The Mechanical Era Chapter 159 Demonic Ambush

’coo-OO-oo, oo, oo.’ the mourning doves sang their tune, intent to be heard throughout the forest as their morning started. It went well with the sounds of the leaves ruffling thanks to the warm breeze, and the tune of the other birds, making a natural melody by mother nature.

On the dirt pathway carved through the forest, three caravans slowly traveled along, being pulled by two majestic white horses each. Inside the first and third caravans, were a few musketeers, wielding powerful FLM-18 muskets they received from the city of Hoverdam, and a few knights with wrought iron plate armor, fitted with runes.

The second caravan, right in the middle of the convey, was filled up with ingredients to produce a significant amount of medicine and potions, which would help in the fight against the increased demonic presence, being ridden by 5 herbalists, two elders, and 3 rookies. While normally, this caravan might not need any escort, due to the empress’s orders, and the fear of the herbalists themselves, they were prompted to guard them.

They were journeying down the dirt road, to enter deeper into the forest, to gather a lot of rare herbs that still remain there. Considering most of the same ingredients were snitched away in a panic at the beginning of the month, the town now had to risk entering deeper to get the herbs they want.

As the caravan rode along the road, Carson, Herrold, and the other musketeers looked outside and admired the beauty of their surroundings. Using their hands and mouths, they communicated beautiful animals and plants to the others.

"Hey, Herrold. What do think about that birdie? It has those black and orange feathers on it!"

"Oh yeah, it does! I wonder what they are called?"

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"It is called a Baltimore Oriole." one of the knights replied. She was part of the locals here, who had lived in the small rural town for all her childhood. She had medium-long black hair reaching up to her shoulder, a pair of amber eyes, and a sweet smile. As a weapon, she carried a good old bow, with a bunch of arrows in her bag.

"Ah! So that is what it is called. Thank you, Knight Serena " Herrold replied.

"No problem. You should consider yourself lucky to be able to see them. Considering they will be migrating back south soon," Serena added.

"Really? Why is that?" Carson asked, curious to know why.

"Well... this is the last month of their breeding season, which is primarily in the summer months. They head back south to back to their wintering grounds. They should start their migration back from this month onwards."

"Ah. I see. Thank you for the information. I did not know about that," Carson replied.

"You are welcome," she replied with her charming smile. The caravans soon arrive at their destination, which was located somewhere inside the forests. The herbalists drop down, as well as the others.

The soldiers load up their weapons with gunpowder and a bullet, ready to fire at anything that moves. Meanwhile, the knights made sure that there were no demons around so that the herbalists can collect their ingredients in peace.

They cast a spell, checking the general area to see if there were any potential demons present. Surprisingly, there seem to be none, for now.

"The area is clear. We should be safe to collect the herbs. Just don’t go too far out of the caravan. It is too dangerous to do so. Does everyone understand?"

The soldiers and the herbalists nodded and went on to do their job. While the soldiers protected the herbalists, they went on to pick up the herbs that were laying on the grass carpet of the earth. There appeared to be a plentiful amount there, just waiting to be collected.

The knights made their way over to the outer edge of the perimeter, making sure that there weren’t any demonic beings around further deep into the forest, hiding from their senses. They acted as the first wall of defense against the demons, as the musketeers were seen as limited in their abilities.

As they sensed their surroundings, a few of them picked a powerful beast to the north of them, headed in their direction. Upon seeing the enormous amount of mana it possessed within it, a few knights quickly move up to take down the beast, while the others went closer to the caravan center, to make sure that nothing gets in.

They inform the soldiers and the herbalists that a powerful mana being has been spotted on the north side of their position. As a result, the soldiers moved to the north of the herbalists, ready to fire at whatever was going to come their way IF the knights failed to stop it.


Serena, along with the rest of her knight palls, dashed over to intercept the beast that was coming their way. The knights were all well equipped with runic weapons, spears, and swords. Senera, in her position of the archer, stared back and took a good vantage point, to allow her to take down the beast with ease.

From their senses, they can tell that the beast was just a few feet in front of them, hiding in the bushes. Serena takes out an arrow from her back and loads it on her bow. She then waits for the beast to come out, to take a perfect shout at its forehead.

Just then, a large wolf, about the size of an adult lion, jumped right in front of them. Its brown fur, which it had used for camouflage, had now turned silver gray, with yellow oozing out of its eye. It had grown two long sharp horns on its head, while its forehead is attached to the yellow mana crystal controlling the beast.

"Be careful everyone! The Démonloup looks to be strong!" The Démonloup gives out a loud roar, to intimidate the knights into surrendering. Obviously, it didn’t work, and the knights maneuvered to surround the beast.

"Alright everyone, attack!" a knight ordered. The 4 knights charged at the beast, all at the same time. The démonloup quickly discharged an electrical shield, shocking the knights with a thousand of electricity; an unexpected move!

Serena immediately fired upon the beast, aiming at its crystal. The beast stopped the electric shield and cast a shield spell to block it. It then used this moment to dash away from the knights, who were still regenerating from the shock of a thousand volts going through their bodies.

