The Primordial Record Chapter 341 The Black Tower

Chapter 341 The Black Tower

"I have ten left, although I don’t think any of them can handle your consciousness." Eva replied, but she seemed to be deep in thought, "But, if I can merge them… yes, it will take seventy percent of the Aether I have in storage, it should be enough to make one condensed Tome."

Rowan was still reviewing the information inside his head, and he distractedly asked, "How long will that take you to make?"

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"Not long, but what would be the purpose of inhabiting a Tome? You would hardly make any significant changes in such a forum, it has great utility, but surely, it’s not the best to use."

"Inhabiting the Tome is just the first part of the plan." Rowan began moving towards the door while speaking, "The important lesson that Jarkarr taught me was the benefits of having many hidden cards. I will not win the coming fight with my father if I don’t think outside the box and keep making decisions that my enemies cannot anticipate."

"Is that the reason you did not kill her?" Eva muttered softly, "The being who claims to be your mother."

Rowan turned to her before he answered, a weird glow in his eyes, "Partly. Notwithstanding that it is a dreadful action to commit, I refuse to believe my father does not have any other failsafe to protect the life of his most valuable possession. Killing her might lead to changes even Elura could not predict, after all, even though she is an Empyrean, she is not infallible. He tried to stop me with words Eva, he is far too powerful to only allow his last option to be words, somehow I think killing her would have played right into his hands."

Eva considered his words and nodded her assent, if she had a conflicting viewpoint, she did not show it, "After inhabiting the Tome, what is your next move?"

"It would be a big one, and I will depend on your spell weaving if I will have any chance to succeed. I used to have a solid stake as a Demon Prince using the Origin Treasure of Ohrox, but as the various situations around the Empire is unfolding, it is clear that this stake was not planted on a solid foundation, and a little breeze would put this position in jeopardy." Rowan said, "I will be trying to repair the bridge that may have sprung up due to my absence, but before that, I will be trying to build another foundation on another Supreme World, and this time, I will be building a better one."

Eva’s breath caught in her throat, "you want to possess a mage!"

"Not a mage." Rowan smiled, "a mortal with the talent of a mage. I told you, I would build a better foundation. To achieve that, my background must be perfect. For if I’m going to become the greatest genius the Mages have ever seen, then my roots must be impeccable. During my time in Covenant, I overheard a discussion between the members speaking of a yearly selection for the Black Tower. This is one of the primary branches linked to the Supreme World. Talented Mortals from all over the universe would be fighting for the chance to become an acolyte. That would be my place to start."

" You intend to create a powerhouse that can be a part of the Black Tower."

"Not just be a part, I want to influence it, my goal is ownership of the Black Tower. This is what…"

Suddenly Rowan stopped and looked towards the distance, he could not help but exclaim in surprise, "what the hell is that?

"Oh, you noticed. They had been following us all the way from Jarkarr. Apparently, it is not every day the remnants of a Divine Kingdom move through the void. More join every now and then, they number fifteen at this moment."

"What are they?" Rowan whispered,

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"They are known by many names, one of the oldest is Destruction Banes. They are what comes after great battles that destroy planes. They are nothing but glorious scavengers in my opinion."

"Why are they not attacking and just seem content with following us?"

"There may be many reasons that I cannot understand yet about their actions, communicating with any of them is… difficult to say the least, as they have given no indication of attacking us, I’ve let them be as their presence seems to discourage any other unknown factors from affecting our movements, there are few powers that would interfere with a Destruction Bane. For now, let me commence with the merger of the Tomes. It would be done within the hour."

"Good, see to it. Let me check on the seeds of Jarkarr for a while."

"Rowan," Eva called him back, "you know they are yours, right? You are Erohim to them, and if these people worship you, then you should be their god. It is the only fair exchange in the universe."

"Do I need to?" Rowan appeared downcast as he spoke, for his intentions were to laugh and joke with them again, perhaps drink a bit, and forget himself in the moment. He thought perhaps he could do that again before it was too late… but it already was. He was their Erohim, and now they worshiped him.

Eva smiled sadly, "you may be fourteen now, but the weight on your shoulders is heavier than a god. Go on, you need practice, if you want to become a symbol for multitudes, such a position requires a fair bit of practice, even for someone like you."

Rowan’s smile was colored with melancholy, and then he left.

When Eva found him, he was barely glowing, he barely had five minutes left. She saw thousands of people leaving, their faces enraptured, it was not everyday you could talk to a god.

Sitting directly below him were the family he had stayed with a short while ago, Diane and her parents, Trevor and Olga.

She caught the last part of the conversation.

"... It’s an interesting concept, but I fear it’s not for you." Trevor was saying.

"Right…" Olga called out, "I told her such pursuit is commendable, but it’s not for her… at least not yet. My dear, I know you are trying to chase after the lord’s shadow, but you know, … he’s a god Diane, you have achieved so much, is it not enough?"

"you don’t believe in me, none of you do." Diane sprang up, a hint of tears on the corner of her eyes.

"Do not say that." Rowan finally spoke, "I know of no one that believes in your potential more than these two, and you know what? They were the ones who finally made me understand your position better, but you should step back a little and understand theirs. They are afraid… your wellbeing is everything to them."

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