The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful Chapter 267 - 267: Assassination, Triple Tsunami (2)

Chapter 267: Assassination, Triple Tsunami (2)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

But what they didn’t know was that in a dense forest on rhe island behind them, Ji Chen and his group were watching their departure.

“Has the army secretly followed them?”

“Yes, all the Lobster Knights are closely trailing them, but the Naga Berserkers and Dragon Blood Murlocs couldn’t keep up and have fallen far behind.”

“In that case, let the Naga Berserkers and Dragon Blood Murlocs return. Only the Lobster Knights should track them. But be sure not to let those greedy gnomes discover you and disrupt my plan.”


Watching the gnome merchant ship disappear quickly on rhe horizon, Ji Chen s eyes were filled with determination.

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This group of gnomes was destined to taste the harsh reality of society and learn what awaits those who are so arrogant and greedy.

Two days later.

On a calm night.

The gnome merchant ship sailed leisurely on the sea, gnome warriors patrolling the deck, and the large lamps on the ship’s deck scanning the surrounding sea, guarding against possible threats.

The main cannon had been shut down, but dozens of secondary cannons on the sides of the ship were on alert, ready to fire at any moment. This clearly indicated the tight defense of the gnome merchant ship.

On the lookout tower, two gnomes wearing special night vision equipment were lazily looking around.

“Thor, why do we have to stand here like idiots on such a quiet night while those fools are sleeping in the cabin? It’s so unfair.”

“I feel the same way, but it s the Consul’s orders, and 1 can’t do anything about it.”

“Damn it! I don’t understand. We have such powerful firepower on this ship. How could there be something foolish enough to provoke us? These thick gun barrels can shoot alchemical bombs that are enough to kill any enemy!”

“That’s true. This is the power of technology. We gnomes have always been the ones provoking others, and no one dares to provoke us!11

“I really want to go downstairs and have a hot soup for the night…”

“Wait a minute, Zik, did you hear that? What’s that sound?”

At the mention of it, the gnome named Zik suddenly perked up his ears and listened carefully.

He heard some slightly unusual ocean waves.

“Isn’t it just the sound of slightly larger waves? Thor, did the sea breeze mess with your brain, giving you hallucinations?”

However, a gnome named Thor became somewhat alert. He adjusted the angle of the large high-intensity spotlight at his side, aiming it towards the direction of the unusual sound. What he witnessed was nothing short of horrifying.

At the far-reaching end of the spotlight’s beam, on the northern side of the distant sea, a tsunami several tens of meters high and several kilometers wide was sweeping towards the gnome merchant ship.

Their pupils suddenly contracted. Thor, who reacted swiftly, promptly pressed the alarm button and used a loudspeaker to broadcast his voice to the others.

“Alert! Tsunami approaching from the north!”

“Alert! Tsunami approaching from the north ! ! !”

The shrill alarm echoed across rhe sea, instantly turning the previously calm gnome merchant ship into chaos. More than ten floodlights were turned on, illuminating the northern sea until the light was blocked by the tsunami.

“Oh my god, why is there no wind and rain, but such a huge tsunami suddenly appears!?”

“What should we do? With such a high tsunami, we ll be swept into the sea!”

The gnomes panicked at the sight.

They had seen plenty of enemies, and dealing with them was as simple because they could use powerful cannons. But facing such a “natural disaster”, they were somewhat at a loss.

“Don’t panic!”

At this moment, a sharp voice sounded on the deck, and Ernesto’s figure appeared in the cockpit, calming down the panicked gnomes.

“Our ship’s propulsion is powerful enough. We can easily avoid rhe tsunami before it arrives!”

“Full speed ahead with power level five!”

With a swift command, the gnome merchant ship’s smokestack billowed out a thick plume of smoke, while rhe stern propellers spun into action, propelling the vessel swiftly forward.

At this speed, it was several times faster than the fastest wooden sail warships, and it was steadily accelerating.

