The Primordial Tamer Chapter 124 Battle In Wind Section (3)

As the fierce battle between Ashira and Kael raged on, both Beast Masters displayed extraordinary skill and determination. Their once arrogant words turned into a fierce exchange of taunts, each Beast Master attempting to outdo the other.

Kael, his voice tinged with arrogance, shouted, "Your pathetic attempts to control the skies are laughable, Ashira! Gale will show you the true might of the Stormtalon Sect!" With a swift motion of his hand, Kael commanded Gale to unleash a devastating vortex of wind and lightning, which tore through the air towards Ashira and Zephyr.

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Unfazed by Kael’s words, Ashira retorted, "Your overconfidence will be your undoing! We of the Skywarden Sect are the true rulers of the skies!" With a graceful flick of her wrist, Ashira directed Zephyr to evade the incoming vortex, using the powerful gusts of wind to propel them even higher into the sky.

The two magnificent beasts, Gale and Zephyr, displayed their prowess in the skies, each showcasing their unique abilities in an awe-inspiring display of power and agility. Gale, the mighty Thunderbird, soared through the air, its wings crackling with electricity as it unleashed a series of powerful lightning strikes aimed at Ashira and Zephyr.

Zephyr, the graceful winged lion, nimbly navigated the storm of lightning, its powerful wings generating gusts of wind that deflected the deadly bolts. With each evasive maneuver, Zephyr’s agility and finesse became even more apparent, as it seemed to dance through the electrified skies.

As the battle continued, Kael’s arrogance grew. "You cannot hope to match the power of the Stormtalon Sect!" he roared, his voice full of pride. "Your defeat is inevitable!" With a determined expression, Kael directed Gale to create a massive storm, the winds howling and lightning crackling with unparalleled intensity.

Ashira, her voice dripping with disdain, countered Kael’s taunt. "Your arrogance has blinded you, Kael! You’ve underestimated us for the last time!" With a precise and deliberate motion, Ashira commanded Zephyr to dive into the heart of the storm, its powerful wings cutting through the raging winds with ease.

As Zephyr penetrated the storm’s core, Ashira instructed her winged lion to unleash a concentrated blast of wind, its force rivaling that of the most powerful tornadoes. The blast collided with the center of Kael’s storm, disrupting its energy and causing it to dissipate rapidly. Gale, caught off-guard by the sudden change, struggled to maintain its balance in the turbulent air.

Seizing the opportunity, Ashira directed Zephyr to launch a barrage of razor-sharp feathers towards Kael and Gale, the projectiles slicing through the air with deadly precision. Kael, his arrogance faltering, attempted to evade the incoming assault but was unable to avoid every feather. Gale’s wings sustained several deep gashes, causing the mighty Thunderbird to lose altitude rapidly.

In a desperate attempt to regain control, Kael summoned a powerful updraft, stabilizing Gale just before they collided with the ground. However, their momentary weakness had provided Ashira and Zephyr with the opening they needed.

"Your arrogance has led to your downfall, Kael!" Ashira shouted, her voice triumphant. "Now, witness the true power of the Skywarden Sect!" With a decisive command, she instructed Zephyr to ascend high above the wind arena, the winged lion’s powerful wings generating a massive whirlwind that engulfed the entire battlefield.

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Kael, his eyes wide with shock, struggled to maintain control over Gale as the whirlwind threatened to tear them apart. "This... this cannot be!" he gasped, his once-arrogant voice now filled with disbelief and panic. His desperate attempts to counter the whirlwind were futile, as Gale’s injured wings could no longer withstand the ferocious winds.

Ashira’s voice echoed through the howling winds, her words resolute and unyielding. "Your arrogance has cost you dearly, Kael. You underestimated our strength and resolve, and now you face the consequences!"

As the whirlwind intensified, Kael and Gale were swept up in its powerful grip, spinning uncontrollably in the swirling maelstrom. Zephyr, under Ashira’s expert guidance, remained in control, circling the perimeter of the whirlwind while keeping a watchful eye on their opponents.

Realizing that he had no choice but to concede, Kael’s voice emerged from the whirlwind, strained and defeated. "I yield, Ashira! I yield! Your skill and the power of the Skywarden Sect have bested me!"

With those words, the whirlwind began to subside, as Ashira commanded Zephyr to cease its attack. As the winds died down, Kael and Gale emerged battered and bruised, their once-proud spirits humbled by their defeat.

Ashira, her expression serene, gazed upon her defeated opponent with a mixture of pity and respect. "Let this be a lesson, Kael," she said, her voice firm but compassionate. "Arrogance will only lead to your downfall. True power comes from humility and the understanding of one’s own strengths and weaknesses."

As Kael and Gale limped away from the battlefield, Ashira and Zephyr stood tall, their victory a testament to their skill, determination, and the power of the Skywarden Sect.

The audience, left breathless by the extraordinary battle between Ashira and Kael, couldn’t help but share their amazement and admiration for the powerful display of skill and determination they had just witnessed. As the dust settled and the echoes of the fierce battle subsided, excited whispers and awed murmurs filled the arena.

"I’ve never seen anything like it!" one spectator exclaimed, their eyes wide with wonder. "The way Ashira and Zephyr navigated through Kael’s electrified wind maze was absolutely incredible! It was like watching a beautifully choreographed dance in the midst of a deadly storm."

Another member of the audience nodded in agreement, their voice filled with excitement. "And did you see how Kael and Gale managed to create that powerful storm of lightning and wind? It was like they were wielding the very power of nature itself! If it hadn’t been for Ashira’s quick thinking and Zephyr’s agility, they might have won."

The thrilling battle had captured the hearts and imaginations of everyone in the audience, leaving them with a profound sense of awe and respect for the Beast Masters and their magnificent companions. Even those who had initially supported Kael couldn’t help but acknowledge the incredible skill and perseverance demonstrated by Ashira and Zephyr.

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