The Mechanical Era Chapter 229 [Bonus ]New Weapons And Machinery Blueprints!

The ministers all examine the blueprints with a sharp eyes, curious as to what they are meant to do. They tried looking around the blueprints for any descriptions written in black ink or pencil graphite, anything that could help them understand what the purpose of the device being depicted on the paper was.

Yet in the end, all that they found were descriptions of the parts of the stage devices, and how they operated, next to an arrow pointing at the specific part. The blueprints themselves were rather simple, allowing them to grasp its looks, and nothing more.

"What have you presented us, sir?" Armstrong asks as he observes the blueprints Kant has presented to the ministers.

"I will get to that, but first I would like to provide you with some context for this part of the meeting," Kant replied. The ministers keep down the documents and face Kant, ready to hear out what he has to say.

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"About a few months ago, the Queen of the kingdom of Vallina, Rose Valline, had managed to gather and create a large army, made out of peasants, equipped them with imported muskets, a brand new military technology that has never been seen on the face of this content before, and use it to defeat the bravest and most potent knights the kingdoms of the north had to offer.

It resulted in a swift conclusion of the war with the northern kingdoms’ defeat to Queen Rose Valline and her allies. Our population got smaller, and we had become vassal states to a new ’Aceaton Empire’, which covers the entire southern front of the continent," Kant explained.

"That day, I learned a few things; the first is the importance of innovative military technology. If we want to keep the kingdom safe, we need to invest in research and development of new weapons technology.

The second is the reformation of the military. With the emergence of new technologies, the game of war changed.

We can no longer rely on the old, traditional ways of tactics and strategy, and need to come up with new ways to fight if we are to face the challenges ahead.

Our defeat in the war highlighted the vulnerabilities and limitations of our current military structure," Kant informed the ministers

"Now, although I have done a great amount of reform in regards to the military structure, there are still plenty of things that need to be examined, evaluated, and reformed.

I would like to get into it in detail, but for now, we shall stick to the main topic, that being the blueprints." he spoke with his usual monotone voice.

Kant took out and laid down another map. He then pointed to the southern part of the continent on the map. It featured the gigantic ’Aceaton Empire’, which had managed to unite half of the continent thanks to the war.

"Our plans for economic domination will be faced with great opposition by the new Aceaton Empire, especially by the Imperial Queen, Rose Valline.

She may begin to perceive us as a rival for resources, and a threat to her Empire’s political sovereignty. Thus, it may trigger a new conflict where she may march on the capital of Hoverdam with her troops and knights.

This is why we must prepare ourselves for such an incursion. We can do this with further advancements in technology regarding weaponry, industrial processes, and transportation.

One of these military technologies is the train and the large network of railroads I presented to you all earlier.

A steam engine locomotive train allows us to move vast troops, weapons, ammunition, and other materials, across a long distance. If used effectively, it can give us a significant advantage over the enemy.

As for the others, those have just passed through the design stages. In fact, the blueprints I have presented to you all, are the new key technological developments I believe would help us to defeat Rose Valline."

Kant paused for a minute, allowing his words to sink in. The ministers exchanged glances at one another, before turning to Kant. Their face sparked with a hint of curiosity, wondering when Kant was going to explain to them what they were presented with.

Kant held out his hand, signaling to the ministers to hand back the files to him. Being the observant men they are, they quickly pick up on the hint and gave back the files with the blueprint.

Kant organizes them and settles them down in a neat stack and picks up the first file on top. He opens it, and takes a good glance, before presenting the blueprint in his hand for all to see.

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"The first blueprint depicts what I call an ’integrated cartridge’. Think of it as pre-assembled ammunition, with the projectile, a propellant substance, and an ignition device. This will allow a musket or a rifle to achieve better accuracy and faster reloading speeds.

As for how it works in simple terms, a firing pin will strike down the primer, activating the propellant and firing the projectile."

He places the file down, next to the stack, and picks up another one. As Kant is picking up a file, Armstrong threw in a question for Kant to answer.

"Excuse me, sir. I am certain that our current firearms are not designed to be able to use these ’Cartridges’. Have you perhaps designed a new firing system that can be used to retrofit our weapons?" he asked.

"I have done better, Minister Armstrong. Instead, I have designed a brand new rifle, I intend the military will use to arm its soldiers with.

Although yes, we can retrofit our existing weaponry to load and use these new integrated cartridges, I find it too inconvenient as it would require extensive modification," Kant explains. He picks up the file and opens it up, allowing the ministers to see it.

"This is the BLBA-18 Rifle. It is a breech-loading bolt action rifle, with a caliber of .43 inches has a length of 135 cm, and is designed to be easily mass-produced inside of a factory.

It is intended to have an effective range of 200 meters (218.7 yards) and a maximum range of 500 meters (546.807 yards). Keep in mind though, these numbers may or may not be met."

Armstrong immediately raised his left hand. Being the Defense Minister, he had a lot more questions in mind that he wanted to be answered.

"Yes, Minister Armstrong?" Kant asked.

"Although I welcome these new technological developments, I am afraid that we do not have the technology or machinery designed to produce these at a fast rate," Armstrong voiced his concern.

"...unless you may have already designed new types of machinery for the job?" he added in, a bit of uncertainty remaining in his voice.

Kant closes the file and keeps the file down. He skips the next file on top and picks up the next three files underneath, and hands it over to Armstrong. He opens them up, to find blueprints of strange new machinery, depicted on the pages of the paper.

"You are absolutely correct, Minister Armstrong. Yes, as of right now, we do not have the specialized machinery to produce these new devices. However, I had already planned that ahead.

That is exactly why I gave a lot of time and attention to making the machines, to ensure that are able to operate with our current levels of technology," Kant claimed. Kant then walks over and stands right beside Armstrong, to help him understand how they work.

"The first blueprint depicts a Bullet Casting Machine. As the name suggests, it is designed to produce lead bullets in large quantities.

As for how it works, I will explain it to you in simple terms. The molten lead will be poured into molds, right over here..." Kant points to the part of the blueprint.

"The machine would then mechanically eject the solidified bullets from the molds, onto a conveyer belt where it can be transported inside of a factory." Kant then turns a page, revealing another blueprint.

"This is what I call the case forming and drawing press. This machine is used to make the cases of the cartridge. It does this by using a process called ’Drawing’.

Basically, it would ’draw’ the brass sheet into a cup shape and then form the primer pocket and base."

Kant closes the file and grabs another file. He opens it up and continues on with his explanation. He goes on to explain to Armstong how the other machines work. The blueprints detailed machines such as the Primer Inserting Machine, Powder Measuring and Filling Machine, Bullet Seating Machine, Crimping Machine, and so on. These machines all would be utilizing the power of a steam engine, which has been used by the city to drive its industry forward.

Once Kant finishes his explanation, he goes back to his original seat and goes on to show the other blueprints. He picks up another blueprint and presents it to all. It depicted a sort of cannon but with a long barrel with a breechloading system of some sort.

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