The Novel’s Professor Chapter 86 86: Void Expanse (2)

Rio hummed, deeply in thought. So the items he would bring out in reality had a time limit on them. In a certain perspective — that made sense.

As far as reality would go, the items he brings out to the world had already been erased to nothingness.

"What about the curse then? For example, If I use it and curse somebody will the time-limit delete the curse and uncurse the person...?" Rio muttered. That could be possible. Or perhaps it would be like a one off item that can only be used once. Either way, he didn’t know.

If he had someone or something to experiment on, he would probably have a much easier time, but unfortunately, who in their right mind would volunteer to get inflicted by a curse so potent?

"Then again, the world is full of crazy people..." Rio muttered, shaking his head. Since he had ended up with a dead end, he would return to his original goal — he would focus on exploring the possible uses of his dimension first.

In that regard, he was terribly lacking.

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The only use he knew of his dimension was [Essence of Nothingness], the ability to erase something in reality... While it was good, it wasn’t really helpful offensive wise. Granted, erasing items, weapons and injuries in battle was extremely helpful — but that was not yet counting the restrictions that came with it.

First, he could only erase two things from reality. And for a second, he couldn’t erase something that had existed in reality for months and years. There was a time requirement for it to be erasable from reality.

Those two restrictions made it almost close to useless — in a battle, he could only erase at most two wounds or items, thereby limiting his advantages.

And if by any chance he would fight someone with a weapon that existed for half a year in the world, then he wouldn’t be able to erase the weapon. By that, it was almost useless.

’However, where should I start?’

Rio thought as he pondered deeply. He did wanted to explore the possible uses of his dimension, but he didn’t know where to start. If only there was someone that could help him...

Suddenly, he felt a faint presence hover around him. Rio half distractedly asked:

"Oh, you’re already finished, Faust?"

[Right. I managed to understand the basics of the formation, but not the whole thing...that would need a far longer time,] Faust commented, his body turned upside down.

"Perfect. I wanted to ask you for help," Rio said, shifting his gaze to Faust. "With your experiences, you should be able to help me."

[Alright, praising your master, ain’t you?] Faust chuckled, nonchalantly hovering beside Rio. [Tell me then, what do you need help with?]

"Well, I’m having a hard time with my dimension..." Rio explained. "I don’t know where to start. Think you can help me with that?"

[Sorcerer’s Dimensions, huh?] Faust lightly said, his face frowning. [The thing about Sorcerer’s is their creative use of their power... In most cases, they are a far more complicated and harder opponent than any other... Well, you’re in for luck. I know a thing or two about their power. I had a friend who was a Sorcerer with a fairly powerful dimension.]

"Alright, so what should I do?" Rio asked. That was great. He had a headstart on where to progress things.

[Hm, let me see the disposition of your dimension first. Apply it to reality and I’ll measure its potential and prowess.] Faust replied.

Rio nodded, complying. He closed his eyes as he raised his hand. He removed all unnecessary thoughts from his mind, concentrating on his dimension.

...Analyzing the ley lines. Understanding the void. Transforming magical energy to void energy. Intercepting the laws of reality. Texture—replacement.

"...[Dimensional Expansion]."

He muttered as he clenched his hands. Suddenly, a crack echoed in the air — he opened his eyes, noticing the sudden change in the surroundings.

Faint and illusionary darkness overlapped with the texture of the world. Reality seemed to have been replaced by the image of void. One second, it was the white training room — the next second; it was the infinite void. It was a mystical scene.

"So how is it?" Rio asked, his hand controlling the darkness. "My dimension is that of the void. The dimension allows me to control nothingness, manipulate void and turn my magical energy to void energy. Void energy nullifies...almost everything."

Faust stared at the room for a while, pondering deeply. He caressed his chin as he spoke. [A dimension related to that of the void... This is my first time seeing one. It’s merely spiritual and yet it can already affect reality to a degree it can erase things? Its power is nothing to scoff at. With its potential, I would rank it as a S Tier Dimension.]

"S Tier Dimension?" Rio asked, confused. There was a tier on dimensions?

[It’s not that important... but even among Sorcerers there are difference in dimensions — some dimensions are just inherently weaker and less useful than others, while there are few special ones like yours that have massive power and potential… However, rankings like that are just useless...when one further ascends, nothing is impossible anyway.]

Faust explained, his eyes shifting to Rio. He picked his ear as he asked:

[So, what is it that you need help with?]

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"The massive power you so of speak; I don’t see it," Rio said dryly. "The only use I can see is the ability to erase things, and that comes with heavy restrictions. So... I don’t really see any future prospects with that. Teach me how to use the power and potential properly."

