The Over-Break System Chapter 539 TC – 05: Tobs’ Corner Volume 5

- Initiating Recap Protocol.-

- Setting up Data Log.-

- Compiling available information to date.-

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- Acquiring Community questions.-

- Disregarding all ignorant, stupid, or unsightly questions.-

- System Host: HoboSolo has been obliterated for the following submission.-

Hobosolo — 01/28/2023 12:44 AM

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Hey Tobsie, can you dress as a Bunny Girl and do the Chika da-vkurbjiyruiihxwr? Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Lady Tobs!!!! I swear my dumbass brother typed that. Please don’t hurt me!!!!

- Banning the nickname "Tobsie" from the word pool.-

- Ignoring any questions about "TIMELINES."

- Proper questions acknowledged.-

- Shattering dimensional Fourth Wall.-



As your vision drifts in and out, you find yourself back in Brance’s SOC, a stark contrast to where you ended Volume 4. Gone are the rivers of fire, flickers of Lightning flashing through the shadowy sky, and intense hurricanes tearing through the dark landscape; in its place is the calm and serene landscape formed of Terra, Wind, and Light Mana. High above, in the sky, you notice a platinum sun that seems to burn many times brighter…and hotter than the sun you know.

"OI! Over here you goofball!"

Far below, you hear a sweet and melodious voice that draws your attention, and even in your disembodied state, you somehow can spin around and catch sight of something interesting.

Sitting atop a majestic tower, swinging her legs back and forth without a care in the world, a young woman with monochromatic hair and eyes that are white and black, looking to be in her late teens or early twenties, is waving at you, the reader. Gone is the previously emotionless visage, and now aside from her cute face, you can see intelligence and emotion clear as day, which is surprising because you know she is only an artificial program.

Cut in a stylish cascading hairstyle, one side tucked behind her right ear, and the opposite drapes down to her shoulder, you see this young lady waving at you has already looked away and down at her strange clipboard…which most definitely isn’t a tablet.

At a glance, you can tell that this girl has gone to great lengths to have a presentable hairstyle, and as she twirls the longer side around her finger in thought, you notice half of her hair is tied up neatly in the back, but the other half is left to hang naturally.

Her sleeveless arms are painted with intricate runes in shades of purple, blue, and now, surprisingly GOLD, that cover her fingertip to shoulder.

If you look hard enough, you can see that they constantly change and cycle through, growing and shrinking in size as if the markings are alive and breathing.

"About damn time you got down here. Jeeze, how long did you plan on staring into the sun like a moron…didn’t your parents warn you that it could make you blind?"

"Anywho, welcome back to the auxiliary chapter known as Tobs’ Corner. *waving bow*. In this section, I, Tobs, answer any non-idiotic questions y’all have and delve into several bits of information that may need further explanation to allow the plot to continue smoothly. I will again advise anyone reading this data log; if you have not read the contents of the Fifth Volume, please close this auxiliary chapter and begin at the beginning of Volume Five, known as "Chapter…." HOLY FUCK! WHAT THE HELL, AUTHOR-SAN, YOU BURNED ALMOST 200 CHAPTERS IN THIS VOLUME???

**A swirling vortex of black gas suddenly appears not far away and takes a humanoid form with its arms on its hips while glaring at Tobs.**

"Don’t look at me like that, you asshat. How the hell did you go from ending Volume 4 at Chapter 358 to 538." Tobs’ face is plastered with shock as she demands answers from the gas person.

But like before, all the shadow person did was flail their arms around frantically.

Still, this was enough for the young lady, fluent in Authorese.

"Sigh, so you’re saying that the story just panned out that way, and you can’t be blamed…why do I even bother. Whatever, man, anyway. Volume 5 starts with chapter 360, so if you somehow found yourself here and haven’t read a lick of Vol Five GTFO, read it."

"MOVING ALONG. Even though you should know who I am by now, let me introduce myself again, as it has been quite some time since our last debriefing. I am the 8th Generation Dimensional Deity Power System, The Over-Break System, or as one of my current Hosts, Cynrik Jetlensr, has nicknamed me, Tobs. Let me remind all the readers that I am not a Senti…oh fuck it, by now, you should have realized something was up, so screw that whole spiel."

"I am an artificial intelligence designed by the two Deities, Raven God Odin and God Of Light Yahweh. Upon being installed by the Host, my first task was to assimilate with Cynrik’s Soul and use his past experiences to generate a functioning power regulation program based on his memories."

"Later, I was installed into Cynrik’s younger brother, Brance, forming a connection between the two firmware versions and unlocking a handful of new talents.

