The Novel’s Sidekick Chapter 86 49: The Night of Brilliance(5)

Chapter 86 Chapter 49: The Night of Brilliance(5)

The blizzard came as it had promised, but Shailyn was a bit relieved at the appearance of the two knights. Noyar was in the middle of all danger with a dozen kids was in the mind. She would be a lot more relieved if other reinforcements could make their way sooner, but she knew it was a pipe dream.

The only reason these two got in time was because one of them was the Dominion of Gravity, while taking another one was difficult, not just with this terrible weather. Still, he managed in time, though he was drained like a pressed sponge.

Shailyn has known these two Knights well since she joined as the Arbiter in Victoria, 3 years back.

“Lady Shailyn, when do we move?” IIias, one of the knights, asked. He was a lanky Victorian man in his middle age, with pale white skin and dark ebony hair and a face full of beards.

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His partner Jon was a couple of strides away, resting with his back against a boulder. He’s fair-skinned too, but not as pale, nor does he have the beard. He has a handsome face, a bit on the shorter and younger side. Perhaps a couple of years younger than her, at least.

Shailyn knew both the Knights, Ilias and Jon pretty well, however, the seed of doubt William’s betrayal had put into her head made it difficult for her to trust them. She knew its not practical to think like that, but she had to make it do with what she had. Still, knowing Ilias’s family lived in Victoria relieved her a lot.

“Lady Shailyn?” Ilias called, getting no answer from her.

“Hmm, yes.” she looked at him and then towards his companion, resting against a ridge, while the wind curled around the circular weave she created, and lastly at William, tied up to a tree. They were just adjacent to the broken camp. “We’ll leave as soon as possible, but before that, you should know something. . . .”

Shailyn mentioned what they were up against. Her other encounter with the Warlock before helped her calculate his strength, however, she knew it wouldn’t be even a bit easier, just because they have over a dozen hostages with them.

The expression of the two knights stiffened drastically as they heard about the hostages and the story of William’s betrayal.

“I still can’t believe it,” Ilias said, looking towards William. “I actually brought him once to my house for dinner.”

“Yes,” William said with a smirk, “the food was great, just a bit on the spicier side. You wouldn’t mind welcoming me again, do you, dear Ilias?”

The Knight showed a sick expression, but refrained from getting into conversation with the dark sorcerer. Yes, that’s what William was. Shailyn still couldn’t acknowledge it. William was still the same, with all the smirks and playful tones. At least, on the outside. She had no clue if it was his real persona, but none can change what he did.

Sighing, she got back to what was important. “Ilias, you’re with me,” she announced and looked towards the other knight. “Jon, you’ll go after Noyar. Help her free the hostages.”

“Yes, Lady Shailyn.” Both of the knights acknowledged, exchanging glances.

“No, that won’t do.” Shailyn hesitated for a second. “Ilias, Jon, I know you two since I joined as the arbiter, but too many things went wrong already. I want your word.”

The knights exchanged glances again as Ilias opened his mouth, understanding what she was implying. “I, Ilias Worthrite, give my words to assist Shaillyn Earther, an arbiter of the Order of Magi, in whatever way I can, while in return I’ll ask for the same.”

Meaning, if Shailyn followed her duty, Ilias would do as well. It was not that Ilias didn’t trust her as she showed such uncertainty at the time, it’s just how oath works, and also, even if Ilias’s position is lower than her, he’s a knight, and has his honour, his pride.

As in the old Knight’s mandate, Thou will have honour serving others as long as others showeth honour in thee.

Shailyn felt the weight of the oath pressed into her spirit. “Thank you,” she told Ilias and returned her gaze to Jon.

Jon followed with the oath. “I, Jon Al’born II, give my words to . . .”

“Thank you, both of you.” Then she followed, taking her oath, even though it’s merely a tradition now.

As she took the oath, the weave of wind dissolved as angry, chilly winds surged at them, chilling their spines, and whistling in their ears.

“What do we do with him?” Ilias asked, pointing towards William tied up to the tree. He had to shout now to convey any message to others.

Shailyn acted as if she didn’t hear him and looked at the sky, four moons peeking through the swirling clouds, while the fifth one would appear within an hour or so, only so much time they have left with.

“Leave him,” she said. “I’ve sealed his channels and weaved a spell on his chains. He or anyone else will find it particularly difficult freeing him in entire piece.”

“But leaving him in the blizzard?” Jon groaned.

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They all know what he meant. The weather was not merciful to anyone. William could die from freezing if he stayed in the blizzard for long. Even if he’s a prisoner, a dark sorcerer, they couldn’t judge his life and death. There are other people for that.

“Leave him,” Shailyn repeated.

“Seriously, Lady Shailyn,” William spoke up, “you’re being heartless here. Surely, you wouldn’t leave me to die.”

Shailyn turned towards him and walked a couple of steps. “I’ll free you when we return.”

“And if you don’t?”

“You better hope we will, and that too soon.”

. . .

The juice in the false-ward emptied an hour ago, and I found it particularly difficult to move through a blizzard. Wind whistled against my ears as I turned my head to look at Harth behind me, carrying Mrs Kirien.

Funny how I was working as a shield to block the angry gale to the person who helped in making a mess of my face and broke my elbow. Wait, I did most of the breaking elbow part. Still, I didn’t know what to think of this.

I’m certainly not thinking of myself as the bigger man, or I thought of myself as one even before making this sacrifice. Well, what did it matter? Without me, Harth wouldn’t make it, and it would have been a lot more difficult for me to reach the camp, carrying Mrs Kirien. So, we both are doing our best in our own way.

Still, I’m doing more.

‘So, I did think myself of the bigger man,’ I thought and looked up at the sky. I didn’t know what to do with that revelation, especially in these circumstances. I could make out an overflow of light in four particular spots in the clouds, while the last one was not far away, it seemed.

“We’ll get there soon,” I shouted as most of my voice was lost in the angry wind. But will I be able to get back in time?

Yes, I trust Shailyn and Noyar, but they have a tall order and they were only two individuals. They couldn’t be everywhere.

Sucking in a chilly breath, I increased my speed. The faster I reach the camp, the earlier I’ll be able to return.

Ruffle snow slapped against my face, while in the other places it was not so uncomfortable since I was protected by the false-ward and the thick leather cloak. My left arm was still tied up to my chest, where the blood flow had clogged up, it seemed. Just a little more.

After creeping further, I noticed some lights moving toward us. A couple of them, tingling in blue light—luminescence lamps—most likely.

"Hey," I shouted, lifting my right arm. "We’re here!"

Harth shouted too, and it seemed the watcher finally noticed us, running towards us. There were two of them who came at our signals. Both of them in thick, wintery clothes, from head to toe, goggles in their eyes.

"Daaryl’s breath," one of them spoke up.

"Yes, Daaryl’s damn, dirty breaths," I cursed back. "How far away is the camp from here? How many men are present now, and how many can be--"

"Slow down, lad," the other one said. He was a wizened man with a wrinkled face. "Let’s get to camp first, then you’ll tell us what went wrong."

"I see," I said, letting out a breath. "So let’s move fast. We don’t have much time. Also, by any chance, do you guys have any spirit fuel leftovers?"

Before the watcher could answer, a surge of wind with chilly snow hit us. I almost swayed away at its turn. Where, the younger man of the watcher duo was not so lucky, fell on the snow face first.

I groaned and looked up at the sky. And then there were five.

The Night of Brilliance was upon us.


You can read all the chapters including the privilege ones in my Pa treon. Link at the end of the synopsis.

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