The Moonlight Swordsman Chapter 407 Unexpected

Chapter 407 Unexpected

Nina was the one who had just entered the pub. Finding a seat next to the Aizel group, she casually walked in.

"Oye… what is a kid doing here,"

"Yeah, who knows, maybe the customs here are different."

*Tsk* She is flat."

Aizel was sipping his beer in silence when Nina suddenly got up and pulled her chair closer to them. With everyone staring in disbelief, she set the chair down and sat down.

"O-Oye, what are you doing, kid?"

"I was feeling bored alone; please may I join you guys, only for a few hours?" Nina pleaded with puppy eyes.

"What should we do, Badri?" One of them asked, looking towards Badri.

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"Kid, do you live here?" Badri asked as he placed his drink down on the table.

"Yes," Nina nodded politely.

"What are you doing here?"

"My dad went with his lover somewhere. I was alone at home, so I thought I should go outside for some time," Nina replied politely.

"What an asshole…left his daughter all alone." One of them commented.

"Can I also try that?" Nina pointed her finger toward Aizel Beer.

Aizel looked around at the others. All of them were a little confused about what they should do at this point.

"Uhhhh… What’s your age?" Jotum asked with a deep breath.

Why the fuck does he talk like that?" Nina thought.

"I am 17,"

"Let her drink. It’s her choice, we ain’t her parents and we don’t give shit what other’s wants to do," Jotum replied.

Aizel slowly handed the beer glass to Nina.

With a firm grip, Nina raised the beer glass carefully to her lips. All eyes were fixed on her.

To everyone’s surprise, she shattered the beer glass towards a Grade IV mage sitting close, rather than taking a sip.


"What the hell kid…" He shouted.

A black magic circle appeared under the table, dispelling the mana from the bar, before anybody could respond.

Aizel swiftly leaped onto the table with Sekki already in his hands. He caught everyone off guard by severing the Grade IV mage’s neck with a single, decisive swing.

Quickly, he tossed one of the canisters from his pocket at another nearby Grade IV mage.

A red azalea mist was released as the container exploded, quickly dispersing the toxic haze. Aizel promptly scooped up Nina in his arms and swiftly exited the bar.


Aizel noticed the magic circle had disappeared.

That’s all I can do now at this point,"

[At least it is better than nothing]

Aizel quickly left Nina in one of the alleyways, and then with lightning speed quickly departed from there, leaving the small town.

He looked back and noticed the survivors were already coming at him.

So only one Grade IV mage, one Grade V, and 1 Grade III mage,"

[The rest of them seem to be dead]


"STOP, YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR IT BASTARDDD!!" Badri shout can be heard at this point.

Jotum suddenly flew through the air, drawing nearer to Aizel while maintaining a stoic demeanor.

Aizel swiftly conjured a new magic circle, causing Jotum to slightly decelerate in mid-flight.

But it seemed like the circle was plain and had no magic property.

That distraction was enough for Aizel to surge toward the Grade III mage and Badri with lightning speed.

He crafted a container that resembled a grenade while he was sprinting. Infusing it with more lightning, he flung the orb ahead while in motion with the accuracy of a baseball pitcher.


In a flash, the container was drawing near Badri and the other mage. As the container burst, Badri transformed into a gigantic stone gorilla.

The magnitude and scope of the explosion were such that the shockwaves propelled the two mages away from the site of the explosion.

Aizel seamlessly melded with the ground, startling the Grade III mage as he materialized beside him. In an instant, the mage met his demise.

Jotum, airborne and approaching, observed Aizel. "Another power and core… what sort of freak is he? he pondered.

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"LEAVE HIM TO ME!" Badri yelled in a gorilla voice, as he started to run towards Aizel.

"Have it your way, gorilla," Aizel replied.

Aizel sprinted over to Badri, clenched his fists, and unleashed a water jet cutter that sliced through the air.

Despite Aizel’s best efforts, the gorilla’s stone-encased hide remained impervious to his attack.

Nearing Aizel, Badri swiftly slammed his enormous hands down in a devastating blow. Still, Aizel had a steel dome conjured up in a moment, protecting him from the powerful hit.

The gorilla’s hammering smashed the dome severely. Enraged, Badri continued his assault until the dome shattered and crashed onto the ground, only to reveal that Aizel had vanished.

