several people on stage.]

The ceremony did not end with King Levios’ greeting and Rona’s appearance. After that, Princess Alina and Blue Land Institute’s vice president, an old woman, also took the podium and gave speeches.

Although they are not in the position of the head of the family or the next head of the family, they seem to greet each other partly because they are on the host side. Princess Alina spoke with a dignified and firm tone like a Princess.

I waited for the Baron’s words without mentioning the name of the ‘she’ he mentioned. He looked a little troubled and then whispered.

[………..It’s about Lucotte-dono.]


The Barony of Eleisa is located in the southern part of the Kingdom. It seems that he has a fair amount of knowledge about priests.

The basic form of a priest’s full name is [priest’s name + given name + family name + rank + position], which is unnecessarily long.

Her priestly name is Rona, her given name is Lucotte, her family name is Zesly Cattlearch, her rank in Zeth Holy High Society is Kipara, her priestly title is Zesly Carline, which means Holy Maiden. Rona Lucotte Zesly Cattlearch Kipara Zesly Carline, also known as the Holy Maiden Rona.

Rona’s name is long in particular. Her family is the head of the Cattlearch family, in other words, the Cattlearch holy lineage.

“Zesly” in “Zesly Cattlearch” is an ancient word that literally translates to [Daughter of Zeth, Cattlearch]. Only people of the Cattlearch lineage are permitted to use this name.

And priests from the Holy Lineage are allowed to add an ancient word that means “daughter of Zeth” or “son of Zeth” before their title.

If Rona were the daughter of a branch family of the Cattleark family, her full name would be slightly shortened to Rona Lucotte Cattlearch Kipara Carline.

However, since this is just the basic form, there are names with different forms. As for the irregular stuff, if it wasn’t for Cynthia’s explanation, I wouldn’t have been able to understand it on my own.

Even in the Holy City, there are quite a few people who are not good at using the priest’s full name because they don’t understand the rules. I think there are more people who don’t know, especially if it’s a Royal Noble.

Baron Ileisa seemed to be the kind who had trouble recalling the long name, and ended up narrowing down the name to [Lucotte-dono].

In the current situation where the position of each Noble in relation to the existence of Rona is not visible, it must have been decided that it would be safer to call her by her given name rather than calling her by her priestly name. The level of knowledge about priests can be seen.

[Lucotte-dono? Ah, you must mean Rona-dono.]

I think that the ambiguous expression [she] was used in the beginning to find out what name the Quordenze family would use to refer to Rona.

It can be said that this is the movement of a weak Nobleman moving like a bat between Quordenze and Zeldomitra.

[Rona-dono’s appearance was indeed unexpected.]

In response to my remarks, Plume, who had transformed into a Princess mode, echoed and corrected the Baron’s words. It’s a wonderful collaboration. If possible, I want to lay my body and mind on the bed.

Baron Ileisa jumped on the bandwagon, thinking that she had thrown him a rope.

[Yes, it’s about Rona-dono. Well, I never thought I’d see someone in a position like Rona-dono in the Royal Capital!]

The Quordenze faction has decided to call Rona according to the Levios family’s standards…that must have been fully communicated to the Baron.

[Recently, the Holy City area has been calming down. Free City counties… The priests mediate the conflicts between the independent Noble families to bring about a truce. Don’t tell me that Rona-dono defected to the Levios family… Hmmm, I’m surprised.]

Baron Ileisa seemed to be in a good mood that the problem had been solved, and began to talk again.

A Holy Maiden who temporarily took refuge in the Kingdom so as not to get caught up in the recent political upheaval in the Holy City…that’s how King Levios introduced Rona.

The fact that the Royal Nobles were less upset was probably due to the fact that they were told that they were of a higher rank. In addition, the fact that there was political strife in the Holy City made them happy. It is because we can ridicule the lack of growth and stupidity of the people who caused the turbulent times to stir up internal strife again.

King Levios really did well during the introduction.

[I mean, a priest was hanged in the Royal Capital last year, right? I was surprised to see her on stage just now because something like that had just happened. It was an incident that the Levios family had a hard time with…]

Come to think of it, that also happened.

Although the details are unknown, it is said that a priest’s hand was arrested by the Levios family for doing something in the Royal Capital.

In the aftermath, an extremist priest named Diana acted behind the scenes in the Quordenze territory, causing an incident at Newnelly Field.

For the time being, people from the Quordenze family are investigating rumors about this, but they haven’t been able to obtain much detailed information. According to the investigator, it seems that the Levios family had issued a gag order.