In just a dozen seconds, they would be out of the path of the oncoming tsunami.

But before rhe gnomes could celebrate, they saw the tsunami slowly deviate from its original course and, by sheer chance, head in the direction where they were now. Moreover, it seemed to be accelerating again.

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Helplessly, the gnome merchant ship accelerated once more, escaping from the tsunami before it arrived.

“That’s great, this way we can safely avoid rhe tsunami… Wait, what!?!”

The gnomes stared in disbelief as if they had witnessed something unbelievable.

The tsunami, which was supposed to pass hundreds of meters away from the rear of the gnome merchant ship, suddenly changed direction and headed towards their stern.

Although the deviation was not significant, about thirty degrees, it was enough to make them question their sanity.

“This can’t be possible!”

Ernesto screamed, his eyes widened in disbelief. But he quickly realized what was happening.

Someone was targeting them!

At this point, there was not much time for contemplation. There was only a distance of two or three kilometers between them and the tsunami, not enough for the ship to escape.

Gritting his teeth, Ernesto shouted, “Activate the Gnomish Energy Shield immediately!”


Almost instantly, a stream of blue energy surged from a concealed source on the ship. As it reached a position approximately ten meters above the lookout tower, it unfurled like liquid, slowly shaping itself into an inverted bowl that tightly cocooned rhe entire gnome merchant vessel, sealing it off from the outside air.

In the blink of an eye, the tsunami, carrying a mighty force, collided with the shield.


Spray soared into rhe sky and rained down.

The tremendous impact threw the gnomes into disarray, leaving them dizzy and disoriented.

The gnomes crashed onto the deck, rhe ship’s hull, and blood spilled everywhere.

From the outside, it appeared as though the shield had been struck by a massive hammer, covered in cracks, but it had successfully blocked rhe tsunami’s attack.

Seeing this, the surviving gnomes cheered.

“Technology is power! Long live the Gnomish Energy Shield!”

“Long live Lord Ernesto!”

Ernesto, holding onto the railing, stood up and adjusted his tilted hat, relieved as he observed the situation outside.

However, before he could say anything, two more massive tsunamis suddenly surged from the distant sea, even larger than the initial one.

The tremendous impact from the first tsunami had temporarily robbed the gnome merchant ship of most of its power. Now, it could only move at a snail’s pace. Helplessly, they watched as the next two tsunamis struck the energy shield, one after the other.




Two deafening impacts, accompanied by the sound of shattering glass, shattered the shield under the force of rhe third tsunami.

Billions of tons of seawater covered the entire gnome merchant ship, causing it to tilt to the left, with the sea nearly reaching the deck.

The gnomes on the deck were swept away in an instant, disappearing into the pitch-black sea.

The seawater crashed violently against the cockpit, and the colossal impact immediately shattered the specially fortified transparent glass on the right side. The shattered glass fragments resembled sharp blades, creating a tumultuous scene within the cockpit.

in an instant, blood and flesh splattered.

Fortunately, the gnome merchant ship’s hull was made of metal and had undergone special reinforcement. Apart from severe damage to the structures above the deck, the keel and hull suffered little harm.

After the tsunami swept through, the ship wobbled unsteadily, revealing a chaotic deck.

“Damn it!”

Inside the cockpit, amidst the wreckage, Ernesto once again leaned against the wall, covering his bleeding forehead. He struggled to stand up.

When rhe shield broke from the tsunami’s impact just moments before it struck, Ernesto had crouched down behind the wall, avoiding the glass shards. However, even with this precaution, he was still hit by the immense force, sending him crashing into the opposite wall, dazing him.

But inside the cockpit, apart from it, the rest of the gnomes were already beyond death.

At this moment, Ernesto’s vision was blurred, and he felt dizzy and disoriented.

As his vision gradually cleared, he suddenly spotted figures walking on the distant sea surface, illuminated by the few remaining high-intensity lights.

Ernesto’s eyes widened with anger as he tried to identify who was responsible for causing this catastrophe!

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