Senera quickly pursues the démonloup and fires another arrow at it. Though it did hit, the shield that surrounded the beast did not penetrate through. As it got closer to the herbalist, Serena cast magical spells to destroy the shield, so that she can take a proper shot.

Explosions and fires rocked throughout the forest, as her attempts of destoIt soon managed to destroy it fail. She quickly runs out of mana and energy, allowing the démonloup to outrun Senera, leaving her to pray to the other knights to defeat the demons.


Carson had formed a line with his fellow soldiers, waiting around. The other knights, who were meant to cover their perimeter, had sensed a powerful beast to their southwest and decided to go tackle it accordingly. This left the 14 musketeers to defend the herbalists all alone.

As a result, the soldiers decided to split up. 7 of them covered their general southwest, while Carson, Herrold, and 5 other soldiers covered their general north. As they waited around, they heard the sounds of loud explosions coming from the north. When they look to see what was going on, they can see smoke coming up into the air, inside the forest.

"You think a tough battle is going on?" one of the soldiers asked. As the sounds of the explosions get closer and closer, Carson thought otherwise.

"Everyone, get in formation! Something is coming from the northside," Carson ordered, being the first one to hear the sound. The men got into a straight line made up of 7 people, with Carson being in the middle. After packing together, and aiming their guns in the general direction they the sounds, they patiently waited.

The explosions got louder and louder, with the smoke clouds becoming larger and larger. Their hearts start to beat rapidly, as they assume the worst had happened. But then, it stops. Everything goes quiet, and the men are forced to question what had just happened.

"False alarm?" one suggested. Out from the forest, was a giant démonloup, with a shield cast around it. It observed the soldiers firmly, before licking its mouth, as a sort of intimidation tactic to suggest that it was hungry.

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"Nope," Herrold replied. Carson observed the beast and looked at what it was surrounded by. The demon appeared to have this sort of transparent shield, with a yellow hue. It allowed the soldiers to take a good look at the beast, before raising their guns.

"All right everyone. Do you know your training? Aim for the forehead. I will fire after everyone else had. You all got that?" they nodded. The man aimed down their barrels and cocked their guns.

The démonloup starts running straight towards them. As it got closer, the first shoulder took his shot.

click. Bang!

The bullet swooshed over and hit the shield. However, it had failed to penetrate, and the beast kept on coming.

click. Bang!

The second musketeer fired his shot, hitting almost the exact spot that the one prior had hit. Yet, the beast stood tall and kept one running.

click. Bang!

Another hit, but it failed. The beast was starting to get nervous.

click. Bang!

Miss! The beast gains a lot more confidence and starts sprinting its way over.

click. Bang!

Hit! Yet, it was a bit off! The pressure appears to be mounting, and the soldiers shivering.

click. Bang!

The bullet managed to hit the cracked spot of the shield, yet still failed to penetrate. The beast was halfway there. It was all up to Carson now. He aimed directly at the beast’s forehead and waited till it got a little closer. Upon taking a deep breath, he muttered to himself.

"Here we go, Carson. Here we go..."

click. Bang!

The bullet wooshed over to the shield, finally penetrating it. It shatters the shield like glass and collides with the yellow mana stone it held on its forehead. The beasts immediately trip and fall on its face, rolling straight under the soldiers’ feet, before coming to a full stop.

Soon, the knights come to gather around and see the close call that the musketeers just had. Upon seeing the démonloup dead, they were given lots of praise, for being able to stop the beast dead in its tracks. However, there were still some questions floating around their minds.

"Say, I have been wondering. What happened back there with this... démonloup? Y’all seem to er... not able to contain it."

"It used a lighting spell!"

"A lightning spell?"

"Yes! It just... came out of nowhere! We just didn’t expect them to do that but then... it just did!" the knight replied.

"I see. Well, do you guys need any potions? Any medicine?"

"No... we are fine..." the knights replied.

"So... the démonloup encountered you all first?" Serena asked. Carson turned his attention towards her.

"Hmm? Oh! Er... Yes! It did? Why do you ask?"

"Because aren’t the other knights supposed to take care of it? Where on earth did they go?"

"They had to go southwest because they sensed another beast. They should be done with it soon."

"Another beast?"

’Yes. Why did you ask?" Serena went to her thoughts for a minute, before turning to her teammates.

"Everyone, listen up. I think we should report this incident as a planned ambush"

"A planned ambush?"

"Yes. I think the demons were trying to capture the musketeers and the herbalists. They might want to turn you all into amesperdues, to their mind-controlled demons."

"But... isn’t an ambush rare? I mean... how the hell would they even know our exact location?" Just then, a morning dove flew right above them, singing its tune, causing them to look at the sky. The birds were circling the group like they were little eagles.

Carson took out his spyglass and took a look at those birds. From there, he can clearly see that they have those sparking white mana crystals on their forehead, flying through the sky.

"I think we have our answer, folks," Carson commented as he handed over the spyglass for everyone else to see.

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