The Primordial Record Chapter 849 Birth Of Power

Chapter 849 Birth Of Power

The entire Sea of Ambrosia shone brightly as the entire dimension shook as fifty million Archangels burst out from the depths of the sea, they all stood more than thirty feet tall, their armor was a merger between gold and white, and with four large wings, these giants emitted power to crush the universe.

They had two large golden eyes on their bodies, disregarding the two eyes already on their face, one in front of their chest and the second fitted between the two pairs of wings.

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Each one of them would sweep across any Major God in existence and could match and win against any High God. Below the level of God Kings, and Archangel could be considered invincible.

In a short few minutes, Rowan had multiplied his power base exponentially, and yet, this was not enough.

Rowan’s Consciousness kept the Archangels in place, and he reached forward and began his next step in Ascension. Every one of them did not need to be taught about their abilities or their potential, as they were all born with innate knowledge.

Of these fifty million Archangels, three thousand two hundred and fifty of them were Sovereigns. He had made sure that their Resonance bodies were complete when he began the awakening process because he was pushing for a higher Hierarchy of Angel in this battle.

To create a Sovereign, it required Seven eyes. At this level, an eye signified a single Archangel, and so seven Archangels would merge to create a Sovereign.

22,750 Archangels stepped forward from the Hosts of Archangels, and they went to their Resonance partner. To become a Sovereign was not just a merger as Rowan had discovered previously, it required sacrifice, for you see, although all the Archangels belonged to a single Sovereign, they were all still different, each of them a unique individual that could stand out from the rest.

They bore the same name, but their character was different, even though their roots were the same.

To create a Sovereign, six of the Archangels must choose to give up themselves to a single one. The chosen one would rise, and the rest would give up their flames for the chosen’s rise to Sovereign.

Rowan never bothered to know how they decided whom to choose among themselves, he left this mystery for the Angels alone, it felt fitting for them to make this decision all on their own, their decision was fast, and six Archangels surrounded the selected Archangel to be elevated to Sovereign.

It was in this manner that a group of 3,250 were created.

Rowan sighed, feeling a bit of melancholy, and then he gave the command. The six Archangels placed both palms on the body of the selected Archangel, and they began to pour their entire essence into the chosen.

The Celestial Suns above signifying their hearts began to shed their flames, channeling them towards the chosen Celestial Sun.

A solemn mood overtook his dimension, as the bodies of the six Archangels crumbled into light, and their Celestial hearts were devoured in entirety by the chosen Celestial sun.

The 3,250 Sovereigns that arose from this merger were more than two hundred feet tall, they were all heavily armored, and except for a few strips of white and purple embellishments, their armor was entirely golden.

Their Celestial Suns above were more than 200,000 miles (ca. 321,869 kilometers) in diameter and burning with a harsh golden glow that made the rest Celestial Suns look like tiny bonfires. His Primordial Sea of Darkness seemed to groan in pain, but it released a colder essence to neutralize the heat that could turn galaxies to ash.

They had seven pairs of wings that stretched for well over three hundred feet tip to tip, and each of them had a halo of power surrounding them that felt as if they controlled the space around them in its entirety. This sentiment would not be far off because a Sovereign was superior to a God King, and although Rowan had not seen a God Emperor before, he suspected that his Sovereigns might match them or at least be able to resist them.

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3,250 Sovereigns would shatter an entire universe like glass. A single Sovereign would treat the Gods of Trion like grass, and they could match Demon Kings, this should make them nearly equal to Demon Kings and a step below a Tower Master, Rowan would need to put them against these two terrible entities to confirm his theory.

Yet, with all this power, it was not enough, he could still push for more!

He wanted to create a Power, and in this gathering of Sovereigns, there were two potential Powers.

This next rank of Angel was an unknown factor, it was just a step away from a Cherubim, and Rowan suspected that this was the highest power he would be able to unleash inside a material universe, and that was a big if.

There was a possibility that the presence of a Power inside a universe would destabilize it totally, but for the prey he was hunting, a Power would ensure that he could level the entire board.

Let his father and the Reflections scheme for billions of years, he had the biggest stick.

To create a power, he would require eighty-one eyes. This was not eighty-one Archangels, but eighty-one Sovereigns!

With two potential Powers, it meant he had to sacrifice 160 Sovereigns to create them. This was a sacrifice he was willing to make, and from the air of expectation surrounding his Celestial Hosts, they could not wait for the arrival of a Power.

162 Sovereigns stepped forth, their fifteen-foot armored boots shaking the space around them. From within their midst, two Sovereigns came forward, and they both bowed towards the presence of Rowan.

They turned to the hundred and sixty Sovereigns behind them and spoke, "Your Sacrifice Is Accepted."

As one the Sovereigns stretched forth their hands and seized their suns, and as they brought the suns closer to their bodies, they were all sucked inside of it, leaving large golden orbs behind that resembled eyes.

The Two Sovereigns left became incredibly solemn as they drew a massive blade from their side, and without any hesitation, they stabbed their chest and withdrew the blade, they did not stop their action but continued standing their bodies, even their faces a total of eighty times.

Their wounds did not bleed, and with a gesture, they summoned the golden orbs into their wounds and grunted with pain as they slammed into them with bone-breaking force.

The golden orbs began to melt and fill up the bodies of the two Sovereigns, who shivered in pain and fell to their knees. Rowan watched in fascination, as the bodies of the Sovereigns began to expand.

The golden orb had all melted, turning into a river of divine metal that was incredibly unique in all of creation. This metal entered the bodies of the two ascending Sovereigns and began rebuilding them from the inside out.

Their bones which were strong enough to support the weight of multiple galaxies, were strengthened again and again until the difference between their new bones and their previous bones could be compared to the difference between a toothpick and a bar of adamantite.

Two extremely frightening Aura burst out from the bodies of the Sovereigns as the entire Dimension began to shake, and before the amazed gaze of Rowan, his entire Dimension was turned to a shade of red, as two Celestial Suns burning red with the Flames of Penalty and more than three million miles in diameter arose.


One of the Powers took a step, and his Dimension cracked in two.

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