The Mechanical Era Chapter 207 Temporary Visit To Vallina

7th of Procidens, 5018.

A large sailboat sailed slowly down the river. Carson leaned on the wooden guard railing on the deck, to look onward at the environment that surrounded him. In the distance, he can see the giant palace, dominating the city skyline. Though he did notice the towers were missing, he did start to feel like he was at home.

Standing beside Carson, was his dear friend Herrold, who joined up with Carson to look onward at the great city with a smile. This was the place that the two have been born, and gown up in. So it was nice to come back.

"Look at that. We are finally returning home. Our former home that is," Herrold commented.

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"Yea. It appears so. I wonder what had changed while we were gone." Carson remarked.

"Probably nothing much, considering we haven’t been gone for a long time," Herrold replied.

"How long do you think we would get to stay?" Carson asked Herrold.

"I am not sure. We are going to have someone else for that. However, I presume about a day or two. It should give us time to look around the city, provided they don’t take with them." Herrold answered.

Joining along with Carson and Herrold, were the knights and the demonologists. Though most of the knights were unharmed, that cannot be said for their commander; Esther. Esther had returned to his former self after the creature got out of his body. He was, however, left traumatized by the incident, and preferred to be all alone in his room.

"Knight Esther, would you please come out? We are nearly approaching the city, and we need you to look sharp!" one of the knights called out to him, behind his door.

"Knight Esther?" he knocked on the door once again.

"Please... Just... Leave me be..." they hear him replying. There was a tone of fear still present. Though he did not explain what had happened while he was possessed, the knights thought it was best to leave him be, for now.

Jonus, in the meantime, was in his room as well. He used the time he had to decipher some of the texts they found in the fortress walls. Though he had only deciphered a small fraction of them, he found out a lot of information about these demons that he could not have expected.

Though they appear to be correct on some things, there appeared to be other things that they were completely off. Information that could rock the world, and change the perceptions of demons themselves.

"Are you nervous, Mr. Jonus?" asked one of the demonologists.

"Well yes. I am going to have to present this information to the imperial majesty, and her demonologists as well." Jonus replied.

"Do you think they will take it well?" asked the demonologist.

"I... Um... I hope so," Jonus replied.

The sailboat soon docks at the port. The crew alerts the men to get ready. Soon, a bridge was attached to the sailboat, allowing the others to walk safely down to the ground. Waiting for all of them at the docks, were a bunch of caravans.

"The palace sent us to pick you all up. I hope everyone made it out safe?" asked the knight, guarding the caravan.

"Yes. We did. Well, except for one." Carson remarks. The knight immediately raises his eyebrows and scans the group.

"Why? What happened? Where are the knights? Who has been injured?" the knight questions the group.

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"Nobody. We all didn’t face much trouble. Except for Knight Esther." Herrold replied.

"What happened to knight Esther? Is he fine?" the knight asked, worried for him.

"Physically, Knight Esther is fine. Although mentally, I am afraid that he had been compromised. The knights are still up on in the boat. They are having a hard time trying to Knight Esther out of there. Would you mind sending a few to help him?" Herrold asks.

"Certainly! Could you all wait here until then?" the knight asks.

"Of course! No worries." Carson replies. The knights then went over to the ship to get Knight Esther. After a few minutes, they saw Knight Esther being carried back to his bed, being placed in the back carriage.

"I heard what happened to Knight Esther. Honestly, I feel bad for him." the knight replied.

"Where will you all be taking him?" Herrold asks.

"They will take him to a psyche-ologist. They should be able to help him connect back with himself. Although, I won’t mind him having a little less of an ego." The knight confessed. The other two smiled.


"...Alright. Anyways, I need you all to get on the caravans, please. The queen is waiting." the knight instructed.

"Oh! Of course!" Carson replied. The musketeers, and the demonologists all hoped on. Once there were all there, the caravan started moving down the road, headed straight to the large palace.

Once they arrived at the place, the demonologists and musketeers were brought to a fancy room. There were told to wait there, expect for Herrold. He was to go to the throne room. Apparently, the queen had wanted to see Herrold himself.

"Oh oh. I think you are in trouble, Herrold," Carson remarked, wanting to scare his friend, a little.

"In trouble for what? I haven’t done a thing!" Herrold snapped back. Carson chuckled at his friend’s anger.

"Well, I don’t think you should keep her imperial majesty waiting," Carson replied. Herrold swallowed his spit and went inside. A few minutes pass by, and there is no sign of Herrold Carson starts to worry whether he DID get some sort of punishment.

Just then, the door opens, and Herrold returns, smiling. He walked up to Carson and showed an insignia on his chest.

"Guess what, Carson? I just got promoted to Second Luitentant for my contributions!" Herrold claimed.

"Really? For what?"

"You remember that time when I helped out with the Minotaur situation? Yea, I got promoted for that. Apparently, my paperwork got lost, so they decided to promote me here."

"Damn. You are one lucky bastard, you know that?" Carson told Herrold, who was now the one laughing.

"Yes. I am. Say, that reminds me..." Herrold turned to Jonus, who was just sitting on the chair, waiting.

"Mr. Jonus? You are up next. Her imperial majesty wants to speak to you."

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