The Primordial Tamer Chapter 166 Abyss Snake

Blake was taken aback when he saw the beast that Orion was summoning. He had never seen anything like it before. Its massive antlers towered above its head, and its muscular body was covered in a shimmering fur coat that seemed to glow with the power of nature. Its eyes shone with intelligence and strength, and its hooves left a trail of greenery in their wake.

"I never thought that you still had this kind of beast," Blake said, his voice filled with a hint of surprise. He had expected Orion to summon the same beast that he had seen in the previous battle, but this creature was unlike anything he had ever encountered before.

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Orion simply smiled in response, his eyes locked on the Abyss Serpent as it coiled and uncoiled before him. "Nebula is a Primordial Eikthyrnir," he said, his voice steady and sure. "And he is more than a match for your Abyss Serpent."

Blake frowned, his eyes narrowing as he watched Nebula step forward, his antlers gleaming in the sunlight. He knew that he had to be careful, that the power of the Primordial Eikthyrnir was not to be underestimated.

The two beasts faced off, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze as they prepared to do battle. The tension in the air was palpable, and the audience held their breath in anticipation of what was to come.

The Abyss Serpent slithered forward with a sinuous grace, its eyes locked onto its opponent, the Primordial Eikthyrnir named Nebula. Blake’s voice echoed through the arena as he ordered his beast to use its signature move, the Venomous Bite.

As the Abyss Serpent lunged forward, its fangs glistening with a dark venom, Orion was ready. He had trained Nebula well, and the Primordial Eikthyrnir was no stranger to the dangers of the battlefield. With a quick sidestep, it evaded the Abyss Serpent’s attack, causing the venomous fangs to sink harmlessly into the ground.

The audience watched with bated breath as the two beasts circled each other, each waiting for the other to make a move. The tension in the arena was palpable, and the air was thick with the scent of danger and excitement.

Suddenly, the Abyss Serpent launched itself forward again, this time with a flurry of quick strikes aimed at Nebula’s vulnerable spots. But the Primordial Eikthyrnir was too quick, its hooves flashing as it dodged and weaved through the Abyss Serpent’s attacks.

Blake gritted his teeth in frustration, realizing that his beast was no match for the Primordial Eikthyrnir’s speed and agility. He knew he had to change tactics if he wanted to win this battle.

"Abyss Serpent, use your Darkness Strike!" he called out to his beast.

With a fierce hiss, the Abyss Serpent began to gather the darkness around it, its body coiling and uncoiling with a frenzied energy. The air around it grew thick and heavy, and the darkness began to seep into the very bones of the arena.

Nebula was taken aback by the sudden surge of darkness, its eyes widening as it tried to make sense of the chaotic energy swirling around it. But the Primordial Eikthyrnir was not one to back down from a challenge. With a fierce snort, it summoned its own powers of nature and began to channel them through its antlers.

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The two beasts clashed once again, this time with a ferocity that left the audience in awe. The darkness and poison of the Abyss Serpent’s attacks were matched by the Primordial Eikthyrnir’s elemental powers, and the battle raged on with no clear victor in sight.

The battle between Abyss Serpent and Nebula was intense. Abyss Serpent was quick and agile, using its poison and darkness attributes to strike at Nebula from every angle. Its Venomous Bite skill was particularly effective, weakening Nebula and making it vulnerable to further attacks.

Nebula fought back fiercely, using its Primordial Nature Mastery to create powerful storms and earthquakes that shook the arena. Its antlers and hooves glowed with a natural energy as it unleashed devastating physical attacks upon Abyss Serpent. But despite its formidable abilities, Nebula was slowly being worn down by Abyss Serpent’s relentless onslaught.

After a flurry of attacks, Nebula was finally starting to show signs of damage. Its fur coat was singed and torn, and its movements had become slow and sluggish. Abyss Serpent, sensing victory, pressed its advantage, darting in and out with lightning-fast strikes that left Nebula reeling.

Despite its injuries, Nebula refused to give up. With a fierce roar, it summoned forth a powerful blast of natural energy that sent Abyss Serpent flying backward. The force of the attack left a large crater in the ground, and the audience gasped in amazement at the display of power.

But Abyss Serpent was not defeated yet. With a snarl, it rose to its feet and charged forward once more, its venomous fangs bared and ready to strike. Nebula met it head-on, its own antlers and hooves glowing with a bright green light as it prepared to unleash another powerful attack.

The two beasts clashed once more, their attacks colliding with a force that shook the arena to its very foundations. The sound of their roars echoed throughout the coliseum, and the air around them crackled with energy.

Do you see that?" Blake said, his voice filled with a sense of satisfaction. "How powerful is the Abbys Serpent? It is a true champion among beasts, a creature of darkness and poison that strikes fear into the hearts of all who oppose it."

As Blake marveled at the power of his Abyss Serpent, he couldn’t help but notice that Orion was not intimidated at all. In fact, he was smiling, a look of determination on his face.

Blake furrowed his brow in confusion. Was Orion simply putting on a brave face, or did he have something up his sleeve?

Orion met Blake’s gaze head-on, his eyes bright with a fierce intensity. "You may have the power of darkness and poison on your side, Blake," he said, his voice steady and sure. "But Nebula is a creature of nature, and he is more than capable of taking on your Abyss Serpent."

Blake scoffed, his eyes narrowing. "Don’t be so sure of yourself, Orion," he said. "You may have a powerful beast, but it is no match for the Abyss Serpent’s dark and poisonous abilities."

Orion simply smiled in response, his confidence unwavering. He knew that the Primordial Eikthyrnir was a formidable opponent, and he had trained it well for battles such as these.

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