The Mechanical Era Chapter 56 A Book Recommendation

Surrounded by bookshelves filled with all colors of books, they acted as walls separating a fair girl wearing a black gown with white stitches and patterns. Her short black hair seemed to have been properly combed, and her nails cut short.

She sat on the wooden chair with a book with a black leather cover lying open on the table. Her ice-blue eyes were too busy reading the black ink on the coffee-brown pages that were a little torn and wrinkled. Yet, she enjoyed her time, reading and learning from it.

To her side, there was another stack of books with the same black leather cover on them. On the side, there was some text written in gold yellow, mentioning the history of the Early Asterian Republic, a time before humanity’s first golden age.

The girl was so infatuated with her reading that she was trapped in a bubble of immersion. She imagined what it was like to be there during that era. As she was trapped in her bubble, she failed to hear the sound of heavy footsteps, walking toward her.

The footsteps stop when they came only inches next to her. There was a moment of silence, as the figure watches over the girl. It turned its head to see what she was reading. Then it turned to the books on the side, waiting to be read by the girl.

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"How is the history book Princess Lisa?" he asks. Lisa turns around finally hearing the voice of the man. She found a rather tall man in a white cloak with red breeches and black boots. His face was that a shape type of diamond, with a strong jawline.

His curly hair was rather long for a man, reaching his shoulders. The man’s sharp dark brown eyes were conceded behind the thick round glasses he wore, and his voice was ever deep than even her father’s.

"Professor Campbell! I sincerely apologize for not noticing you. I have been reading the books you have recommended to me."

"I see. Well, how are they?"

"They are amazing Professor. They are filled with great detail about the lives of the people who ruled. It’s all perfect!" she replied. The man smiled.

"You sure do love learning history don’t you Princess Lisa."

"Oh yes, very much so sir."

"Say, why don’t you come to the office? I have some other books to offer you. Things that the academy deemed... too intellectual to your age group." Lisa was taken aback by Campbell’s offer.

"But professor, isn’t that against the academy’s rule of law?" she asks. In response, he takes out a folded letter and hands it over. She unravels the beige paper to find that it was from Rose Valline, who on Campbell’s request, permitted her to read those books.

The little girl smiled at the page. She hands the letter and thanked the professor.

"That her majesty Queen Rose Valline for that. Now come, follow me," he said. The girl followed the esteemed professor to his office with a tiled marble floor. On the front wall was a mirror that faced the dark oak door with square patterns.

On the front of the window, were a table and a chair, made out of the same wood the door was made. On the left and there stood tall bookshelves packed with books documenting almost all of human history.

"Welcome to my office, Lisa. I hope you find it comfortable."

"It looks lovely professor Campbell."

"Thank you. Now, about the book..." the man lazily searched the shelves with various covers of color. Then, he picked out one and handed it over to Lisa.

"This one is good. A religious history of the Angelisist Church. Now, this is a very, VERY exclusive book." he tells Lisa who listed with all ears.

He goes to the door and opens it. He looks around the hallway to see if anybody was nearby. After he is done, he closes and locks the door. Then he comes closer to Lisa, kneels down, and whispers in her ear.

"Do not let anyone else read it. There is a lot of written truth there the church does not want anyone to know. Take that and read it alone." he whispered. He stares into Lisa’s eyes.

"What does it contain?" she asks.

"The church says heresy, while I, and a lot of others, say it’s the truth. Do not let them find you with it. Otherwise, they will likely lynch you."

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"Did you understand Princess Lisa?" Lisa started shaking a little. She doesn’t say a word and just nods. With that, the professor unlocks the door and lets her leave the room. As soon as she scoots away, he goes over to his desk.

He takes out a piece of paper, a bottle of blue ink, and a quill. With a quill in hand, he starts writing down the beige piece of paper. The quill suddenly stops writing. He shakes his hand to get the quill to write again, only to drop a ball of ink on the paper.

Seeing the imperfection, he crumples it up and throws it in the bin. He takes out another piece of paper and starts writing another one. After he finished writing, he walks down the hall to the area where the birds are being kept.

It was a dark gloomy room, with the only light coming from the few windows there. It was filled with rattling cages of birds desperately wanting to be let out. Through the pack, there were small corridors, where anyone can walk and select a messenger pigeon of their choice.

Campbell walked on one of these corridors, looking for the right pigeon. He was revolted by the nature of the birds, trying to flee their home to the outside world. Though he may want to kill every one of them, he spared them all so he won’t get in trouble.

One particular cage caught his eye. The bird was still, not seeming to be in the state all the others are. It was calm and silent, patiently waiting for its turn. Campbell smiled at this pigeon. He takes it out and attaches the letter to it.

"Send this to her majesty Queen Rose Valline," he said. He then takes it to the nearest window and sets it on its mission.

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Lisa was back in her room, holding the black book tightly to her chest. She thought of what Professor Campbell had told her, about never presenting it to anyone. She brainstorms places she could read it in peace, without anyone spotting her or questioning her.

Just then, she remembered exactly where. Placing the book in a leather bag and scooted off. She soon arrived on a paved cobblestone path, with flowers on both sides of the road. She was headed to her sister’s garden, wanting some peace to read it.

However, when she arrived at the garden entrance, her ice blue eyes spot a boy, in what appears to be white clothing setting up a canvas holder. Sitting on a wooden bench, wearing a beautiful yellow gown.

She sneaks around the garden, managing to avoid detection. She then heads her way away from Sofia and to a rather distant part of the garden, where she felt safe.

"I should have chosen the other place," she says to herself. In the end, what was done it done. Lisa was not safe. She takes out the black book and stares at it once again.

She takes a huge breath and starts reading the book. The first page reads ’The Angelisist church was the greatest religious institution to have ever existed..."


The sun was almost starting to set once more. It was time for everyone to go back to their dorms so that they won’t get punished for misbehaving. Lisa however, one of the most obedient students in the entire academy, was thinking of something else.

Lisa stayed and went over to a place she knew where she can keep the book safe. She walked carefully and quietly across the halls of the school, avoiding any teachers, and makes her way to a dark room.

There was no light source except for one, that being a square window to the outside world, allowing the dimming sunlight to illuminate the teacher’s abandoned table. The rest of the classroom lingered in the dark.

She raised her left hand and pointed up her index finger. Lisa then cast a spell, forming a small ember enchased in a small magical ball with its top cut. This was to prevent her finger from burning.

She goes up to the teacher’s table and places the book on the dusty table. No longer needing the ember, she puts it out. She then drags out the first drawer, causing dust to fly at her face. After a little cough, she got back to work.

Lisa then opens the bottom drawer and places it on its side. Using the tip of her finger, she casts another spell. A sharp blade formed above her fingertips. She uses it to slowly cut the bottom half of the second drawer, removing the strong glue that held it in place.

After the glue is taken off, the drawer floor comes right off. Lisa then places the bottom half on the top drawer. As it didn’t fit, she used her blade cut precisely cut it so it would fit. It took some time for her blade to make way, but she manages in the end.

She then makes a hole in the bottom of the first drawer. Big enough for two of her fingers to fit. With all said and done, she places the book in the first drawer and conceals it with the cut bottom.

Lisa then places the drawers back in their place. As to make sure that the bottom would never be opened, she takes the key handing on the top drawer and uses it to lock the bottom. She then casts a spell, causing the key to melt with the bottom lock.

"It should be safe now." She said to herself again. With that, she leaves the room and heads back to her dorms.

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