[....You know I’m not a Sorcerer right? I’m a Martial Artist.] Faust sighed, staring at Rio. His hand facepalming. [I don’t cast skills, I use techniques. My path isn’t mastering the universe, but mastering the self.]

"So...? You can’t?" Rio frowned. Well, that was a shame.

[... Nevermind.], Faust said, his head shaking. He continued. [But this isn’t what exact what I had in mind when I said I was accepting you as a disciple... But alright, I still have some knowledge about it anyway.]

[First of, what I meant by massive power is its limitless potential for development,] Faust explained. [It isn’t restricted by the Three Dimensional Paths.]

"Now, what is this Three Dimensional Paths?" Rio asked, further confused. There were so much terms he didn’t know of. This was getting a bit tiresome to remember.

[Ah! seriously!] Faust tiredly shouted. [You know what, I’ll just transmit you the information!]

Rio tilted his head, confused.

Faust closed in to Rio, his hand raising as he tapped Rio’s forehead. [...The Three Dimensional Paths are the paths chosen by Sorcerers on the development of their dimension. They are namely — Attacker, Support, and finally Auxiliary.]

In that instant, Rio felt immense information assault his mind. However — he was already Rank B and with some ability on mental magic — he was able to easily overcome it.

[Most dimensions would choose one of those paths to develop their power...]

Rio stared vacantly on the air, mesmerized by the information he had received. He has saw some dimensions used with creativity and complexity — all them showed immense power and uses.

[For example, a normal Fire Dimension would go for the Attacker path for their ferocious burning power.]

Rio saw a thin man apply a dimension to reality — the dimension was filled with flames. Incineration. Everything that was near the man burned and turned to ashes of cinder.

[A normal Water Dimension would go for the Support path for their healing, and soft capabilities.]

Then, Rio saw another thin man apply a dimension to reality — this time, instead of flames, it was the beautiful pure form of water. As soon as the dimension was applied, everything near softened and healed. Some people that were wounded felt energy revitalized them once again.

[And a normal Earth Dimensions would go for an Auxiliary path for their ability to strengthen and create infrastructures.]

At last, Rio saw a burly man apply a dimension to reality — unlike the previous two, this one was not used in a way related to fights. The burly man used the dimension to create buildings, strengthen footholds, manipulate earth to create art. It was in a way creativity flourished in the burly man’s actions.

[But, don’t take all of that as strict rules — as I said once and now, anything is possible. Those three are just some standard examples. Somewhere in the world, they may be flames that could heal. Water that could destroy. Earth that could soften.] Faust continued.

Rio snapped out of his daze, listening to the tanned, muscular man obediently.... So that was Faust meant by the creative powers of Sorcerers. Among the examples, the one he found most interesting was the Earth Dimension.

From the Earth Dimension, the user’s creativity showed itself. To create buildings, strengthen infrastructures, and finally control the earth itself.

Though, from the memories, he had finally understood what the man was explaining to him.

"...How unnecessarily complicated," Rio dryly complained. He continued as he asked. "So what you mean by my Void Dimension not being compounded by Three Dimensional Paths — is that I can do any of the three paths to develop my power?"

[Exactly! This is why I don’t like Sorcerers...too complicated and complex for their own good,] Faust clicked his tongue, annoyed. [Your Void Dimension — could go in any of those paths. It could be used for Attacker. It could be used for Support. And it could be used for Auxiliary. Basically, it’s that unique and powerful.]

"Hm, hm... If that’s the case then the ability to erase things from reality, [Essence of Nothingness], should be categorized as a Support ability," Rio muttered, nodding in understanding.

[That depends on how you use it. If you use it to erase enemies’ limbs and heart, then it isn’t so supporting anymore,] Faust commented.

"Well, that’s impossible. I can only remove things that only existed in a month. I can’t erase living beings either." Rio said, his head shaking. Suddenly, he flinched as he felt a thick finger flick his forehead.

He frowned, staring at Faust as he groaned: "...What was that for?"

[Don’t be dumb,] Faust scolded with a frown. [There’s no such thing as impossible. Aren’t you a Miracle Invoker? Act like one. The path of Miracle Invoker’s is self mastery and mastery of the universe. As long as you continue to progress your powers, everything would slowly be possible... In this universe, there is no such thing as impossible.]

Rio went silent, sighing... Perhaps his words might have came off as an insult to the man. After all, the man did try to chase the impossible in his whole life — the realm of Sovereigns.

...In any case, now that he had a broader and clearer view of how to develop dimensions, he had an idea of what ability on the dimension he should progress next. He would try to create an offensive ability.

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