The Primordial Record Chapter 288 The Ancestor Who Could Rival The Gods Of Trion

Chapter 288 The Ancestor Who Could Rival The Gods Of Trion

Fury paused for a short while as if organizing his thoughts, and he resumed speaking, his words were solemn, and they flowed from his mouth like a poem, "Listen closely to what I’m about to tell you, for these are secrets known to very few in the entire Empire."

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"I told you of a strange man who brought the first of your bloodline to the family, that is the truth. What I did not tell you, however, is that a similar strange man, most likely the same person, introduced variants of bloodlines into every family in Trion."

"Every few thousand years, a mysterious figure brings a child to every family and the bloodline of that child is integrated into the family. It had been ongoing since the end of the Great War. Most of the bloodlines introduced are powerful, and it is one of the reasons I think it has been allowed to continue for so long, as some of our greatest heroes come from the bloodline variants introduced by this strange person."

" I am also a product of this bloodline variance. For I am the culmination of hundreds of thousands of years of all the most powerful bloodline factors of the Kuranes family that was in most part contributed by this mysterious person."

"But, there are other more mysterious bloodline variants introduced by that person, and we call them Breakers. At first, it was not known what their purpose were to be, for some of them were not blessed with great strength, but soon their specialities became known."

"Their purpose is to bring about tremendous change, a change so sweeping it would change the direction of the entire Empire each time it occurs. As far as I know, the Kuranes Family is the family with the highest amount of variant bloodline to an extremely high degree."

"According to my investigation, for every ten variant bloodlines introduced to the Kuranes Family only one variant bloodline is introduced to the other family, that is what gave us a large sample size to draw from and expose a mysterious bloodline variant such as yours, and to also understand its purpose. It is what led me to understand your purpose also."

Rowan blinked,"What sort of changes was my bloodline responsible for?"

"Be patient, I’m getting to that part." Fury grinned, it was a cheeky smile before he continued, Rowan nearly punched him in the face, he knew Rowan was interested in his words and he would string him along for as much as he could, as far as it works for him, Rowan would not argue.

His Ouroboros Serpent he sent inside had detected a massive source of Divine Power deep within the Palace, and it was rushing towards it at this time.

"Although it would be denied by many in the family, although I don’t blame them as most don’t know the truth, one of the chief reasons the Kuranes family is the only royal family who has sat upon the gilded throne of Trion the most is because of our Breakers, with the sheer amount of variant bloodline introduced into the family it leads to an increased number of Breakers in our bloodline, our everlasting rise to become the most powerful of all the seven families is inevitable."

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Rowan said, "So if I’m getting you correctly, all the members of my direct bloodline were Breakers."

Fury sneered, "No, that would be ridiculous, but the potential of becoming a Breaker is in your bloodline, and as for the moment, we have four Breaker bloodlines in our family."

Rowan gave a thumbs up, "Oh, got it."

"It would seem you are not giving this matter the import it deserves, let me enlighten you about the glorious hidden histories of Breakers: 700 years ago, a Breaker from the Horush Family created a new method to harness the powers of their beast, it instantly doubled the powers of that family."

"2,000 years ago a Breaker from the Volgim family led a delegation to a Supreme World and he was received with open hands, it was the only time something like that had happened in a long time." Fury smiled, "well, except for me, of course."

"10,000 years ago, a Breaker from the Kuranes Family was instrumental in making something impossible happen: the Kuranes Family won the throne for the third time in a row. This position made Scarlet our Ancestor the longest living fourth circle Dominator in the Empire. This has expanded our reaches towards every corner of the Empire!"

"30,000 years ago, a Breaker from the Minerva family discovered a new pathway which he used to harness the powers of their family in an unexpected manner, he became a fourth circle Dominator of the Minerva Family, even until now the full measure of what he did was unknown, yet it won them an entire continent on Trion, as it was said he was the most powerful Ancestor that ever lived, enough to even rival the gods themselves, even his Primogenitor. But such powers came with a price and that price condemned that family to live without an Ancestor for all these years, until just recently when it was said he has returned and he is already shaking the Empire with his actions."

Fury paused and remained silent for a while as if waiting for Rowan to speak, and Rowan would have stayed silent but for his ticking time, he was getting so much valuable information about the Empire and the hidden power plays that went on within it, but he had to focus on what was important.

"Even if I’m a Breaker or I have the bloodline of one, what does that have to do with you?"

Fury began to move as he started walking around Rowan, something had changed and Rowan was sure he was getting to the finale of his speech, "Did you not find it surprising that the moment a Breaker like you emerged, the long-lost position for the Minerva Family Ancestor returned? It is well known that the actions of Breakers influence each other."

Rowan was quiet as his mind went back to the time inside the Nexus, he remembered all the visions he saw when he touched the remains inside the Vestibulary and most importantly, he remembered the body his Ouroboros Serpent ate that was inside the Domain of Lamia.

Could it be possible that the body he ate was that of the Breaker of the Minerva Family 30,000 years ago? This does not make any sense for now. What could the Ancestor of a major family be found inside the lair of Lamia? If that had been the case, then was it possible that Lamia had been holding an Ancestor for the last 30,000 years? What was Fury’s endgame for telling him all this? He was leading him to something, and Rowan had to figure it out quickly enough to avoid revealing cards he should otherwise not bring to light.

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