The Mechanical Era Chapter 210 First Train Test

Over the past few days, the Mechanical Engineers had their hands full in assembling the locomotive together on a testing track, which was a special track that allowed them to test the locomotive, without it being needed to move.

Before they can put it on an actual track, they had to make sure that all the mechanical components can work effectively without it breaking apart. That way, they can fix up anything that IS wrong before an actual test could happen in front of his majesty, Kant Icurus Maybale the I.

10th of Procidens, 5018.

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Ezekiel looks onward at the gigantic locomotive that lay in front of his eyes. It was built mainly out of steel and wood. The steel itself was coated with a layer of black paint, to prevent it from rusting and weakening the steel.

Behind the steam locomotive, was the tender box. The tender box was the job of another group of mechanical engineers to build. It contained the coal and water that the steam engine would use to operate.

"Ezekiel! Glad you can make it," the project manager informed him.

"Well sir, I wouldn’t want to miss such an important day!" Ezekiel replied.

"That is wonderful. Say, may I ask you a favor?" the project manager asks him.

"Of course, sir! What is it?"

"Well, you see... one of the guys who was meant to be up on that cabin and start the machine just reported in sick yesterday. So, I was wondering if you can do it for us instead.

I mean, you were part of the project. You know how the thing works. So can you please do it for me?" he requested.

"Did you ask the others to do it?" Ezekiel answered with his own question.

"Of course! But they all refused. That is why I am asking you, Mr. Ezekiel. Would you please do so? It is just one day! He said he can come tomorrow! He promised!"

"Am I getting extra pay for this?"

"Of course you are! It would be unfair not to!" the manager replied. Ezekiel thinks for a minute before replying.

"Alright then. I will do it."

"Great! Just head up to the cabin and wait there. The other guy will arrive soon." the project manager instructed, before leaving.

Ezekiel hopped up the train and inside the cab, where the operators would be at work. There, he found the floor made of metal grating, to allow them to see what was below the tracks. On the sides of the walls, were windows to allow ventilation.

On the front wall of the cabin, above the firebox, were a few gauges, such as a thermometer and a pressure gauge. The thermometer measured the temperature inside the firebox, while the pressure gauge checked the pressure inside the boiler. They had made sure to label what pressures were dangerous, and what were safe.

There were some spots left for more gauges, like a speedometer gauge. Aside from the gauges, were the throttle lever, brake lever, and reverser lever. The throttle controls the speed of the locomotive by regulating the flow of steam to the cylinders, while the brake lever controls the braking system. The reverser lever is used to change the direction of the locomotive.

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On the side of the wall, were a few tools, such as a shovel, a few oil cans, water cans, a hammer, a wrench, a scoop, and some rags. All these tools had a specific purpose, intended to be used by the operators.

As Ezekiel was looking around, another man approached the train and hopped on the cabin. The man, about an inch taller than Ezekiel, introduced himself in a polite tone.

"Hello. I am Rurorica. I came here to help work out this machine. Are you the guy I am supposed to be working with?"

"Yes. I am. I am Ezekiel. Pleased to meet you Rurorica," Ezekiel replied in a polite manner as well.

"Pleased to meet you, Ezekiel. Though I have to say, you don’t look like the guy for the job, considering your outfit matches up with those engineers."

"That would be due to the fact that the guy we wanted to come, was not able to make his way here as he got sick yesterday. He said he will come tomorrow though." Ezekiel replied. The manager came up near the locomotive and looked at the two men. He then held out his hand near his mouth and started to yell at the two.

"Everyone is ready! We can begin the tests now!"

"Well. That is our cue. Let’s get started." Rurorica remarked. The two men then started to operate the machine. While Ezekiel instructed Rurorica what to do, he did all the muscle work.

They first filled up the boiler with an adequate amount of water. Although there was no gauge to specify how much water has filled up the boiler, they were instructed to pour in the water using an injector.

Once the boiler was filled with enough water, they opened up the firebox and started to pour in a bunch of coal. Once it was done, Rurorica was given a matchbox. Taking a match from the box, he lit one up and threw it inside the coal.

A fire starts burning and heating up the boiler. The pressure starts to slowly rise, as indicated by the pressure gauge. Once he feels that enough pressure it built up, Ezekiel pulls the throttle lever, allowing steam to travel to the cylinders.

However, there seems to be a problem. The pressure continues to rise, and even each dangerous level to the point where the safety boiler clap blows off, sending it flying to the room. Ezekiel then puts out the fire with the help of Rurorica and calls the test a failure.

"What happened?" the project manager asks.

"There appears to be a problem with the throttle. It doesn’t seem to properly function." Ezekiel answers.

"But... But it worked just fine a few days ago! What happened?"

"I don’t know. There might be a few bolts loose. Maybe a part of the mechanism failed. Whatever it is, we need to find it out before we can start the test again.

Do not worry manager, this is pretty common in our field. We can just simply fix it up, and start the test again."

"Ah. I see. Well then. It looks like we will have to find out what the problem is." the manager turns to the other engineers and workers.

"Everyone! Get to disassembly! We need to find out what the problem is!" the project manager ordered.

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