The Mechanical Era Chapter 123 King Kant’s Speech

Alan had worked hard to make sure that everything was perfect. He set up the area where Kant would speak above, as well as informing every single citizen of the date the speech was about to take. To make sure that they would all be able to make it, a few businesses had to temporarily have to close to make room for a large number of people that would visit.

The speech took hold on the 22nd of Nummum in the morning, as Alan had promised Howard he would do so. The people gathered around in the town square and in the streets of the downtown, looking upon the balcony of the palace, where Kant was to present himself.

There was a debate earlier on whether he should wear his royal attire or his modern suit. In the end, he chose royal attire, as it was deemed too early to deliver a speech in his modern suit. Maybe some other time.

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From the outside, Kant heard the chatter of the people downstairs, all wondering what he is going to speak about. Just before he went outside, Kant made sure that he looked good for the speech, to make sure he convinces as many people as he can.

After checking a bit in the mirror and reciting his written speech, Kant walked up to the balcony. Just before he was allowed to get there, he was halted. First, the trumpeters went outside and played a small tune, informing the people that he has arrived. Once the announcer officially confirms it, Kant was able to walk up to the balcony.

As soon as they saw him, they cheered his arrival. They saw him wear the black renaissance suit, with the half cape and the golden yellow linings. He looked as if he was true royalty. Kant let them cheer on for a minute before raising his hand, causing the cheers to slowly fade into silence.

Kant waited for a bit in total silence. It was when the crowds start looking around, is when he started to speak.

"The past few years have been a great tragedy for the people of Hoverdam. Ever since the start of this decade, we lost many people who were dear to us; whether it be our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, or friends, everyone here has a tragic tale of at least one lost family member.

Now, with the end of the war, and the destruction of the church, many are lost and confused about what comes next. Some of you may judge the validity of god and the church. Some of you may not believe in them anymore. Some of you might hold on to the notion."

Another, but smaller period of silence, allowing the people to process it.

"A few thousand years ago, when the demons started to ravage our land, it is believed that god came down to earth and awarded humanity the great crystal of Eroan, a mystical device too complex for our mortal minds to understand that would choose a representative from the earth, to act as an ambassador for the lord.

For a long time in our history, it has been the absolute truth, that god is represented by the pope, selected by the sacred crystal. That has been the absolute truth until... it wasn’t. A few days ago, it had been brought to my attention that the previous pope had committed heinous crimes while being the head of the church, and the ambassador to god. Crimes include rape, corruption, bribery, extortion, racketeering, pedophilia, and so on. A stain on the church, and humanity itself."

The people collectively gasp after being enlightened about the crimes. A few whispers traveled through the crowds.

"Following his crimes, god finally decided to punish us with plague, war, and poverty for all. It led to the deaths of many across the continent, and the deaths of the evil-doers that used to roam around the continent.."

Another silence, but only for a few seconds.

"My fellow citizens, I would like to proclaim the church’s sin, as its cause for its great defeat! As part of god’s plan! The plagues, and death that we all had to suffer, it was all their fault. No longer they are the ones representatives of the lord. Not anymore. Though the church is no more, god is still with us!

The plague, the war, all of it was to eliminate the tumors that corrupted humanity, as well as mentally strengthen us, and prepare us for the future! With the tumor gone, and the corrupt leaders gone, we arrive at a new chapter of humanity!

Ask yourself this, does God really need a giant crystal to communicate with us? To hear us? God is an omnipotent being that exists beyond the realm of time. He does not need a crystal to communicate with us. He is with every one of us, even if you don’t realize it. God can never die, as long as have faith!

It is the end of an era. The era in which only a few people were chosen by god to represent him in the mortal realm. We, ourselves, have now become worthy to interpret the word of god as our own. Like when a farmer teaches his son the basics of cultivation. We are his children, after all."

Another period of silence. The people down below start to whisper among themselves.

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"However, you may ask yourself, how will I be able to interpret god’s words, if I cannot read? Well, my citizens, it is not YOUR responsibility to learn to read, to write, to ascend and reconnect with god, and it will be MY responsibility, to help you all to learn.

My fellow citizens, I am here to pledge you all, to build multiple places of learning called schools, along with places of reading called libraries, where you all will be able to walk right in and borrow a bible from the bookshelf to be read for yourself.

In the following years, you all will get to experience a great change that will happen throughout your entire life. The world that we live in will die out and fizzle, and in the process. There will be hardships, and they will be more suffering, but despite those setbacks, our goal is far greater. A new world, a better world, one for which our descendants will thank us.

So let us all walk on this path to our future. We will face challenges, and we will face hardships, but with our indestructible determination and spirit, we will make it through the ruff waves of uncertainty, and to a brave new world!"

With that, a thunder of cheers burst. The trumpets started blowing in his honor. From down below, a chant can be heard from down below.

"Long live King Kant, Long live God!"

Kant had to admit, it put a smile on his face. With that, he reenters the room and meets up with Alan and Kristina.

"That was a wonderful speech, your majesty. Don’t you think so, Knight Commander Kristina?" Alan asked.

"Oh... yes. Definitely," Kristina replied. Kant turned to Kristina, and then toward Alan.

"Alan, could you give us a moment? I need to talk to Kristina privately. I will meet you again at my office," Kant requested. Alan nodded at Kant’s request.

"Oh, of course, sir! Gladly. Boys? Out with me." After the trumpeters close the balcony doors, the men all leave the room. Kant’s smile immediately fades, forming a cold and stoic persona as he turns to Kristina.

"Now, Kristina. I want you to remember 2 rules while you work under me. That is to never speak up about Arjun, ever. As if he had never existed. If someone you know asks you, tell them that they went abroad after the war ended.

The second rule is to never ask questions about how I know my stuff. Don’t ask it from me, or ask that anybody understood. If anyone asks you, you tell them that you don’t know. Got it?" Kant asked. Kristina was a little frighted, but there was this feeling, this bit of courage left inside to ask a ballsy question.

"And what I didn’t?"

"Well, I guess it would be best to think about your children," Kant suggested.

"My children?" Kristina asked.

"Yes. One elder daughter and one younger son. Wouldn’t want them to know that mommy joined daddy, now would they?" Kant kept a serious face. A shiver went down her spine as now Kristina REALLY suspected that Kant had done something diabolical. But considering all her courage drained out, she decided to comply.

"Yes. Alright sir," she responds. Kant immediately forms a smile, to lighten up the mood.

"That is good. Now, get back to your office. I am sure that there are plenty of tasks for you to complete there," Kant replied. Kristina nodded and quickly walks out of the room. Kant, after wiping the sweat off his face from a total, quickly left after.

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