However, from the baron’s remarks, I could sense the prideful attitude that is characteristic of a person who knows a lot of things. [Don’t you want to hear it? I won’t tell you] that kind of attitude.

[Oh, something like that happened? Does it have something to do with Rona-dono?]

It was Plume who said that.

[Since I told you about the correct way to refer to Rona, can you tell me what you know about that incident?]….. I could almost hear those behind-the-scenes words.

[Well, no, I mean, it’s what they do to thieves.]

Plume silently continued to stare at the baron who tried to deceive her. Then, he let out a smile as if to say he was overwhelmed.

[At the time of the incident, I just happened to be staying in the Royal Capital.]

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He may have intended to talk about it from the beginning. The Baron’s voice was kept low, but he spoke without hesitation.

[Apparently the priests wanted money. A low-ranking priest sneaked into the mint in the Royal Capital and tried to steal gold coins and bullion. It seems that the storehouse was also targeted… Well, the quality of Levios’ gold coins is the best in the continent after all.]

Good quality gold can be harvested from the Field owned by the Levios family near the capital. Gold coins made from it are highly trusted, and are valuable enough to circulate in the Empire’s territory. According to Viscount Galiana, it seems to work well not only in the Mammushred Federation, but also in the Mist Land. That’s how pure the gold is.

[Oh, that’s careless.]

The Levios family should’ve kept it guarded. But, the Baron said otherwise.

[No, no, as expected, there’s no way anyone can get away with targeting an important facility like the mint. The low-ranking priest who sneaked in and his subordinates were all killed or arrested on the spot. At that time, the city was in an uproar…]

In the Royal Capital, the low-ranking priest and Levios military officer clashed, and it is said that the citizens of the Royal Capital were terrified. However, it seems that the Levios side, which has a geographical advantage, had an overwhelming advantage and quickly suppressed the opposition.

Knights of the Levios family came several times to explain the situation to Baron Ileisa, who happened to be staying in the Royal Capital.

[As expected of the Levios army.]

The Levios army seems to be good at anti-guerilla operations, just like the Genocide unit.

The Baron nodded at my words.

[However, they weren’t able to capture all of the culprits. It seems that the priests were divided into multiple groups and were still active…]

It is said that even when the captured people were tortured, they didn’t give in and didn’t speak until they died.

[The priests’ hideout seems to have been found, but it doesn’t seem like there was much useful information left. Was it? Apparently, there was a plan to hire Lord-class mercenaries using the stolen money, but what did they really intend to do with that? Even if there was some fighting power, the Royal Capital, of course, Kobovia would not be shaken.]

…..I wonder if they were trying to do the same thing that Diana did in the Levios territory. Lupetta and the others were also hired by Diana and lured into the field.

However, the Field near the Royal Capital has just recently produced the demon beast Yersinia. I don’t think there’s a high chance that a magical beast that is about to mature like Newnelly Field is lurking. If so, would that mean that the Field in the direction of Kobovia was the target?

[There has just been an attack on the Levios family and a priest incident. It’s also bitter for the Levios family to miss the remnants… That’s why I was surprised to see Rona-dono on stage.]

His closing words must have been enough to thank him for telling the inside story.

Well, he found out about Rona’s name convention, and it’s not like we’re too indebted to him. More than enough for the price. 𝘧𝘳ℯ𝓮𝘸𝓮𝑏𝓷𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓁.𝘤ℴ𝘮

When Baron Ileisa finished talking, he left briskly. This time, he would probably go to a place where the Zeldomitra faction gathers. It’s a lot of work.

Plume and I decided to quench our thirst with a drink from Levios’ servant who was walking nearby.

[Wil will have a fun and enjoyable meeting after this.]

Plume said after looking around and confirming that no one was paying attention. It’s a slightly teasing tone.

[If it looks fun, would you like to join me?]

[Please. If you say it like that, it may cause misunderstanding.]

Plume reprimanded me with a small voice.

The exchange meeting scheduled for the afternoon is a time for individual house-to-house meetings. Therefore, Plume of the Sylopea family will not be present.

If she is my fiancée, we can attend together, but unfortunately that is not the case at present.

But I hope the misunderstanding becomes true. That kind of misunderstanding is always welcome.

[Well, I have fun and fun plans before the afternoon meeting…]


Plume’s tone changed from that of a childhood friend to that of a Princess of the Sylopea family.

When I turned around, I could see a male Nobleman approaching me from afar. Although they are far apart, their true nature can be guessed by looking at the reactions of those around them. It looks like we have a fun and exciting plan.

I straightened my posture and waited for the visitor. The surrounding Nobles sensed the atmosphere and paid attention to this one.

