The Primordial Record Chapter 304 Sands Shift. Moon Sighs

Chapter 304 Sands Shift. Moon Sighs

If Rowan could talk, he would have screamed at Boreas that barely a moment ago the Third Prince had vanished from his restraints and was now behind Boreas, although to all appearances he was still trapped.

He had no ally here, but it was important to him that the Third Prince fall on this day.

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A loud blast occurred behind the god, and a shockwave was sent out, the wreath of flowers on his head was torn apart, and Rowan expected a repeat of the past with the Demon Prince, but he was surprised to see it was the body of his Third Prince who had been sent flying.

The attack on the Third Prince was not from Boreas as he was clearly surprised by the commotion behind him, it had instead originated from Kohron.

The Demon Prince’s body had arisen and it was moving without his head, what had slammed into the body of the Third Prince was the long tail of the Demon, which he had wielded like a whip, and directed the extremely sharp ends towards the body of the Third Prince who went flying until he blasted into the moon, cracking that heavenly body nearly in two.

Coincidentally, he was buried beside the head of Kohron, and he was clearly shaken up when he stood up, he was bleeding by the side of his head. He stood up only to fall again to his knees.

On his back where the point of the tail had slammed into him was a thick living clump of Hellfire that was trying to dig into his body. Around him was a bright halo of electrified blue plasma that took the forms of swords and Spears and appeared to be digging into his flesh.

The Third Prince’s eyes were dazed as if he was struggling to bottle something inside as he kept whispering, "stay down… stay down… damn it, stay down!"

The eyes of Kohron lit up and he growled, "Lunatic. The same trick will not work twice. I will kill you with my own hands."

The Demon Prince inhaled, and the body of the Third Prince was sent flying towards his open mouth. He snapped it shut, but he missed as the Third Prince appeared a few miles away, he was still disoriented but was rapidly regaining his faculties, as he easily dismissed the Hellfire burning in his back with a single wave of his hand, and began to crush the weapons of lightning around his body.

"Slippery bastard." Kohron cried out, "Hey, find a way to hold him down, my authority over Strife is a point of vulnerability for him, continue basting him. More lightning!!!"

Rowan’s eyes blazed, it appeared that they might have a way to win, and the quick thinking of Kohron that allowed him to analyze the actions and weakness of the Third Prince was outstanding, and showed his superb battle awareness.

"Silence Demon." Boreas replied, but he must have still acknowledged him, as he commanded the ball of electrified plasma to shoot towards the Third Prince.

It went so fast it appeared as if it teleported towards its target, and the instant it was about to engulf the Third Prince, he yawned, "Not again." He sighed.

Then everything froze.

The entire universe turned to a shade of black and white, except for the eyes of the Third Prince that shone red.

Reality began to fuzz at the edges like an old television channel with poor reception. The Third Prince’s body was also frozen, but something inside of him was not.

The chest of the Third Prince parted open and a naked figure covered with blood fell from his chest, like a madman version of a childbirth.

The figure shook and stood up, and with the swell on the chest and the curves what stood up was a woman!

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The figure disappeared and appeared before Rowan, and his heart nearly stopped when her familiar features revealed itself.

Standing before him, naked with her only cover being the blood covering her body, was his mother!

He traced the familiar outline from the small scar by the side of her eyes, her oval face and the slight tilt in her lips as she was smiling at him, her long curly hair, that fell like waves down her back.

Rowan’s many void hearts shook when he recalled the first painting he did when he reached this world.

" ?????????? ??????????. ???????? ??????????. ???? ???????????? ?????????? ??????????."

Many things became clear to him this instant and he felt his body nearly begin to weep.

What did he learn about how Sigils work? They use his love and familiar emotions to create chains around the Singularity in his body. They sought to control the Primordial Record using its only weakness—him because they all knew his weakness was love.

They had used his people in his town, they had used his maid Maeve, why did he never think they would use his mother, the most familiar thing to him, his first love.

"My boy…. My dear boy, what has happened to you?"

That familiar voice, and now Rowan began to weep, nevertheless his eyes were dry.

Connected to her body was a thick chain of Sigil, that pierced through her head, heart, and stomach.


In this reality that had been frozen her fingers were like a scalpel, and the ice Boreas had placed around him were thin paper, she cut through it with ease and before Rowan could blink she was in his arms.

He found himself unable to lift his hands to hug her back to himself, his mind was in chaos while his arms were numb, as his body shook with her sobs, she pushed him away and she held her hands up to his face, and she cradled it,

"Let me see you, my dearest son, my only light."

She peered deeply at him, joy and sorrow in equal measures on her face, her eyes were weeping tears of blood, and then she began to laugh.

It was a different sound than he had become used to hearing. There was no megalomaniac here, no lust, no deception, no fury, no lies, only intense joy and happiness, "Look at you!" She said while laughing and crying at the same time, "I knew you would grow up to be strong and handsome, and here you are my Rowan, and in all of creation, my child is perfect!"

He could only repeat like a fool, "Mum?"

"Yes, yes, it’s me, my dear." She cleaned the bloody tears from her face. "It is me."

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