The Primordial Tamer Chapter 155 Winning The First Match

As the frozen arena settled, the audience watched in amazement as Vortex remained completely frozen in place. His once menacing appearance was now reduced to a motionless statue, encased in ice that sparkled in the light.

Xander, who had been filled with confidence and arrogance just moments before, was now seething with frustration. He had underestimated Nova’s power and it had cost him dearly. He watched as his once powerful beast, Vortex, was now nothing more than a frozen sculpture in the middle of the arena.

Xander had never seen anything like this before. He had trained Vortex to be his most powerful beast, but now he was no match for Nova’s incredible Ice Age attack. Xander had no choice but to admit defeat, but his pride wouldn’t let him accept it so easily.

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As Vortex remained frozen solid by Nova’s Ice Age, Xander grew increasingly frustrated. He couldn’t believe that his strongest beast had been taken down so easily by his opponent’s attack. The audience was stunned into silence, unsure of what to make of the sudden turn of events.

Xander knew that he had to act quickly if he wanted to turn the tide of the battle. He commanded Vortex to break free from the ice, using all of its strength to shatter the frozen prison that held it captive.

"Vortex, use your Dark Blaze attack to break free!" Xander shouted, his voice echoing through the frozen arena.

Vortex responded with a mighty roar, and its body began to glow with a dark energy. It unleashed a powerful blast of black fire towards the ice that surrounded it, causing it to crack and splinter.

The ice shattered under the force of Vortex’s attack, sending shards flying in all directions. The dragon emerged from its icy prison, its eyes glowing with a fierce determination.

Xander grinned in satisfaction. He knew that Vortex was back in the game, and he was eager to see what kind of damage it could do now that it was free from Nova’s ice.

"Good job, Vortex," Xander said, patting the dragon on its massive snout. "Now, let’s show Orion what you’re really made of."

As Vortex shattered through the ice and stood free from its frozen prison, Xander’s confidence was restored. He knew that Vortex was powerful enough to take on any beast that Orion had to offer. With a smirk on his face, he turned to his opponent and taunted him.

"Did you see that, Orion?" Xander sneered. "Vortex has broken free from your little ice prison. You should know better than to underestimate my beasts."

Orion remained calm, his eyes locked onto Vortex. He knew that the battle was far from over, and he was prepared for whatever Xander had in store.

Vortex let out a deafening roar, the sound reverberating through the arena. Its body began to shimmer, and Xander knew that it was preparing to unleash its full power.

"Vortex, use your Dark Inferno attack!" Xander commanded, a hint of excitement in his voice.

As Vortex unleashed its Dark Inferno attack, the air around it grew hotter and the ground beneath its feet trembled. Xander watched with excitement, confident in the power of his dragon. But Orion remained unfazed, keeping his eyes locked on his opponent. He knew that he had to act quickly if he wanted to win this battle.

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Without hesitation, Orion shouted out a command to Nova. "Nova, finish it with Frozen Glacial Claws!" he ordered, his voice ringing out across the arena.

A powerful aura emanated from Nova as it charged towards Vortex, its claws shimmering with an icy blue light. The ground beneath it began to freeze as it moved, leaving a trail of frost in its wake.

As Nova charged towards Vortex with its Frozen Glacial Claws, Xander was filled with a sense of dread. He had underestimated Orion and his beast, and now he was paying the price.

Vortex attempted to dodge the attack, but it was too slow. Nova’s claws made contact with Vortex’s body, causing a shockwave to ripple through the arena. The audience gasped in shock as the two beasts clashed, their powers colliding in a display of raw strength.

The impact was so powerful that it sent Vortex hurtling back, crashing into the wall of the arena. The dragon let out a pained roar as it struggled to regain its footing. But it was too late, the damage had been done.

Xander could hardly believe what had just happened. His strongest beast had been defeated by Orion’s Nova. He gritted his teeth in frustration, refusing to accept defeat.

"Get up, Vortex! You’re not done yet!" Xander shouted, desperation creeping into his voice.

But it was no use. Vortex was badly injured and could barely stand. The audience watched in silence as the dragon attempted to get back on its feet, only to collapse once again.

Orion remained calm, watching as Xander tried to rally his beast. He knew that the battle was over and that he had emerged victorious. He had defeated Xander and his powerful dragon, Vortex.

With a deep sense of satisfaction, Orion turned to the audience and raised his arms in triumph. The crowd erupted into cheers, applauding the victor of the battle.

Xander could hardly bear to watch as Vortex struggled to get back on its feet. The defeat was hard to swallow, and he felt a surge of anger and frustration boiling within him. He couldn’t accept that his prized dragon had been defeated by Orion’s beast.

But as he watched Nova and Orion bask in their victory, he knew that he had to do something. He couldn’t let this defeat stand. He clenched his fists tightly, determination burning in his eyes.

"This isn’t over, Orion," Xander growled, his voice filled with anger. "You may have won this battle, but the war is far from over."

Orion turned to face Xander, his expression calm and collected. "I’m ready for whatever you have in store," he replied.

Xander sneered, his eyes narrowed in contempt. "You may have won today, but mark my words, I will defeat you. And when I do, you’ll know the true power of my beasts."

Orion simply smiled, unfazed by Xander’s threats. He knew that he had faced tough opponents in the past and had emerged victorious. He was confident in his skills and abilities and was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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