The Primordial Record Chapter 482 Challenge

Chapter 482 Challenge

Urroghat followed the trails of his prey through two other planets, and now he had them within his sights, everyone in the bar turned towards him, and he saw no god here.

The look of realization and fear in the hearts of his target, made him grin. Sometimes the hunt itself was far more pleasurable than the results.

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Walking with quick steps to their side, he raised his hands, "The two of you know someone I need, come with me, or else the results…"

"I am sorry your Eminence, but that is against the rule of this tavern and this planet, you shall not commit any acts of coercion or violence while you are here. This planet is under the rules of the Gods of Trion and you are in their Controlled Space, their will on this matter is inviolable.’’The Tavern Keeper that had just served Circe and Archimedes appeared in front of Urroghat and stopped him from reaching the trio.

He frowned, he was aware that such conflicts might happen, as the gods of Trion were a troublesome lot, yet Urroghat was a god who would not be denied. He came from a very distant galaxy and even there the names of the Gods of Trion had reached him, but as a Major God, it would be quite difficult for them to stop him from leaving, talkless kill him.

Urroghat was a god who had no dominion and was, therefore a very dangerous element that none would choose to make an enemy of.

"I see no gods here that are worth speaking to me," Urroghat smiled, "And the gods of Trion do not need an enemy like me, I am not committing an act of violence against any folks here, I’m just taking back my property."

The Tavern Keeper frowned a bit at urroghat words but she smiled and replied, "Then you should wait outside the planet for your… properties to leave. Your presence is no longer welcomed in this world."

Urroghat gave a booming laugh that shook the Tavern, "Little Earth god, you are a brave one, but surely you can’t be this stupid, what is stopping me from turning this planet to dust and leaving before your arrogant gods leave their decrepit thrones to stop me. I am a Major God! Do you understand what that truly means? You shall know your place when you are before this seat! Your very existence is by my grace."

The Tavern Keeper smiled and her gentle disposition suddenly transformed into a visage of bloodlust that even Urroghat arched an eyebrow, he brought his hand forward and held her chin bringing her face up, she was barely six feet tall and Urroghat was presently standing at nine feet.

"You are an interesting specimen, it would seem another of my property that was once lost is about to be reclaimed. How very interesting. How did your gods manage to make Earth gods such as you? Don’t tell me you’re the one that is going to stop me?"

The Tavern Keeper pushed Urroghat’s hands away from her chin, "I am!"

Urroghat burst into laughter once more and he was joined by another voice. A man had suddenly appeared beside the Tavern Keeper and he was the one who was also laughing alongside the god.

Urroghat paused his laughter, about to speak to this newcomer, but the man ignored him as if he was nothing and turned to the Tavern Keeper, "My dear, as much as I would love to see you put this ignorant fool in his place, you are still a few years away from battling a Major God. Let your old man show you some things I have learned over the years."

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Urroghat surprisingly did not appear angry that a mere Earth god was insulting him in this manner, instead he looked behind the man and waved his hand.

A red and black mist poured from his hand and went behind the man that had just appeared where it gathered around something behind the man.

Urroghat frowned as he looked at what was behind the man and traced it up to the skies, past the planet and into the distant stars and his face gradually turned from mild curiosity to amazement, and then a bit of disquietness crept into his heart.

Behind this newcomer were many chains in their hundreds that were invisible until it was revealed by Urroghat, that each of these chains was linked to stars deep in space, and every motion of this man was moving the stars!

A god would be capable of this feat, but they would need to be burning a ridiculous amount of power, this man however was moving without any visible strain.

Yet he was just an Earth god, there was no Divinity inside him, how was this possible? What sort of aberration was this?

Urroghat frowned, when he entered the Empire-controlled space, he did not release his Intent to scan this area because it would be an open provocative to every God of Trion, because releasing his Intent would make him understand every single flow of fate inside this place, he would know all the power players and many secrets would be revealed to him.

Obviously, such a move would be frowned upon by any god in their dominion, yet Urroghat was beginning to see his courtesy as a mistake, for as a Major God himself, he knew of no methods to give a mere Earth God powers that should only be commanded by a Major God.

The Gods of Trion must have grave secrets and perhaps the culprit he was looking for must be among one of their number.

"Who are you?" Urroghat growled.

The newcomer cracked his neck and pushed the Tavern Keeper behind him,

"You don’t know me? That is surprising. I have been gone for a few tens of thousands of years, surely not long enough to be forgotten. Then it means you are a traveler from afar. What sort of ill wind blew you to our shores?"

"Answer my question, I shall not repeat myself, twice."

The newcomer laughed, and his white hair began to float behind him, "Oh, it’s been a long time since I have felt this way."

He pointed his finger at the nose of the god, "Take one of my blows, and I shall tell you my name!"

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