The Max Level Hero Has Returned! Chapter 140

“About three: a handheld fan, a bow, and a staff.”

The uses of each one didn’t really matter at this point, so Davey just chose to use the spear. ‘It’s been a long time since I’ve been reunited with my weapon.’

Davey could feel a large amount of mana, which was incomparable to before, running wild in his body as he lightly released the spear. He had holy power at around the 9th level, and his mana and devil mana were at about the 8th circle. As the amount of mana increased, the circles moved to create rings like they were finding their own places. Even though he had lost it once, it seemed like it wasn’t lost forever.

As Davey channeled his mana into Longinus, which was in cross-form, and began manifesting his will, the sturdy spear started transforming. When the light disappeared, it had turned into a sharp and straight spear.

“The spear form is the best.” Davey smiled, then licked his lips.

Looking at Davey, Perserque shook her head with a pale face.

-You changed once, and now… Davey, your judgment hasn’t been impaired from a headache or something like that, right? Just say it and I’ll treat you.

‘I know that you can move objects with demonic force, but now you can reform a human?’

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Perserque looked a little shocked and backed away from Davey.

“Sir Davey, Rinne detects Shandra Minea, the transcendental being, moving quickly to where your juniors are. Destruction of Puma due to accumulated damage.”

“The trainees? What about the others?”

“Everyone is alive; however, one suffered a huge injury, and another suffered some as well. Predicted that many will die in a short amount of time.”

“The trainees are going to spill blood if I just leave them.”

“Rinne, waiting for command.”

“Hm… Will this work?”

Davey could feel the spear’s weight as he tossed it in his hand; of course, it felt heavy from being over eighty kilograms. Normal people who were not reinforced with mana would be crushed under its weight upon getting struck by it.

“Good work, Rinne. I’ll take care of the rest, so you go for a vacation. Send this command over to the entire Decepticon Fleet: keep them safe until I get there.”

Goddess Frejya… Davey had made a promise with the divine will to do some good. What else would saving a bunch of young and innocent kids be if not a good deed? Of course, he was calculating his actions like a child, but he knew that dying wasn’t exactly a pleasant experience; he was going to give back as much as he had received.

“Hup…” Davey slightly lowered himself and released his mana, which moved like crazy inside of him. Then, he shot up into the air with a huge shock wave, leaving a huge crater on the snowy ground. He could feel that the air was different as he got up high in the sky through reinforcing his jumping power and not by flying magic. He looked down at the large Pandora Region, commenting, “Hm, nice. People should breathe in good air, you know?”

-So brazen…

Leaving Perserque, who gave him an incredulous look, on his shoulder, Davey kept himself in the air using flying magic. Then, he secured his footing with air tiles and held up Longinus like he was going to throw it. He muttered, “Let’s go.”

[Second unique ability of Divine Spear Longinus]

[Nuclear Spear]

Davey was about to show them why it was called ‘nuclear’.

Tzz… Tzzzzz!!!

Divine Spear Longinus left Davey’s hand and floated higher up in response to his mana. It slowly expanded while being surrounded by a bright light and lightning. The ‘nuclear’ weapon was only a spear about two meters and ten centimeters long, but it was growing into a large spear at least fifty meters long and ten meters thick.

Even though a huge amount of mana had left Davey, who never experienced such a thing before, he did not feel exhausted at all. His mana was actively moving in his body right now due to the metamorph just before, but he would be able to do this again if he had this much power even in the future.

As the lightning fully shaped into a spear, Davey aimed the end toward Shandra Minea, the black terrestrial dragon that he could see from his reinforced sense of sight. With a short breath, Davey threw the large lightning at it and yelled, “You get one hit and I get one hit. It’s fair, right!!!!!”

Crackle!! Like accelerated metal bullets shot out of a railgun, gold flashes of light filled with energy fell onto Shandra Minea from the sky.

Surprised by the sudden movement of power, Shandra moved and reflexively created a shield by releasing another power. However, [Nuclear Spear], Longinus’ unique ability, ruthlessly shattered its shield and pierced Shandra like a skewer. In the end, Shandra flew hundreds of meters away.

* * *

Huff… Puff…” 𝚏𝗿𝗲ew𝐞b𝐧o𝚟𝚎𝗹.com

Illyna, who left Davey to quickly join the other trainees, had to run for a while before the trainees could find her. They knew that something was wrong; the trainees, who were all standing with tense expressions, all gathered toward her as soon as they saw her.

“Illyna! You’re okay!”

“What about Davey? What about Davey?!”

Illyna was starting to get a headache at the children’s panicked shouting, but she had to stay calm. She felt that she had a responsibility to explain the situation to the others, because Davey had sent her here with that task.

“Everyone calm down!”


Illyna shouted sternly after she struck down on the ground with Caldeiras. She yelled, “This is not the time! Let’s move!”

“Is it… an attack?”

“It is, isn’t it? Teacher Boris contacted us…”

However, it seemed like the children had an idea of what was going on. Illyna found this unexpected.