[Wilk Quordenze-dono, I presume?]

[Yes. Pardon me, but you are?]

I could see Plume was slipping away from me.

As if telling me that only this newly arriving person and Wilk Quordenze can talk here.

[Fumu. Come to think of it, it’s our first time meeting. I’ve met Marquis Quordenze several times, so I’ve been looking to talk to him.]

As the next head of the Quordenze family, I am in a fairly high position. If it’s more than me, it’s about people who are in the position of the head of the family or the previous head of the family. Therefore, it is not easy to be unkind to other Nobles.

The statement that he had met my father indicates that he is in the position of the head of a Noble family. Thanks to that, I will be able to move accordingly.

[With my father? Is that so? It’s a pity. My father is having a talk inside the palace, so I can’t give him a formal greeting.]

This was the real reason why my father and I were acting separately. If we were to act together, self-introduction time would start here.

[No, I don’t mind. I just want to exchange a few words with Marquis Quordenze.]

Then he paused his words, fixed his eyes on me, and then continued.

[I thought I should apologize directly to Wilk-dono. My daughter was very rude the other day.]

Then, he… Archduke Milendorva expressed his gratitude. It was the best manner of apology shown by a person in a higher position to a person of a lower position.

Commotion resounded in the surrounding area. Right now, the garden was a place where many Nobles of the Quordenze faction gathered around me.

Then, I acted like I realized the true identity of the Archduke for the first time, and quietly replied.

[Please stop. If you say so, I don’t know how to respond… In Newnelly, my father sometimes scolds me, and at that time I get very discouraged. I would appreciate it if you could forgive me for reprimanding her over there. I also don’t want to see her depressed.]

I did as intended.

I will accept the apology for the time being, but since I have left it up to my father to deal with this matter, there is no room for negotiation with me. Also, what is going on with your education that she caused such a ruckus in another territory? Scold her not to do it again, but don’t turn your resentment on me by scolding me in a weird way.

[…I understand.]

This is the only business. The Archduke turned his back on me without staying long.

I received an apology from Archduke Milendorva in public. I was a little relieved that one of the big events that awaited me today was over.

Wilk Quordenze and Archduke Milendorva have yet to formally exchange greetings. This means that any conversations that take place here will be informal.

An informal apology in public.

The Levios family also thinks of a good place to settle down. If this is the case, the Nobles who witnessed it would be reluctant to talk about it on a large scale. It was a settlement that barely met the requirements of the Quordenze and Milendorva families.

Nevertheless, why should I, the one receiving the apology, be so careful?

The Archduke of Milendorva…the current head of the Milendorva family who settled the protracted civil war with the Levios family. I watched his back as he left the scene.

A five-branched candlestick that illuminates only the west, and a double-edged sword facing the east. The coat of arms of the Milendorva family is drawn on the swaying cloak.

The Milendorva family is a branch of the Levios family that became independent in order to serve the easternmost Nobles of the continent. The meaning of the family coat of arms is extremely simple.

The sword represents military strength, and the light of the candlestick represents the light of order that shakes off the barbaric dark age of turbulent times. Gather in a new era illuminated by the Levios family, and destroy the Nobles of the Far East who oppose it… It can be said that it is a crest that clearly shows the historical background of the founding of the Milendorva family.

I also felt that the face of Archduke Milendorva had a slight resemblance to King Levios. Considering the blood lineage, is that degree natural?

After the Archduke had completely left and the attention from the surroundings had diminished, someone tapped me on the waist.


[How is it?]

I bring my face closer to Plume to speak in a low voice. Naturally, our body gets closer to each other.

I have to show off our close friend vibe to the people around me so that she doesn’t get any bad bugs flying about. Quordenze insect repellent.


Plume smiled brightly. It seems that my response was a passing score even from the outside, it was good.


The words exchanged were short. There were still some Nobles who were watching us, so she couldn’t give a very blunt general review. In addition, the exchange with very few words like this creates an intimate atmosphere that excites the heart.

If possible, I wanted to flirt with Plume all the time, but that’s not possible. My schedule is tight today.

As if by arrangement, the civil officer who was attached to my father came to me.

Saying goodbye to Plume for now, the next time we meet would be at the evening party. She would attend the exchange meeting on her own and will have talks with Nobles outside the faction.

I interrupted the civil officer’s words with my palm and said goodbye to Plume.

Well then, this is the second round of fun and fun events, huh?

[Young master, the preparations for the meeting with the Adellahan family are complete. Master is summoning you. Please move to the palace.]

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