The Primordial Tamer Chapter 27 Bandit Defeated

The next morning, Orion and Maya set out on their mission. They travelled through the forest, keeping a careful eye out for any sign of the bandits. As they neared the trade route, they slowed down and began to move stealthily, using their Spirit Beasts’ abilities to blend in with the trees and the underbrush.

They spotted the bandits ahead, moving along the trade route with a small caravan of stolen goods. Orion and Maya signalled each other silently and then moved into position, ready to launch their attack.

The bandits were caught off guard by the sudden attack, and they scrambled to defend themselves. But Orion and Maya were too skilled, too well-prepared. They moved with precision and speed, taking down the bandits one by one.

Orion commanded Nova to launch a flurry of lunar energy blasts while Maya called upon her Thunder Elemental Tiger to unleash bolts of lightning. The bandits’ Spirit Beasts were powerful, but Orion and Maya’s teamwork was even stronger.

As the battle raged on, Orion noticed that one of the bandits had snuck away and was attempting to escape. He signalled to Maya, and the two of them gave chase. Orion rode Nova, while Maya rode her Thunder Elemental Tiger.

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The bandit was fast, but Orion and Maya were faster. They caught up to him and dismounted, preparing to take him down. But as they closed in, the bandit turned to face them, a desperate look in his eyes.

Orion and Maya tensed, ready for another attack. But instead of fighting, the bandit spoke.

"Please, don’t hurt me," he said, his voice shaking with fear. "I’ll tell you everything you want to know. Just spare my life."

Orion and Maya exchanged a quick glance. They knew that they needed information on the rest of the bandit group and their operations. They cautiously lowered their weapons and motioned for the bandit to speak.

"The leader of our group is an Advanced Beast Tamer," the bandit said, his eyes darting nervously between Orion and Maya. "He has a powerful Spirit Beast, and he’s been using it to terrorize nearby villages and steal valuable goods. We’ve been working for him for months, but we didn’t know what we were getting into."

Orion and Maya listened carefully, taking mental notes on everything the bandit said.

"Where is the leader now?" Orion asked.

"He’s at our hideout, in the mountains," the bandit replied. "But be careful. He’s a skilled fighter, and he won’t go down without a fight."

Orion and Maya nodded, knowing that they had to stop the leader before he caused any more harm. They bound the bandit’s hands and left him tied up by the side of the road, then set off towards the mountains.

As they made their way to the hideout, Orion and Maya discussed their next steps.

"Do you think there will be more bandits waiting for us?" Maya asked, her eyes scanning the trees for any signs of danger.

"It’s hard to say," Orion replied. "But we need to be prepared for anything. We don’t know how many bandits are in there, or what kind of Spirit Beasts they have."

Maya nodded, her expression serious. "We can’t let our guard down. These bandits are dangerous, and we don’t know what they’re capable of."

As they approached the hideout, they could hear voices coming from inside. Orion motioned for Maya to stay back, and he crept forward, using Nova’s lunar energy to mask his presence.

Peeking through a crack in the door, Orion saw several bandits gathered around a table, discussing their next move. One of the bandits was a tall, muscular man with a fierce-looking Spirit Beast by his side.

Orion signalled for Maya to join him, and together they came up with a plan. Orion would distract the bandits while Maya snuck around to the back of the hideout and took out any bandits guarding the exit.

Orion burst into the hideout, Nova and Stella at his side. "You bandits are under arrest!" he shouted, hoping to draw their attention away from Maya.

The bandits spun around, surprised by the sudden intrusion. The tall, muscular bandit stepped forward, his Spirit Beast snarling at Orion.

"You’re making a big mistake, kid," the bandit growled. "We’re not going down without a fight."

Orion smirked, ready for the challenge. "I’d like to see you try."

Orion took out his phone and searched for the information about the beast that the bandit’s leader tamed. He searched for it and found it. He also shared the information to Maya.


Species Name: Mountain Elephant

Attributes: Earth, Strength

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Realm: Spirit Beast


Tremor Stomp - An active skill that allows the Mountain Elephant to stomp the ground with immense force, causing a seismic shockwave that damages and disorients enemies.

