The Primordial Record Chapter 218 My Last Tears (final)

Chapter 218 My Last Tears (final)

Rowan could imagine what they were seeing, a flaming tree monster twelve feet tall with the person they called Erohim, held in his flaming fist, while moments before a flashing light had reaped hundreds of lives from the celebrating community. It was one disaster after another and like insects trapped in amber, they were frozen in place while awaiting their fate.

Dorian continued speaking, "I dislike their endless prattle, mortals. I can feel your rage, Earth god. This is not my fault, you know. We both know that there is nothing more fragile than a mortal, even stones have their place, and they can endure the ravages of the weather, and time, you could actually break them, and they are still stone… well, smaller stones, but you get my point."

Dorian pointed below, "But a mortal, they have to live by careful sets of rules and societal structure for them to even exist. For such weakness to still flourish after all this while… it is baffling. I was born in the Rift state, and from the moment I opened my eyes I could kill a thousand mortals with only my breath, and with that knowledge, I came to pity their lot, and I imagine you do too."

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Rowan saw a family in the crowd below, it was Diane, Olga, and Trevor. Olga was injured, but it was not fatal, and the three of them held themselves and withstood the presence of Dorian together. Rowan felt a note of pride in them within him that was flavored with despair, his energy points were shooting forward and his Fourth Ouroboros Serpent would soon be filled.

Just keep talking.

"You, however, are an enigma, see, when I shattered your corporeal form and the residual from my power swept through this people here, from you, I felt… pain, and that is quite interesting don’t you think? You are meant to pity the damned creatures, not love them! They call you Erohim, well, in that case, let me be their Sun God Orum, and pour down my wrath on them."

The hands on Rowan loosened, and he could now talk, "you would kill these people for just a brief rise in my emotions, Dorian? I thought you had better use of your time. This action is beneath you."

Dorian laughed, in his new form it was a loud sound like thunder, and many people fainted below, as blood ran down their ears, scores of babies and elderly folks perished from that sound.

"It would be a waste of my time, true. But, I think you know why I really need to do this, don’t I?" Dorian said.

Rowan sighed, "Being scared of death is a normal thing Dorian, nothing to feel ashamed for, that at the moment of your passing, you became afraid." His fourth Ouroboros Serpent became complete.

"Afraid? Of course, I’m afraid, but you’re not. That’s why I will do this. Their loss is the only fear you have that’s why you will always be a weak Earth god, for you are tied to the earth"

"You are wrong Dorian, and you have pegged the source of my pain incorrectly, I have left many mortals to die, even now, my presence has condemned many to their death, and I… am killing countless people at this moment, so I indeed have no right to feel pain over the loss of these people."

Rowan sighed and looked down, almost as if he was ashamed, "This life is a madhouse, at first, I wanted to become a beacon of hope and justice, with my powers, I could do so much good, but it was the same power that constrain me even now, and I told myself if I am to live, I will have to make choices, and in this world of endless competition for power, there is no right choices, you can only pick your poison and live with it."

Dorian frowned, "Let me get something straight, you love these mortals, yet you are killing a bunch of them?"

Rowan whispered, "Yes, I am."


"To avoid something much worse, and for these people to live is the only way for me to justify my actions because I am keeping a seed alive, no matter how much I am going to plunder from creation, I must keep a spark alive, it is the only way I can hold it at bay."

"Sounds to me like you’re a hypocrite, what could be so terrifying that you would kill something you claim to love just to hold it at bay? You know, what you just told me makes me want to test the limit of your love the more!"

"Don’t do this, Dorian… please. I’m a monster, and my promises are the only thing keeping me bound, if you cause me to break them, all of creation would burn."

Dorian brought him to his face, so Rowan could see the look of pleasure on it, and in his other hand he created a fireball, "Watch them burn Earth god."

He let the fireball fall, and it split into many tiny flaming butterflies… reminding Rowan of the beautiful memory he had of butterflies that solidified his resolve to help these people here, it seems it was another way fate took to mock him.

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Rowan’s senses captured everything that happened, down to the last possible detail. From the molecules in the air vibrating so fast he could hear them screaming, to the last look on Diane’s face as they all turned to ash, and the flames rose and washed over him.

"Mortals." Dorian sighed, "Useless!"

Rowan was not even aware when Dorian let go of him, and he came to when he heard a whimper, the voice was familiar, he opened his eyes he had closed in a futile attempt to hold back the world, and saw the head of Diane lying at his feet.

She was still alive. But her body…

"I detected your Aura on her body, so I left her for last, it’s a strange thing for a god to be so attached to a mortal."

Dorian was cruel, he had turned everything below her neck to ash and bones, preserving only her face, he had kept her alive even through all the torture.

Her eyes wept tears of blood. She did not last long, only enough to see Rowan and smile at him, "My lord…"

How long did Rowan cradle her head in his lap, he could not tell, but he knew Dorian was beside him. He was savoring every moment of his torture.

His Ouroboros Serpent’s Origin Engine was now completed. He could ascend to the Rift state at any time now, but this minor victory was like ash in his mouth.

"Oh, look, the world bleeds."

Rowan’s Empyrean sense went into overdrive as the blood touched his skin, and at that moment he was connected to a dying planet, he heard her voice, and he saw her memories, and he understood so much in that brief time.

Rowan began to laugh, a painful sound that seemed like he was crying

Dorian groaned, "This world is about to end, and yet I have not satisfied all my hunger. Oh well, you can’t have everything."

Reverting to his human form, Dorian began to whistle as he walked away.

"Hey." Rowan called out, "What do you say your name was again?"

Dorian smirked, "Now he asks me. Open your ears wide and listen, pitiful Earth god, I am Dorian Kuranes, Son of Scarlet."

"Dorian eh, before this day is done, I shall kill you."

"Too late for that I fear, this world is ending, this is its last moment, you have missed your mark. Wait, don’t tell me you’re the one responsible for the death of the planet or is it your over active imagination?" Dorian mocked him.

Dorian brought out a yellow jewel that was shaped like a Diamond, and poured his Aether into it, it began to expand and before long a Teleportation Circle appeared in front of him, "Besides, I am leaving, can an Earth god survive without his home for long? I think not."

He began walking inside the portal, and then he felt something from the body of Rowan, and he paused, turning back, his eyes went wide, "Not possible, you have an Origin Treasure!"

Rowan smiled at him, and on his face was a golden tear, "Before this day is done. I shall kill you."

Everything went black.

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