"However, after the sacrifice of Freya, I installed the third version of my program into a wandering and shattered Soul. Once reborn on Vinestra, this Soul became my third Host, Selene Nilsson."

"Due to all three of my Hosts meeting each other and forming a small group, the three versions of my programming installed on each have merged into one unified, modified, updated program."

"My primary objective is to create missions or Quests that align with the Host’s morality to help them grow to endure any future challenges within the capabilities of the planet of Reincarnation’s residential system of power."

"Since our last conversation, my hosts, alongside the other members of MyrkLys, have found themselves in quite a predicament. From the outset, my hosts’ potential and talents were leaked to their school’s headmaster, Geralt Rivia, through a medical checkup. From that point forward, Cynrik has announced it to everyone."

"During Volume Five, the MyrkLys members went through their Passing Down Ceremony, completed their Trial and Tribulation Quests, advanced to Tier-3, and snagged some OP classes. Soon after, we saw them almost get killed not once but twice by enemies who became greedy fucks after learning about them, and finally, the long-awaited TOURNAMENT ARC...hehe, I know how much you fucking weebs enjoy those, well I hope you’re getting your rocks off so far."Wearing a smirk not unlike what would be used by Cynrik, Tobs snickers at your expense.

"That brings us to the end of the Volume, a slugfest between Brancie and Cyn, and well…it was kind of a long time coming. Now before y’all start your bitching, lemmie, start the meat and potatoes of TC05 here."


Q: Tobs, with Brance being as mad as he was walking into the fistfight with Cyn, how could he calm down so quickly and act as if nothing had transpired when the fight ended?

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A: Simple, those two nincompoops are too freaking weird. From the time they were kids on Earth, nothing couldn’t be solved by beating the shit out of each other. After all, some things don’t need to be said between brothers and can be resolved with fists.

It was a typical, let your fists do the talking moment. The two have resolved the differences, but Brance still left an ultimatum for Cyn, so we will have to see how it pans out. The main takeaway should be that it’s water under the bridge, and Brance’s frustration has been cleared up by bashing his big brother.


Leaning back on her arms while dangling her legs over the edge, Tobs scrolls through the questions pulled and smiles as she reads them before picking the first real community question.

Q: Will Cyn, Brance, Benny, and Gabby’s respective families be targeted due to Cyn’s overbearing actions? I’m honestly surprised that they haven’t considered using blackmail to force them to do what they want. I know their parents are likely tier 4s, but so far, tier 5s haven’t been exactly scarce either. 𝗳r𝐞𝐞w𝐞bn𝚘ve𝚕.co𝐦

A: Good question; the short answer is, who says they haven’t been? I won’t delve too deeply into this one because it encroaches on spoiler territory, but let’s leave it at, Jessup is a lot higher up on the food chain than anyone realizes. I mean, the dude owns a massive Mansion in the nation’s capital city.


Q: Can elements be fused? Like Cyn’s (Wind + Lightning) to form something like a storm?

A: I debated on answering this one because, honestly, the brothers, especially Cynrik, have been doing it since they could wield skills. It boils down to whether or not they have updated their Mantra. In the case of regular people, Affinity Fusion is complicated, and generally, it isn’t something you see out of low Stage beings. You will see it more often from those Above Tier-3.

Don’t forget, Cynrik has been wielding Black Fire since Volume One, and he and Brance both have Affinity Skills that use multiple Elements, such as [White Dwarf] and [Umbral Tailed Beast Bomb]. Thus creating a new Hybrid Affinity is in the realm of possibility.


Q: Now that Benny boy is a Spirit Armament Smith, what will be Aiden’s future role in Myrklys? I can guess that the Spirit portion will be significant, but it’s been shown that Aiden is still a Tier 1 and has no combat experience. Cyn mentioned being in contact with him a while ago, but his role is becoming less important as time goes on. It seems like the only way to keep him relevant is if he’s a super genius Blacksmith who will get mega-boosted by the CSH.

A: Like everyone in Cynrik’s life, he has a reason and a plan for keeping them around, but to this question, I will counter you. If Benny can make weapons…why does Cynrik still use Jessup. The answer is relatively simple. Experience, technique, quality, and most importantly, GEAR OUTSIDE OF JUST WEAPONS!!!!

Although Bennyboi can potentially make some awesome weapons, he is limited to only those. So while he can eventually, later on down the line, craft powerful equipment for the Faction, and Selene can make leather armor, the group technically doesn’t have a TRUE blacksmith, thus, Aiden. As for his future growth, Cynrik has plans for the poor sap…but one thing is for sure, he will go WAY easier on the kid than Dumb Melody.