Badri’s attention shifted abruptly as he detected a missile hurtling toward him, promptly erupting in a deafening BOOOOOM.

The tremendous explosion launched him into the air, causing trees to snap and cracks to appear in the stone-encased skin that protected his chest.

Lightning chains erupted in a torrent, entangling Badri’s limbs and sending him crashing to the ground.

Aizel descended from above, wielding a lightning-infused axe with a swift and determined motion.

In spite of Badri’s struggles to escape the lightning chains, he summoned a huge, pointed hill of stone and flung it at Aizel.

Despite this setback, Aizel retaliated with an axe blow and increased the intensity of the lightning around him. With each powerful strike, he shattered the stone hill, steadily closing the distance between him and the formidable opponent.

*Pssssss* His magic armor released the smoke.

*Vroooom* The fans started to spin wildly which started to create more power.

As an omen to the imminent burst of power, Aizel let forth a thin cloud of smoke from his nostrils.

Suddenly, a draconic roar echoed, reverberating through the battleground.

Aizel unleashed a torrent of azure flames infused with crackling lightning.

In an instant, the stone hill was reduced to ashes as the blazing breath ripped through it. As a result of being caught in the remaining chains, Badri took the worst hit from the intense fire.

In addition to destroying the stone and the once-invincible Gorilla Mage, the unleashed power dug a massive crater into the earth.

The ensuing hole exhibited an eerie display of residual lightning energy, which crackled and shimmered.

Amidst the chaos, Aizel deftly landed on top of a lofty tree, his gaze fixated on Jotum, who hung still in the air.

"A magic artifact, so many cores and power, and now even using an arcane magic circuit system. 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝘦𝘸𝑒𝒷𝘯𝘰𝓿𝑒𝓁.𝒸ℴ𝑚

"Uhhh… What more are you hiding? Were you the ally of the queen of Theodora from the start?" Jotum asked.

Gradually, wisps of ash smoke began to emanate from beneath his robes and hood.

"And why should I tell you? I don’t even know you." Aizel replied.

"Do you consider me a fool? … uhhh… there is no point in talking with you. I will make sure to break every bone and bring you back to the kingdom.

"Prepare to meet your punishment,"

"Shut the fuck up already," Aizel replied.

[Master, be prepared, things are about to get nasty]

Just when Jotum anticipated an offensive move, Aizel pivoted and swiftly darted away from him.

"Is that all you can do?" Jotum murmured.

More ash smoke billowed from Jotum’s legs as he increased his speed with incredible agility, quickly closing the gap with Aizel.

Quick blasts of ash smoke were released from his palms, causing Aizel to expertly zigzag to avoid the explosive projectiles.

Even after amplifying the lightning infusion to increase his speed, Aizel still couldn’t hold a candle against Jotum, a Grade V mage.

Swiftly materializing before Aizel, Jotum, who had transformed into ash smoke, kicked him square in the stomach.

Even though Aizel summoned a shield just in time to lessen the blow, the force was still strong enough to send him hurtling into a bridge that linked two hills and trails close by.

Damn, Grade V is really something else," AIzel thought, as he coughed out some blood from his mouth.

"You can’t beat me, surrender. You may get less punishment. Don’t make it any difficult on you and others," Jotum said, as he arrived there.

"He... hehehe," Aizel laughed as he glanced towards the half-moon.

Jotum furrowed his brows, as he noticed Aizel’s half moon, shape pupils.

"You know, when I faced the beast fairy, I learned something great.

"It seems they can buff themselves depending on the moon phases. I liked that idea," He said as he licked his lips.

All around Aizel, the pressure and force of the surrounding environment increased. The eyes of Jotum widened in shock as he saw Aizel change.

The Grade III mage was no more; he was now crossing the threshold into Grade IV.

Aizel’s eyes gleamed as he extended his hands toward Jotum. All of a sudden, Jotum felt his might dwindle as a falling pressure surrounded him.

He seemed to have been demoted to Grade IV status all over again. He could still feel his Grade V magic core, but he couldn’t summon its strength.

"What sought os sorcery is that?" He yelled in disbelief.

Aizel with his hands rose answered, "It’s my moon domain, let’s rock and roll,"

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