Earthquake Charge - An active skill that allows the Mountain Elephant to charge forward with incredible speed, causing the ground to shake and enemies to be knocked back.

Rock Hurl - An active skill that enables the Mountain Elephant to hurl large boulders at enemies, dealing massive damage.

Tusks of Fury - An active skill that allows the Mountain Elephant to unleash a flurry of tusk attacks, piercing through armor and defenses.


Mountain Stamina - A passive ability that enhances the Mountain Elephant’s endurance, allowing it to sustain heavy physical activity for long periods without tiring.

Earth Mastery - A passive ability that grants the Mountain Elephant control over earth elements, enabling it to manipulate rocks and boulders for offense and defense.


The Mountain Elephant is a Spirit Beast with an affinity for earth elements and immense physical strength. Its skills are focused on causing seismic disruptions and using its massive size and tusks to deal devastating damage. With its Mountain Stamina and Earth Mastery abilities, it is a formidable opponent that can endure and control the battlefield.


Orion and Maya looked at the information about the beast and found out that the beasts were also strong and the battle would be a little hard for them but they believed in their beast.

Maya took out his Thunder Elemental Tiger, and Orion took out his beasts as well. Orion’s beasts were Nova, the Primordial Lunar Wolf, and Stella the Primordial Solar eagle. With this, they began to attack the bandit leader.

As the battle began, the bandit leader and his Mountain Elephant charged towards Orion and his beasts. Stella let out a deafening screech, causing the bandit’s elephant to stumble back in pain. Meanwhile, Nova leapt forward and landed a devastating blow on the bandit leader’s beast, causing it to bellow in a fury.

"Ha! Your puny beasts stand no chance against my Mountain Elephant!" the bandit leader sneered.

Orion and Maya exchanged a determined look, and with a fierce cry, they charged towards the bandit leader and his Spirit Beast. The battle was intense, with each side using its skills and abilities to gain the upper hand. Maya’s Thunder Elemental Tiger unleashed a powerful bolt of lightning, while Orion’s Primordial Lunar Wolf caused the ground to shake with a lunar shockwave. Stella swooped down from above, raining down solar energy on the bandits below.

The bandit leader and his Mountain Elephant fought fiercely, using their strength and earth-based abilities to deal heavy damage to Orion and Maya’s beasts. But the two Spirit Masters refused to give up, determined to take down the bandit leader and bring justice to the land.

"You call that an attack?" the bandit leader taunted, his eyes gleaming with arrogance. "My Mountain Elephant could crush your pathetic beasts with one stomp!"

Orion and Maya exchanged a knowing glance, their eyes full of determination. They knew that the battle was far from over, but they also knew that they had the strength and skill to emerge victorious.

As the fight raged on, the bandit leader and his Mountain Elephant began to show signs of weariness. Their attacks were becoming slower and less effective while Maya and Orion’s beasts continued to fight with unwavering determination.

"You may have underestimated us, but now you will pay for your crimes," Maya declared, his Thunder Elemental Tiger launching a series of lightning-fast attacks on the Mountain Elephant.

Orion’s Primordial Lunar Wolf, Nova, joined the assault, leaping at the bandit leader’s beast with powerful attacks that left deep wounds on its thick hide. Stella, the Primordial Solar Eagle, continued to rain down fiery solar energy on the remaining bandits, causing chaos and confusion among their ranks.

The bandit leader, now on the defensive, began to sweat profusely as his Mountain Elephant faltered under the relentless onslaught. "This can’t be happening," he muttered, his voice filled with fear and disbelief.

Orion and Maya knew they had to finish the battle quickly before any more innocent people were harmed by the bandits. With one final coordinated attack, the bandit leader and his Mountain Elephant fell to the ground, defeated.

"You should have known better than to mess with us," Orion taunted, a triumphant smile on his face.

Maya added, "And now you’ll pay for your crimes against the people of this land."

With the bandits defeated and their leader apprehended, Orion and Maya emerged victorious. Their Spirit Beasts stood strong by their side, their powers and abilities on full display for all to see.

As they made their way back to the village, the people cheered and thanked them for their bravery and heroism. Orion and Maya knew that their fight for justice was far from over, but they also knew that with their powerful Spirit Beasts by their side, they could overcome any challenge that lay ahead.

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