The Primordial Record Chapter 201 The First Angel (final)

Chapter 201 The First Angel (final)

The flames vanished and what was left was a seamless armor that reminded Rowan of his shell, the color was close to silver but with darker shades, there were simple Runes on the armor that Rowan could not comprehend because they seemed alive and moved around the armor of the Angel. An eye was imprinted on the chest of the armor that blinked and looked around.

The Angel stepped forward and conjured a long blade of flames more than six feet long, containing Runes, the flame was so solid it resembled a red metal.

it knelt on one knee and a voice hard to describe spoke because it was not emerging from the mouth of the Angel, but from its wings.

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"I am your sword and your shield. My existence is to spread your glory until the ends of all time. I am Suriel, and I await your commands. Father."

As it spoke, its body and armor shifted and expanded, as if the process of assuming the name was changing it, and its androgynous features became more refined until its form resembled that of a man, alongside it voice.

When he called Rowan father, his voice was now deep and masculine. From the kneeling Angels of Char came many whispers of "Father."

Rowan could feel the power radiating from the Angel, like the heat from the sun. If he were to gauge its level, it would be at the Incarnation State, but that would be a poor way to judge its capabilities.

He would need to test his combat abilities later, but that was not the main reason he created Suriel.

It was for the purpose of his eyes.

"Raise Suriel, what can you show me of the world."

The Angel stood up from his crouch, "Everything! Father."

Rowan paused and stood up from his Throne. The cloak of shadow billowed around him, extending into the ground as if he were cloaked by darkness, and he grinned,

"Show me."

Suriel wings spread out, and his armored feet left the ground, each of his wings were almost twelve feet long, and the platinum feathers resembled shining blades. His wings suddenly caught ablaze, and he zoomed off, piercing through the ground and escaping into the atmosphere.

His speed was both quick and silent, as he melted his way through rock and ice with no visible hindrance, as if he was a hot knife piercing through butter.

He flew higher, past the clouds, and with every beat if his wings he began moving faster, and quicker than Rowan would have thought possible, every wing beat seemed to be doubling its speed, and in a few seconds it was outside the planet.

Such speed from the lowest level of his Angel who had not fully developed his strength, gave Rowan hope for the possibilities Suriel’s other powers would bring.

The flight Ability from his Angel was a power to double their speed with every beat of their wings!

The eyes in his chest blazed before going dim, and Suriel wrapped his wings around his body and seemed to turn into a metallic construct.

Rowan felt a mind brush one if his pillar of consciousness, and he allowed it access, and he saw the world from the point of view of the Angel.

Jarkarr was vast, and was not blue like Rowan initially thought, but dark green and black. Rowan knew the color was because there was no water on the surface of the planet, so the light reflecting off the planet was the green of trees and the black of earth.

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It was a fascinating, yet if this was all Suriel could show him he would be disappointed, sure he said everything, and technically, he was showing him "everything", but that was before the Angel began releasing Spectral feathers that began to spread and the depth of Rowan vision… expanded.

If the Angel was a satellite, then the feathers were drones that could show him the small details happening on the surface, according to Suriel current level and growth, he could see everything happening in around a 1/2000th of the Continent, which might not seem like a lot, but it was actually in a range of a thousand miles. When he became a fully grown Angel, he could easily cover the entire planet with his Sight.

He could see everything in astonishing clarity for a thousand miles around, and the Angel was mobile, that meant anywhere he directed him, Suriel would be there, and nothing would be hidden from his eyes. With the Speed of the Angel, it could circle the planet in a few minutes.

Rowan perception swept across a thousand miles of land and sky, and everything was revealed to him including the Convoy, and four other convoys that were a few hundreds of miles from their own, along with some mercenaries team and a few thousand beasts.

Testing Suriel Sight further, he zoomed into the convoy and into the vehicle of Circe, where he witnessed a conversation between Nana and the hidden Dominator Rico.

There was a barrier over the office but the Suriel ripped through it like tissue paper, and he could see both clearly as if he were hovering over them, wishing to hear the details of the conversation, the image seemed to splinter, and suddenly, it was as if Rowan was there with them.

This name of this Ability Suriel just used was called Astral Projection.

It was a novel sensation that he dismissed as he listened to their conversation.

"—telling you, there were no bodies, you could see the sight of the battle, but the bodies are all gone! You can’t stop me, you know this is the right call, and any more time I spend with you is valuable time I could be using to change our circumstances." Rico said in a furious whisper.

Rowan was amused, why were they whispering even though he had left and they had veiled the area? He had clearly scouted the location of some of the battlefields of Rowan.

Nana held his hand gently, "I know I cannot do much to stop you, but as an alternative to leaving the convoy, you should wait until we reach a Relay Tower and send your messages from there."

Rico scoffed, "We won’t see another Relay Tower for a long while."

Nana smiled, "that is where you are mistaken, there are networks of Relay Tower that lies not far from our direction, but I have not informed Circe about it yet. The plan is to slightly change our direction, and we should reach them before long."

"Hmm, if that is the case…"

Rowan stopped listening to them as his Sight began to vibrate, and he let it lead him.

Suriel vision zoomed away from the Convoy, and he was able to see four separate Relay Towers that were on the convoys current path.

Rowan paused, his excitement began to build, as this new function that Suriel vision gave him was closer to Omniscience.

He commanded Suriel to show him all the Relay Towers within the thousand-mile radius of its vision, and it showed him twelve of them distributed in various locations inside his vision.

This function of Suriel vision had unlimited possibilities, and to properly utilize it was necessary because if used properly under the range of Suriels vision he would be able to locate anything, even if it was hidden.

"Hmm… this is interesting. Suriel show me all the Dominators or powers at or above the second Great Circle."

His Vision split into three places and the Dominators were highlighted, and Rowan’s eyes began to shine with a sharp glint when he noticed the fifth individual in the list.

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