The Primordial Record Chapter 69 Strings (final)

Chapter 69 Strings (final)

Regolf twitched and began to walk towards the milky white placenta, he seemed to have smelled a very pleasant fragrance, and the hunger that had been driving him to madness increased tenfold.

He leaped onto the placenta, that was ten times his size, and began to devour it. His teeth were too fragile, so he ended up breaking them, and when they got stuck, the force from his bite pulled them from their roots.

He worked on the corner of the placenta for a while, it was very tough for his fragile human teeth to chew through, but even as he lost all his teeth, the yellow Abomination blood soon grew new ones for him.

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His persistence finally paid off, and he managed to chew through a small section of the placenta, and began to drink the fluids inside.

A panicked scream came from inside the placenta. "Mother!!! Why have you abandoned me? I was to be your champion."

"Hush child… Time has changed. I would soon be free of my torment. In the new world that comes, you are too frail to endure in it. I do this for your sake."

"You should have believed in me. Mother. I would have… Prevailed."

The voice from the placenta went increasingly weak until it faded.

Meanwhile, the body of the white hair boy had been growing crazily, from the shrunken figure of a boy, to a healthy man. His white hair had grown until it reached his knees, and his mouth was fixed on that opening as he drank.

Soon he began to shudder, and his body began to strain against something invisible. His body would grow to an extent before it was crushed down, as if by invisible hands.

Behind him, the water began to bubble and fog rose from the water, the fog began to pulsate, in the rhythm of breathing, and as it swirled around, it was possible to see a massive entity inside.

Unlike the sight that Rowan had seen, the gigantic head of the Abomination core had truly arisen, it turned towards the manor, her eyes holding incomparable mysteries.

"Hold for a while, my Champion. Soon we shall be free."

The spikes in the numerous eyes in her hair continued to quiver, and it was possible to see tiny strings like spider webs on the body of the spikes.


Rowan’s hands passed through the strings, they were intangible, but now that he could see them within his domain, it was possible to slightly feel them.

It felt like strands of cobwebs that lightly brushed your skin, and beneath that physical sensation was a gut churning sense of intense disgust. It was that familiar feeling he once felt when he had awoken in this world, and also when he touched the eye tattoo on his chest.

He had already felt it before, but his senses were far too weak to understand what he was feeling at that time. He knew there was no way they would have left him with a tool such as the Primordial Record, without leaving safeguards.

Rowan used his senses to trace the strings entering his body, and he saw that although it went through different parts of his body, which was his eyes, forehead and chest, they were all linked to the Primordial Record.

They seemed to be bounding certain pages, precisely the first six pages, he had his curiosity at first, about why he was only able to access the seventh page of the Primordial Record.

But since he had no idea about how the singularity works, it was a mystery he thought at first that he may never get to understand, but he should have been more discerning, to be fair though, he had no experience previously in Singularity management.

His mind began to work furiously, as he began reassessing what he knew about the Singularity and the possible effects of the locked pages.

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Knowing he had no advantages beyond his Omnipotent bloodline, and the ease by which he had acquired skills and Aspects, he began to make plans and set contingencies for issues he could not anticipate because of his limited understanding of this world.

D*mn it. He needed further information, how was he going to find an unbiased source?

Rowan had to rightfully assume that every source of information around him was compromised in subtle ways that might throw him off the truth.

He would have to use the tools that he had available to him, and make do with it.

Using his spatial sight, he began to zoom into the structure of the strings, which looked simple from afar, but viewing it at closer lengths, he saw that it may be one of the most intricate things he had ever seen.

From up close, each of the strings resembled massive spirals of glowing lines that intertwined in many complicated manners and patterns that even with his spirit, he was unable to trace where one line started and another ended.

They could almost be described as beautiful. These were a series of lines arranged in geometry beyond any mortal reason, an instinct told him that this was the handiwork of a divine being. Nothing else could reproduce something with such stunning complexities that it boggles the mind.

Mind you, with his present spirit, Rowan would be able to understand and outperform many computers in his previous life in relation to pattern recognition, analytical reasoning and so much more.

His Spirit could effortlessly deduce every single trajectories of incoming missiles, energy bolts, various natural forces like gravity, wind, and even light entering his domain, and give him accurate results inside a chaotic environment like a field of battle. Yet with such a potent tool in his arsenal, he could hardly understand the glowing lines on a single inch of that string!

There was also something extremely strange that happened the closer he viewed the strings, he began hearing screams, and not just any normal screams, but resonant howls that sounded extremely tragic, if he had ever wanted to know about what the sounds of hell would ever be, it was here!

The screams were disturbing in their sheer intensity, there was no way to fake the sheer sense of terror and pain emanating from it. Rowan felt a blossoming feeling of fear in his chest, the screams touched something deep inside him—His mortal side, that he thought he had lost.

I was never really free after all.

He had a thought, and he commanded one of the snakes to touch a string, the serpent shrank itself, until it was the size of a small snake that was four foot long, it pierced through his bicep and crawled to his chest where it began to nibble on the string.

Rowan heard and felt a part of the string beginning to give, and he commanded it to stop, although he wanted to free himself quickly, he needed to make certain preparations.

He would rather not be rash at this moment, the snakes had access to his consciousness, and it flew and began swallowing the invisible eyes inside the room.

There were three reasons why he stopped cutting the strings, it was because he found their makeup very familiar, and it would take a short time to confirm his suspicion.

He felt that if he cut this string already without verifying his suspicions, he may end up regretting it.

The second was that, there were too many eyes watching him at the moment, he needed to pluck them out. Both the invisible…

Someone began knocking at the door, "Young Noble, your presence is being urgently requested." The voice belongs to captain Titus.

... And the visible.

Rowan paused before he replied, "Give me a moment." Rowan turned towards his wardrobe, to prepare for his final performance because after now, he was done playing games.

The third reason was that, he had sworn to protect his people, he was saved from death by the goodwill of their fallen, he would take no action that may put them in danger, he would need to separate the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

He had only one chance to make it right.

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