The Primordial Record Chapter 276 Not Holding Back

Chapter 276 Not Holding Back

The Soul kept coming until it filled his entire mental Space, and then it began to compress itself around his Palace of Ice.

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His Angels of Char, as if detecting a threat, came to surround his entire place and shield it with their crooked wings, and the 14,560 Angels of Char covered his Palace of Ice in a ball of wings and flesh and slowly the soul of Erohim began to encase the entire ball, from afar it was as if they were being sealed in a material made from diamond.

The Soul seemed to be never ending and they kept streaming into the diamond making it larger, until Rowan began to suspect that this was not normal, and his Knowledge Well was going insane with the amount of information that was streaming into it.

If there was a reason Erohim Divine Kingdom was merged with the world consciousness, he did not know, but what it gave him was a Soul that felt like a merger of a billion other Souls, and not just souls of people, but of birds and goats and dogs and sheep’s and bears and worms and bats and butterflies and amoebas and….

Rowan began detecting another stream of Souls in addition to the unending Soul Stream from the god, it was from the entire planet—Precisely all the untold millions that had died due to his actions of killing Erohim.

Their Soul could not compare to those of the god, not one bit, but it would seem their presence was a boon to him for they penetrated through the increasing diamond like form of Erohim Soul and they began entering the Purple Moon inside his Palace of Ice.

Unlike the Soul of Erohim that Rowan had to battle for every single inch for it to give, the rest of the mortals appeared to willingly seek his presence at their death, and with them, his Soul Points began to multiply, and he noticed his Consciousness pillars begin to develop faster than before.

Rowan’s mind went aflame with a buzz like a million bees screaming inside his ears, he felt his body wanted to enter a weird sort of hibernation, but doing so now would be insane. He had been stuffed with too much food, and he needed to process it.

Of course, if he chooses to go feral and let his bloodline call the shot, he could simply trigger Eruption at a hundred percent, and he could easily process this amount of Soul, but that would fry his mind to nothingness, and he would be nothing but a husk of endless hunger. No, he had to let his mind process this power, no matter how long it took, and so he fought to stay awake, and analyze the situation he was in.

But his current state could not be denied, he presently had fifteen pillars of consciousness, and they were slowly shutting down one by one. As they all seemed to collect a portion of the burden of holding Erohim Soul. But there was not enough, even if he had a hundred more consciousness pillars, it would not be enough.

With the addition of the new stream of souls, his sixteenth consciousness pillar was formed, but that was like spitting into an inferno, but Rowan was glad for every bit of advantage he could get.

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It was now a race to fully consume the fragment of Erohim Soul he had, so he could harvest more consciousness pillars and hold back his hibernation for as long as possible.

"It doesn’t just rain, it fu*King pours!" Rowan growled and began hurrying to make his moves. He would have to show more of his hands than he was willing to, but there was no more time.

"Why do I always fall into these traps of time?"

He had to make many moves in a fraction of time that he expected to be making in a couple of hours or even days because going by how long it was taking his remaining consciousness to fall asleep, he barely had ten minutes!

"Time to do the impossible, fuse all your plans for the next three days into ten minutes. But that’s… It is impossible! Too many factors can go wrong, and I will be using a tool that I am not too familiar with, I can make mistakes, wrong calculations, I can… I can do it! Every mistake would be accounted for, every calculation would be precise, every unknown factor would be adjusted for because I am so much more than even I could ever understand, and there are no enemies or situations I can’t overcome!"

Rowan closed his eyes. He had to believe in his self, he had to trust his omnipotence to accomplish the impossible. He had just slain a god and he was at the First Circle! Everyone would say that feat was impossible, yet he did it, what should be impossible for others, for him was just another Tuesday.

He had to believe that!

At this time, Rowan first consciousness fell asleep, he commenced putting together his actions.

He had to use all his advantages of being in many places at once, and the fact that his Berserker Clones and Angels could act autonomously outside his direct control because he would need them to finish what he was going to start.

He would have to trust in his abilities like never before. His perception went acute as time seemed to slow down to a crawl, in this unique time frame you could observe his surrounding began to shudder and the space around him started screaming in protest as Rowan began to create

Rowan first created a Berserker Clone and sent it inside the crumbling Divine Kingdom, he created another and sent it towards the fallen dragon Vraegar, he sent another towards the head of the fallen god, and then he triggered Eruption, channeling all the power into strength and blasting the chains apart and then he moved into the crumbling Divine Kingdom of Erohim.

He smiled as he remembered a word game he used during his life as a child in his previous world, "One Mississippi. Two Mississippi…." Time was ticking. He would not be holding back.

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