“I’m relieved that you’re okay, Your Highness.”


Alyssa Patrick, a self-acclaimed fanatic of Davey, handed Illyna a small crystal ball. She said, “It’s the…communication crystal that Sio Howl had. We got a call from Teacher Boris, although it was very short.”

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“What do you mean?”

“We got word saying that there was an attack, and that the trainees should stop the test and hide together in one place.” Alyssa spoke in a rather calm tone.

Shayir, the older sister of the elementalist twin, murmured with a pale face, “The transcendental being! He said that the transcendental being moved! Oh… And… And!”

“Calm down, Shayir. Still, it is a relief that you have come… but where is Prince Davey?”

Illyna sighed at Alyssa’s question and answered, “Davey stayed there.”


“Listen to me carefully. There was an attack. The senior knights who were protecting us all died. Do you know what I mean? Right now, we have to either escape from here ourselves or hold out. At least until we understand the situation.”

Illyna didn’t think that it would be a problem considering Davey’s power, but she wondered if the people who attacked the knight order did something this stupid without knowing that. Most of all, what she was worried about the most was…that Shandra, the transcendental being, was active. It wasn’t a transcendental being for no reason; she began to think that even Davey, who was stupidly strong, would not be able to win against the large and undefeatable monster classified as a transcendental being. It was a monster that was able to kill four Swordmasters before they could do anything. Even if Davey was strong, Illyna couldn’t help but worry.

“Let’s start moving for now. There’s a hiding place prepared nearby.” Fendyr, the Holy Knight who was leading the group, spoke.

Heg, the trainee who used the giant warrior, asked, “What about Sio Howl?”

“That guy…”

Lincy Peila’s eyes began turning red as she spoke. Seeing that, Illyna could already tell what had happened even without an answer.

“It’s bad. From what Lucia said, we should get ready…”

“Damn Treve! He had nothing to betray, so he took part in this insane thing and tried to kill his partner?!” One infuriated trainee shouted.

The others looked somber.

“Davey! Where is Davey?! Without that guy, there’s no one to protect…!”

“Damur!! Shut the hell up! Is Davey your guardian?!”

“Everyone is crazy! Are you out of your mind?! Can no one understand this situation?! The seniors were all slaughtered!! Ah… I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die without being able to do anything!!”

Watching him scream and fluster around with his gauntlet on the ground, his partner raised a staff and smacked him right on the back of his head.

Thwack!! Then, Damur, who was screaming and making a scene, plopped over.

“Sorry, everyone. Damur is just a little immature, so I hope you aren’t too upset.”

Since Damur was extremely materialistic and fearful unlike Sio Howl, who was just full of pride, no one thought it was weird he was acting that way as he hadn’t talked to Davey once and had been wary and jealous of him all the time.

‘If he heard that, he would’ve twisted his arm.’

Illyna didn’t like how Damur was acting either. She said, “First, Davey is taking care of the attackers. Even if it’s a transcendental being, it won’t be able to find us easily if we really try to hide. The thing we have to do before the Teachers come is to hold out. We should at least not be a burden.”

Just as Illyna was about to ask them to lead the way to the hiding spot…

“Sorry about that.”


Boom!! With a sudden voice, something huge flew across the sky and crashed into the ground.

Hiss… That object was none other than one of Davey’s golems, the mobile golem.

All of Puma’s armor was crushed in almost to the point that it didn’t work anymore; all it did was glisten its blue eyes while on the floor, not able to get up. Puma’s force was a little inferior to Illyna when she had Caldeiras since it was made for unique circumstances, but it wasn’t something that could be taken down this easily.

“You said Davey? I really had my eyes on that boy. It’s sad that he had to die like this.”

As the man spoke, Illyna glared at him with her eyes wide open. He was strong. Absolutely and overwhelmingly strong. Swordmasters were strong, but the man in front of her was known to be someone who could easily take on three or four Swordmasters by himself. And…

“C… Captain… What is…”

He was also one of the captains that commanded the Alpha Reinforcements.

‘Why is the captain that should be protecting us saying that?’

“Hm? Oh, I forgot the beginning. To be honest, you guys are very important aspects of this plan. Well, only a few you have to participate, so don’t worry about it too much.”

With that, people in black robes appeared from all over the place.

“Those… I was sure Davey…” With her eyes wide open, Illyna murmured in shock. She knew what the appearance of the knights in black robes who were being stopped by Davey and Rinne meant.

“Trainee Illyna. I’m sorry, but your partner Davey was killed a few minutes ago by Shandra.”

‘Someone saying something like this is our protector? Don’t joke with me.’


The old knight chuckled as he stared at Illyna, who was infuriated, with a sinister gaze.

“I have already received the report that he has disappeared without a trace from the breath. Can’t you tell? The only solution that you were trusting in is already dead!” The captain shouted.

Not knowing Davey’s current situation, the trainees all turned pale.

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