Q: We’ve seen how elements can be upgraded to improved forms like Cyn’s Umbra and Lightning. Does this apply to all elements or just a few? Can elements continue to upgrade similar to how we saw the red (or whatever color it was) Lightning in the first event? I’m curious if already rare elements keep getting stronger/ further evolve.

A: Mutation comes in many different forms and varieties, and in the case of Mana, as the building blocks of nature on Vinestra, they, too, can mutate. We saw this with Cynrik and Selene; although they both started out with Dark Affinities, their Elements Mutated down different paths.

Although little is known about why Affinities sometimes Mutate and Change, the "how" is pretty much figured out. Mana molds to its surroundings as a living entity, and the mutations a being’s Affinity undergoes directly reflect how they use it, how frequently they use it, and how long they use it. The answer is yes; any element can change or mutate if the relevant factors and requirements are met.


Q: We’ve seen that you can manifest now, so does that mean you can play a more active role in the team, such as scouting in places that mana sight can’t see or are you limited in range due to some form of constraint?

A: This…I mean, the amount of convincing I’d require EVER to follow one of that crazy guy’s plans is so high even the God of Wealth couldn’t pull it off. Still, in theory, I am far too weak on my own to sustain myself outside of my hosts’ SOC without a near-direct form of contact with one of my three hosts. Outside of that, I have a range of like half a meter I can fly around.

As it stands, the only reason the brothers can see me, to begin with, is because of their [Mana Sight]. Without it, they would have no idea I was even taking the form of a collective mass of Mana particles.


Q: So we were able to see that in Total, now there are 4 LCs (including our favorite boys); my question is, what is the total number of LCs on the planet, and shouldn’t Yahweh and Odin have some allies at least?

A: So math is a bit off, but I get what you are saying; let’s start from the beginning. So Back when they were kids, Cynrik and Brance killed off a budding LC without even knowing it (Reference Vol 1 at the beginning of the Haylons Shadow Arc They killed a "System Host"). The second time they came across one was Osarseph; the Third was Selene cause, TECHNICALLY, she’s an LC. And Last but not least, we have the two fucktards, Jason and Leelan. Bringing us to a grand total of Seven Legacy Charges by the end of VOL 5.

Bear in mind; there are potentially hundreds of thousands of LCs, maybe even Millions running around, living, dying, and growing stronger currently on Vinestra, one for each of the Many Gods competing in the Legacy Strife. However, due to the sheer size of the Galaxy-class planet Vinestra, who knows where they ended up? Don’t forget that the planet is currently larger than the Milky Way and is ever-expanding.


"OK, time is drawing short, so it’s rapid-fire question time, let’s do this; no more paragraphs."

Q: Is the CSH deliberately nerfing MyrkLys? (Or the LCs?) With more specifically and more heavily being Cynrik? (I mean, everything Cynrik achieved comes purely from his effort and mind) but I feel a gap coming from him, like he’s missing something that he should have (And if so, in what nature are these "nerfs" applied?).

A: It’s been talked about a bunch; the nerfs are the CSH Balancing out the power scaling between the Natives and LCs; as for Cynrik… he’s just got shitty luck.

Q: Cyn draws a lot of inspiration from Naruto. Are there plans for more Itachi-style skills but with ravens rather than crows?

A: Hehehehehhe, he has so many stupid ideas in store for yall.

Q: So, is Gabby ever going to get another Affinity? as it stands, she has the least out of everyone on the team.

A: Milo…nuff said.

Q: As of recently, we’ve started to see more moments where Cynrik is separated from the team, and as M-Cyn stated, he was the only team member left after two years.

So I guess my question is, is there a possibility that in the future, whatever event caused M-Cyn to lose everybody will cause Cynrik to be separated from the group for a while, even if only temporarily?

A: ...…Your Authority isn’t high enough to receive an answer.

Standing up, Tobs stretches her arms like a cat and yawns before shooing in your direction.

"Alright, you lot, that’s it for this Volumes TC; as expected, there were a lot of questions this time around, and picking a few was pretty brutal. If you didn’t make it in this edition, keep at it for the 6th and onward. Don’t forget to post them as they pop up in your mind on the discord channel. Until next time you fucking weebs, I’ll see you later."


With a loud clap from Tobs, your vision goes black, and you find yourself at the end of VOL 5…unsure what the hell happened to your sweet little cinnamon roll Emotionless AI.

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